Do you feel the need to be unarmed and defensless while camping?

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World Citizen
What a typically American thing to discuss....

My 2 cents based on personal expiriance? The need to be armed all the time is a sign of insecurity. There is no real need. In fact, the presence of a firearm in any given situation will tend to escalate things and make matters worse.

I am sure the gung-ho John Wayne's will point out that they will defend ( kill if needed) to protect x ( property, lives, etc....fill in your own blanks) with their last breath....yada, yada, yada. What is forgotten in this view is that such things always have consequences after the act....and I don't mean only legal consequences. The moral weight of shooting and possibly killing another person is often overlooked or ignored.

Acting calmly and collected will see you through most situations.

Off my soapbox now


World Citizen
Problem is....I am an American. Also, before moving over here, I was a active hunter and action handgun shooter. I am also very pro gun ownership.

I just don't think they are the answer to every ( or even most) confrontations. Years of traveling ( without a firearm) the world over has shown me that you need not fear the world. People, wild animals all can be dealt with without bullets
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World Citizen
I have no problem admitting to my insecurity. If I had to fight to the death with someone in the woods I would prefer to be armed. If I am being charged by a bear, I'm insecure as can be!

Yes, but such situations are exceedingly rare....and can be dealt with in other ways.


Problem is....I am an American. Also, before moving over here, I was a active hunter and action handgun shooter. I am also very pro gun ownership.

I just don't think they are the answer to every ( or even most) confrontations. Years of traveling ( without a firearm) the world over has shown me that you need not fear the world. People, wild animals all can be dealt with without bullets


BTW.. I carry everyday to protect me and mine.. The psychological issues that arise with taking another's life are huge, but nothing compared to losing a myself or a loved one when it could have been prevented.

And yes I do agree that bringing a firearm into a situation will escalate things, but if you are not the one that brought the firearm into the equation, typically the best way to de-escalate is to bring your own firearm to bear. In the military, it is taught that the best way to counter an ambush firefight is through superior firepower. The same is true is your average thug as well.


I just don't think they are the answer to every ( or even most) confrontations. Years of traveling ( without a firearm) the world over has shown me that you need not fear the world. People, wild animals all can be dealt with without bullets

I don't think guns are the answer to most confrontations; the ideal world would be one where differences and confrontations are settled peacefully....but I think we can all agree that isn't realistic, especially given human nature. I can tell you from personal experience, that there are many parts outside of the US, where the person with the gun is the one who dictates how the confrontation will be resolved....and the person without the gun is the one getting the raw end of that stick.

I've found that there are many areas in the world where you can travel with a reasonable amount of safety and confidence so long as you use common sense. But there are some areas in the world where I wouldn't go unless I had a full-strength infantry battalion with air support on call at my back. The context of the situation matters...

As for all that junk you were saying about people who carry firearms having insecurities...the stereotyping aside, I think you owe it to yourself to talk to people with views different from your own. Most of the gun-owners I know don't care about the political infighting associated with gun-ownership; they don't care about proving their manliness; they want nothing to do with a fight...they simply want to live their lives without being bothered. Owning and carrying a firearm in the US is a right, not a hobby, not a past-time or a symbol. I think that aspect of US gun-ownership evades most people from other countries, as most other countries never have and never intend to give that right to their citizens...hence why places like Australia and UK, while democracies, have been able to severely restrict gun ownership to the point where most of the population was disarmed.
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Yes, very well said. Also in my opinion it would be hard to move to another country and give away the right to carry or own a firearm, especially at one point in your life you had that right and were/are still pro gun. I guess you just have to deal with rules and regulations of where you choose to live. Still, a tough choice.
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