ICELAND, land of contrasts

Hi everybody

This is a little movie about our last summer tour to Icleand.
The group comprised 6 cars and a bunch of people coming from France, Switzerland and Belgium. We took the ferry from northern Denmark to Iceland (2 days out, 2 days back). We were lucky enough to enjoy a great weather during the month of August. Almost sunny everyday... quite unusual for Iceland. In the other hand, the huge amount of sow that felt last winter was still present in the highest parts of the island. Some of the tracks that I planned to take were closed and not drivable with non arctic trucks. But this country has so many amazing natural wonders to offer that the situation led us to discover other beautiful areas. All in all, one of the best trip to Iceland I've ever made.
Our next edition takes place from the 2nd to 20th of august 2016.
Hope you enjoy the video.
Nico / Geko Expeditions
Full HD with the direct link to VIMEO:
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Several friends have been there. All of them Geologists. They said it was very scenic and being rockheads, they had stomp around on the hills and examine every rock in the area.


Thank you for posting! I was just figuring out a few weeks ago what it might take to rent a Hilux and do a trip around the island. I didn't get my fill the first time.


New member
My wife and I are planning a trip to Iceland this November. Im really looking forward to it. I hope I can make a local friend before I get there to help show us around!
Iceland definitively worth a visit… There is already a lot to see / do by doing the normal N1 ring road and little roads that connect to it. You can do it with a normal car or a small suv. Of course you can discover a little bit more of the inland with a rental suv or a regular 4x4, but not that much. Most of highland and central Iceland remain unreachable / unsafe / forbidden to drive wit a rental car (except with some specially prepared off-road vehicles). Even with a well prepared 4x4 ( tires, snorkel, lift…), it is highly recommended to travel inland in convoy for security reasons, even during the summer. Venturing inland from November to May is another story… but the ring road remain easily accessible during that time.
Thank you for watching our video and posting your feed-back. cheers. Nico

I see now that my first link to the video do not show in FullHD.
Here is the direct link:
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New member
Nice video :) was funn to watch, im supriced how good weather you got in august ! most of the time i starts to rain in the begining of august and will rain until october and then starts to snow.


New member
I don't suppose you're willing to share a map of your route? We're planning to take our van over this summer and we're just in the process of route planning.


New member
Such an amazing video !
May I know what camera was used to shoot it ? and what's the name of the ferry that took you from Denmark to Iceland ?


New member
I checked the website for the Smyril line ferry , and it says that the maximum height of the cars to be transported is 1.9 meters , my car has a James baroud rooftop tent and big tired installed to its quite high definitely more than 2 meters , so I was wondering how you guys managed to get the cars with rooftop tents on the ferry without trouble .

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