Brake shields

Burb One

The vehicle I have is a 2004 Suburban 1500 4x4, but this question can relate to many different vehicles.

When I put on a new larger rear axle, the shippers bent the brake shields so that they dragged against the disk. As such they are bent back, but always bothered me so I took them off.

I am trying to figure out if there are any advantages/disadvantages to replacing them, especially in our off road budd/rock infested application....

As far as I can tell the advantages are keeping mud/ rocks from getting on the disk or stuck in the caliper, and probably marginally scoop some cooling air into the brake area.

By the same token, the shields can trap mud and rocks and block airflow from passing through the brake area (The scoop is so small i dont know if it actually adds any extra air), and thus may provide a disadvantage

At a loss for which is better or worse.....


Well I really Can't tell. I once caught a fish with one of those things.

I was changing my front pads, when I took off the flimsy shield to remove the caliper, I saw the damn fish, cooked to perfection. Must've been there a good month.

My driving involves a bunch of water crossings to get to the rivers I fish, tiny fish cooked in the radiator are common, when water crossings are deep they sometimes get caught out in the hood. I'd never seen a fish in my brakes lol.

If they're really bothering you, take them off. If not, leave them on. The way I see it, if manufacturers and engineers put it there I'm sure it was for good reason. I still haven't found an appendix in a vehicle's mechanics

Burb One

That settles it, I like my fish seared, so I am going to keep them off! Will just have to check the brakes after every water crossing.
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I had a vehicle running BFG A/T's that would get rocks in the brakes and rub on the shield for a longtime before coming out, the shield rusted off so I was thinking good. The result was bigger rocks that had to be ground up by the caliper making a real bad noises, bought new ones at the dealer they were surprisingly cheap.


I'm all for Brooke Shields...

EDIT: Oh, brake shields! My bad!

Burb One

Those WRC pictures are interesting....

Now... having them off this past week in snow a mud/rain/snow infested trip, I didn't notice any appreciable reduction in response time of the brakes when cold and wet. Also, now looking at the front brakes with the stock shields, they only cover about 1/4 of the rotor, and look to be for air intake, at least from the curved design. With the amount of rotor exposed in the stock form in the front, I don't think I'll be missing it in the rear. I do think that I have a greater chance of a rock getting stuck in the shields than something getting into the caliper from that direction.


If you leave them off what will your parking brake mount to?

Kidding aside, every vehicle I own has the outer dust shield portion trimmed off. In this climate all they do is trap moisture and lead to rotor delamination issues.

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