Photo hosting sites


I'm wondering what people here recommend for a photo hosting site for an amateur. I've got a lot of stuff at Flickr, but I'd like a site where I could use my own domain, and where I could put up more info than just photos (and besides, who knows what's gonna happen with Yahoo maybe dumping Flickr(. I get a lot of questions like "wheredya take that? can I camp there? what's the weather" etc etc, and a bit of a travel blog capability would be pretty nice, with links and maps and gpx files such. IIRC may Foursquare or Zenfolio does that, or doesn't.

I thought about just a regular hosting site, but somewhat to my suprise many of them have really low storage limits for the money compared to the photo sites. I've already got over the limit with just what I've got up on Flickr.

So any suggestions and examples would be appreciated.
Just throwing it out there but you could create a wordpress blog to share your information and use Picasa to store your photos? My wife and I are working on doing that ourselves till we decide to get an outright website going.


I used pbase back in the day; maybe I'll check again.

And I do use Picasa, but I wonder about its future as much as I do Flickr's, since it seems to be the poor stepchild of Google Photos, which was the stepchild of Google+. Thanks though.


I use Photoshelter. Like some of the other suggestions its not free, but there are plenty of template/custom options which may fit with what you are looking for.


Like to Camp
Another recommendation for Smugmug!

I have my own own domain there. Smugmug offers lots of sharp looking and easy to use templates to select. You can make albums private or not, lock photos from download, supports tags, geotagging, and they have their own app (for iPhone/iPad, etc.). Sure it's a yearly cost, but no ads and a great place to show case my best photos for family and friends. Before this, I had a "dot.Mac" site, which was also well designed, but Apple unfortunately closed that service which was similar in cost. But now as I said I have my own domain as well. :)

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