CB antenna mounting


This is mainly to help me diagnose what's going on with my set up. At first my antenna was mounted on the left front corner of my bed and I was having issues, all I got was static and a faint notice of someone talking but it was too distorted and sounded like aliens ( best way to describe it :D lol). I went to a shop to have things checked out and the first thing we tested was the antenna. The numbers was way low so the guy went and got a whip to use as a comparison on the equipment and it was night and day on his tester, crappy part is we also found out my antenna is not tune-able so he suggested that it is either the location or the antenna its self that is the problem.

So I got home and unbolted everything, moved it to the right rear corner of the bed and just for testing purposes I used the biggest C clamp I have to make sure it had full contact to the bed ( didn't want it flying off while driving) and drove to a truck stop near me with the CB on. During transit I hit spots where the static stopped but nothing was coming through the speaker but with static I heard the ''alien'' voices an every not and then I could make out a couple words. Once at the truck stop I sat there and listen and all I got was static and the occasional voices through the static but that is it, with all the trucks driving by I could hear nothing but static or quietness.

I did try talking on channel 19 to get someone to answer me but nothing all I got was static before I hit the button and quiet when I hit the button and released it, sometimes went back to static after I released the button. I am starting to believe my antenna is a dud but I figure I would get a few more opinions before jumping to conclusion's.

BTW: The radio was tested and its working as it should and I did run through all 40 channels while at the truck stop and the most ''activity'' I got was on channels 1, 9, and 19.


What type of antenna do you have? I have very good luck with Firestik brand antennas. Maybe get a cheaper one for a baseline test/comparison?


Its a 4' Firestik I got new from 4wp that I thought was tunable but when the guy at the CB shop pulled the red tip off there was no brass piece, just the fiberglass top.


Expedition Leader
What kind of radio? How long is your coax? Are you using a power Mic or after market mic ?

Sent from my QMV7A using Tapatalk


Galaxy DX494, the mic is the matching one for the radio ( the galaxy name on the mic) and the coax is a 18' cord. The cord I got from 4wp and the radio I got from my grandfather so I don't know much on the radio it's self. The antenna sits on a spring base and the mount is a dodge fender mount but oddly enough it doesn't fit my Dakota so I mounted it to the bed.


What does the SWR meter built into your radio tell you about your antenna? Is the SWR 1.5:1 or under?

Can you describe the "static" you're getting? Does it register on your signal strength meter at all? Does it vary at all with your engine RPM? Does it fade in & out as you drive down the road? This might help to narrow it down where it's coming from.


Its a 4' Firestik I got new from 4wp that I thought was tunable but when the guy at the CB shop pulled the red tip off there was no brass piece, just the fiberglass top.

There should have been an exposed wire in there that you cut to tune the antenna.

How long is your coax?

Not relevant. Length of coax does not matter with a properly mounted antenna which I think may be the case here.

Punisher: What is your SWR? Did you remove any paint from the mount and the body of the vehicle where you placed the mount?


What does the SWR meter built into your radio tell you about your antenna? Is the SWR 1.5:1 or under?

Can you describe the "static" you're getting? Does it register on your signal strength meter at all? Does it vary at all with your engine RPM? Does it fade in & out as you drive down the road? This might help to narrow it down where it's coming from.

The gauge on the radio only moves when I speak into the mic, but it doesn't really move any when messing with anything else. I cant give any numbers since the way I have it mounted its very hard to read the gauge, I can only see the needle moving as I use the mic. The static is the same as if you lose your radio channel or TV channel, its just noise, not sure how to really describe it better than that. Nothing happens when I rev the engine or drive, I don't have the coax anywhere near ignition wires, I made sure to avoid that, and the radio gets its power from my constant power outlet so all I have to do is flick a switch and its on.


There should have been an exposed wire in there that you cut to tune the antenna.

Not relevant. Length of coax does not matter with a properly mounted antenna which I think may be the case here.

Punisher: What is your SWR? Did you remove any paint from the mount and the body of the vehicle where you placed the mount?

No I didn't, I just mocked up the mouth, made my marks for the drill, drilled the holes and used self tapping screws that came with the mount, the only other thing I didn't do was run a bigger bolt through the middle of the mount. How ever when I was at the shop messing with it, we did mess with the antenna while it was hooked up to the tester and nothing showed on the meter so suggest a weak ground, the meter just said the antenna was weak basically.


Mine is completely coated, nothing is exposed and if I follow the wrapping wire it goes directly into the base of the antenna. If I didn't know better I'd say its like someone just forgot to install the adjuster.


The gauge on the radio only moves when I speak into the mic, but it doesn't really move any when messing with anything else. I cant give any numbers since the way I have it mounted its very hard to read the gauge, I can only see the needle moving as I use the mic. The static is the same as if you lose your radio channel or TV channel, its just noise, not sure how to really describe it better than that. Nothing happens when I rev the engine or drive, I don't have the coax anywhere near ignition wires, I made sure to avoid that, and the radio gets its power from my constant power outlet so all I have to do is flick a switch and its on.

That sounds like you might have the meter set to MOD (modulation) if the meter only moves when you talk.

You need to set it to SWR (also make sure the unit is on AM mode).
Click here if you don't have the owners manual for your radio.

I should've also asked, Is the static present with the engine off too?


I believe it was set for SWR, at least that is where the switch is right now, I don't remember where it was set at during testing. Yes I get static either way, that much I do know.


Expedition Leader
I was asking about length of the coax because of where the excess cable may be located in the vehicle. It could be getting interference from some electrical or tied up in a manner that could effect it.

Sent from my QMV7A using Tapatalk


I knew why you was asked, did do some homework before doing this :D. The way I routed it every inch was used, I had no loops or anything and just enough slack for wiggle but tight enough not hang low under the truck. The route I used was also away from any and all heavy wire, the only wire that was near it was small gauge speaker wire and the wire tunnel for the power window and locks for the passenger door, other then that it was clear from any interference.

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