Drone Footage of my Tundra crossing some Utah desert


Expedition Leader
Pretty darn cool :)
What drone are you using? I was assuming it was the passenger seat piloting. I see that was not the case as it landed and showed no passenger in the front seat.
Is there and active pilot flying the drone, or follow mode?


His video description says it's a DJI Phantom 3, which IIRC has an auto-follow feature as well as the ability to set up tracks and a few other neat features. I'd love one to play with myself, but at $1000ish, it's a hard toy to justify for me right now.

Cool video.


Expedition Leader
Dji 3 standard is around $600. I have one and love.

Cozmo. Is yours the professional version? I only have the standard and unsure if the antenna would work to do what you did. The pro has a better antenna and range but also cost more for pro vs standard.

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cool video and some nice shots . Can I offer some advice ? ( I have a Phantom 3 pro myself)

Try to add shot variety . Get some shots with the subject (in this case your truck) coming towards the camera. Add some elevation. Try to keep the subject in the center of the frame. You can adjust the gimble motion speed so that the camera moves/pans more slowly , this produces less jerky camera movement . Those lateral shots like you had at 4:35 are killer. Lastly , variety . Terrain variety , subject variety , time of day variety , all those variable add up to an interesting video.

Hope you don't mind the unsolicited advice , just some things I've learned with the Phantom . It's an incredible little machine ....


cool video and some nice shots . Can I offer some advice ? ( I have a Phantom 3 pro myself)

Try to add shot variety . Get some shots with the subject (in this case your truck) coming towards the camera. Add some elevation. Try to keep the subject in the center of the frame. You can adjust the gimble motion speed so that the camera moves/pans more slowly , this produces less jerky camera movement . Those lateral shots like you had at 4:35 are killer. Lastly , variety . Terrain variety , subject variety , time of day variety , all those variable add up to an interesting video.

Hope you don't mind the unsolicited advice , just some things I've learned with the Phantom . It's an incredible little machine ....

don't mind at all, thanks!

Pretty darn cool :)
What drone are you using? I was assuming it was the passenger seat piloting. I see that was not the case as it landed and showed no passenger in the front seat.
Is there and active pilot flying the drone, or follow mode?

i'm both flying and driving, which explains some of the jerkiness in the camera movement, no follow mode on mine, which is the phantom 3 advanced


i'm both flying and driving, which explains some of the jerkiness in the camera movement, no follow mode on mine, which is the phantom 3 advanced

Talk about distracted driving! haha

Great job on the video. These things never cease to amaze me.... I picked up the DJI Inspire 1 Pro this January and have been able to get some absolutely stunning footage with it.


Expedition Leader
don't mind at all, thanks!

i'm both flying and driving, which explains some of the jerkiness in the camera movement, no follow mode on mine, which is the phantom 3 advanced

I haven't used follow mode but I have the option and mine is a standard. I'm sure yours being an advance has it as well.


They recently did a firmware upgrade for the DJI drones. If your not current you might not have the functionality yet.


Great start! I found Casey Neistat use of a Drone in his Vlog impressive, he has some great points about using a drone for short films.

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