Can you run Garmin Maps on a laptop or iOS device without owning a Garmin GPS?


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Is there anyway to run MAP E32 (Mexico) on a laptop or iOS device without a Garmin GPS?

I already own a Delorme Inreach Explorer and I would prefer to fun any maps on the bigger/better screen of my iPhone+ or on my Macbook Pro if necessary.

Now that Garmin bought Inreach one could only hope for a little cross compatibility.


Not that I know of.

You can plan routes, tracks and place waypoints using Garmin's Basecamp without a Garmin GPS. But you have to place the map 'Image' files, i.e *.img, in the correct directory on a USB thumb drive for Basecamp to see them.

The map Image files should go in the 'X:/Garmin' directory on the USB thumb drive. When you launch Garmin Basecamp, Basecamp will load the mapset from the thumb drive. Sadly Garmin's Basecamp software doesn't support active moving map functions. Myself and others have requested it, but no joy.

I traveled Mainland Mexico with a Garmin GPSmap 62s. It was handy in that it showed me where I was at, with tracking turned on, it showed me where I had been and pointed me to where I was going, all at the same time.
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Expedition Vehicle Engineer Guy
Is there anyway to run MAP E32 (Mexico) on a laptop or iOS device without a Garmin GPS?

I already own a Delorme Inreach Explorer and I would prefer to fun any maps on the bigger/better screen of my iPhone+ or on my Macbook Pro if necessary.

Now that Garmin bought Inreach one could only hope for a little cross compatibility.

I'm sure that Garmin will integrate Delorme fully into the Garmin brand, but it's not going to happen overnight. If you have an inreach you already have access to all of the Delorme maps digitally and can download them onto your ipad/iphone/android device. You won't get turn-by-turn directions, but the inreach doesn't do that either.


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Where do you download the Delorme Maps? I have downloaded some maps in the Earthmate app but the selection is extremely limited and I don't see Mexico available. My friend suggested the E32 map because it is the most detailed for backroad/offroad dirt and sand tracks. No other map even comes close he said.

I'm sure that Garmin will integrate Delorme fully into the Garmin brand, but it's not going to happen overnight. If you have an inreach you already have access to all of the Delorme maps digitally and can download them onto your ipad/iphone/android device. You won't get turn-by-turn directions, but the inreach doesn't do that either.


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I downloaded Basecamp but its not very useful unless I purchase a Garmin GPS. I'm going to check and see if Delorme has any good Baja maps. I also have HemaExplorer (North America) and MotionX installed on my phone but I don't think they offer detailed Baja maps. My friend has spent a lot of time in the area and said that no other map comes close to the E32. It shows every little dirt/sand trail there is apparently.

Not that I know of.

You can plan routes, tracks and place waypoints using Garmin's Basecamp without a Garmin GPS. But you have to place the map 'Image' files, i.e *.img, in the correct directory on a USB thumb drive for Basecamp to see them.

The map Image files should go in the 'X:/Garmin' directory on the USB thumb drive. When you launch Garmin Basecamp, Basecamp will load the mapset from the thumb drive. Sadly Garmin's Basecamp software doesn't support active moving map functions. Myself and others have requested it, but no joy.

I traveled Mainland Mexico with a Garmin GPSmap 62s. It was handy in that it showed me where I was at, with tracking turned on, it showed me where I had been and pointed me to where I was going, all at the same time.


Expedition Vehicle Engineer Guy
Where do you download the Delorme Maps? I have downloaded some maps in the Earthmate app but the selection is extremely limited and I don't see Mexico available. My friend suggested the E32 map because it is the most detailed for backroad/offroad dirt and sand tracks. No other map even comes close he said.

Hmm, my experience has been completely different with the Earthmate app - I'm only limited by storage capacity, and can download detailed topos and imagery
I think a majority of the gofast baja guys are running Lowrance GPS units with Insight Topo software. That is probably going to offer the best coverage.


If you want to use the MAP E32 (Mexico) map set, your going to have to get a Garmin GPS.

LifeRemotely did a writeup on what is the best GPS for international travel. Its dated since Garmin's Basecamp has since replaced Garmin's MapSource software.

Basecamp will allow you to build a database of routes, tracks and waypoints of others travels as well as your own. Since you have the MAP E32 Mexico Map Set and downloaded Basecamp, you're two thirds of the way there.

LifeRemotely's Goggle's Earth KMZ file of their camping in Mexico can be brought into Basecamp using 'Import' under the 'File' tab.
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My friend has spent a lot of time in the area and said that no other map comes close to the E32. It shows every little dirt/sand trail there is apparently.

Get your friends Garmin GPS and connect it to your computer running Basecamp. The E32 map set should load when Basecamp launches. Zooming in and out in Basecamp will give you an excellent view of the map detail.


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Detailed topos and imagery for what region? I have Topo North America and Public lands already installed. There's not a whole lot of other maps/regions/countries available.

Here's response I got from the Garmin's (Delorme's) product support specialist:

"Unfortunately, for the Earthmate App (unless I'm mistaking and it's another device/software), we currently only have Digital Atlas of the Earth maps that are a little bit less detailed compared to the North American maps we currently have. Now that we are acquired by Garmin and have access to their resources, I'm thinking that our map data will increase in detail in the future. I do not currently have time frames at this time."

Hmm, my experience has been completely different with the Earthmate app - I'm only limited by storage capacity, and can download detailed topos and imagery


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Thanks. I think I'll wait and see how the Garmin/Delorme integration goes. The last thing I need right now is another expensive device with a required monthly subscription.

If you want to use the MAP E32 (Mexico) map set, your going to have to get a Garmin GPS.

LifeRemotely did a writeup on what is the best GPS for international travel. Its dated since Garmin's Basecamp has since replaced Garmin's MapSource software.

Basecamp will allow you to build a database of routes, tracks and waypoints of others travels as well as your own. Since you have the MAP E32 Mexico Map Set and downloaded Basecamp, you're two thirds of the way there.

LifeRemotely's Goggle's Earth KMZ file of their camping in Mexico can be brought into Basecamp using 'Import' under the 'File' tab.


The InReach products seem to be the main draw for the acquisition.

The problem with the DeLorme map sets is the lack of detailed road maps for parts of the world other than North America, like Europe, Asia, Australia, Central and South America. DeLorme’s Street Atlas USA has never included advanced capabilities like lane guidance, junction view, etc. Garmin would have a long way to go to bring the DeLorme mapping up to the level they have with their current map products.

Garmin supports the use of third party map sets. Free world wide map sets can be downloaded from OpenStreetMaps.

Free international mapsets for Garmin units can be downloaded from the following site.

Free TOPO Maps can be found here.

All these map sets can be used in Bascamp for route planning.


Why not get an app like Gaia GPS and download maps for Mexico? $20 and you can do it all on the iPad. When I went to Baja I used Gaia, Earthmate app for InReach, and Pocket Earth. is a free app that I believe you can get Mexico maps for as well but roads only. Gaia has lots of different map choices.

In Gaia Google Terrain is probably the best option but there are others.

For Earthmate you have to zoom the map pretty far in, then select Next on the top right of the screen and then download the maps.

I hope that helps. I look forward to see what Garmin offers for the InReach device in the future.
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I already bought HEMA Explorer and I have the MotionX and Earthmate (with my DeLorme Explorer) app as well. I don't have an iPad so for route planning it seems to make more sense to me to do that on Garmin BaseCamp (on a laptop) and then export the file to any of the apps I just mentioned. HEMA has descent maps (probably the same as Gaia) but route planning on my iPhone seems like a bad idea. The DeLorme online route planning for Eartmate leaves a lot to be desired but will hopefully be improved now that Garmin bought them.

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