What would you buy for $40k?


Engineer In Residence
It comes down the 4x4 question. If you don't need it, or don't want the extra weight, complexity, and cost the new transit is a good platform. The drivetrain seems to be quite solid, and uses components that have been in service in other light trucks for years.

The high roof and wall profiles of the transit are very nice for a DIY build out. I suggest examining the wall profiles and layout options for the Ford E series with a high top. There might be sections of the metal roof remaining, which can get in the way and make the build out process more difficult. Having the continuous steel walls and structure can be a godsend when doing a DIY build. Identifying your desired layout(s) beforehand (bed size, galley?, etc) will help you make your final choice. Given your desire for shower/toilet, sink, kitchen, a factory high roof van will likely provide more space without going to longer wheelbases/bodies.

Also consider used options. There are plenty of used DIY and professional builds rolling around out there. 40k could buy you a well equipped unit in good condition. They will probably be 5-10 years old, so no shiny new van. The plus side is that you can start using it now!


It comes down the 4x4 question... the Ford E series with a high top. There might be sections of the metal roof remaining, which can get in the way and make the build out process more difficult. Having the continuous steel walls and structure can be a godsend when doing a DIY build

Thanks! Haven't even thought of the ease of the build yet..but that makes perfect sense! Does anyone know the cargo dimensions for an extended body Ford E series.

I am really going back and forth on the 4x4. Clearance is a definite must, but I may be able to do without the 4x4. Though it sure would be a piece of mind to know that it's there if I need it.


Engineer In Residence
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I have a 4x4 V10 E350 and I get 10mpg on the freeway. You may get less with a high top due to the drag. My van is a regular body passenger van with no build out.

The V10 is favorable because of the power it has, reliability, and low maintenance costs. In 2005 and up, V10 equipped vans came with the 5r110 trans which is a 5 speed. The V8's are very reliable as well, but some will say they are a little under powered on a full build out van. The 6.0 diesels are known to be expensive to repair and cost a lot to make reliable and still suffer from break downs. The main downside with the V10 is fuel economy but the V8's only get marginally better so you might as well try to find a V10 if you're going with a gas model.


The 4x4 is nice, But the extra long body vans have small departure angles I struggle to justify the cost of 4x4 when you could scrape the bumper coming out of a steep driveway? I guess lots of folks need the 4x4 for snow, sand and mud though, so clearance is less of an issue.

I agree with this if your going to be off-roading a lot. I have the extended now after having the regular before and I never thought that extra foot would mean so much to me. And if you want the room and a better departure angle just lift it more ha ha.


My 5.4 gets 14/15 hwy if I keep it under 75. Thats on 35s with 4.10s. I wouldn't say its "underpowered" but the V10 will out run it...at a cost.


Unless you have a lot of time and enjoy long hours of tinkering, look for something already to go. 30 to 40k should be enough to buy a good condition lower miles roadtrek, sprinter conversion or sportsmobile in a 2wd configuration. If you buy a 2wd ford van base rv and drive it for a month and decide you need 4wd you could always have it converted later.

If you buy used 5-10 years old you can change your mind on the platform and resell at approximately break even. I like to call it the free rental. Professionally manufactured RV's most of the time are inferior to DIY but hold their value and can be easier to recoup costs VS a fully outfitted DIY.


My 5.4 gets 14/15 hwy if I keep it under 75. Thats on 35s with 4.10s. I wouldn't say its "underpowered" but the V10 will out run it...at a cost.

I just sold my Ford based RV with a 5.4 in it. It was a pretty heavy vehicle and I didn't have any complaints regarding power. Wasn't towing anything though which is where diesel and V-10 are really at an advantage.

Is there concern that the 5.4 isn't a good high mileage engine?


Unless you have a lot of time and enjoy long hours of tinkering, look for something already to go. 30 to 40k should be enough to buy a good condition lower miles roadtrek, sprinter conversion or sportsmobile in a 2wd configuration. If you buy a 2wd ford van base rv and drive it for a month and decide you need 4wd you could always have it converted later.

If you buy used 5-10 years old you can change your mind on the platform and resell at approximately break even. I like to call it the free rental. Professionally manufactured RV's most of the time are inferior to DIY but hold their value and can be easier to recoup costs VS a fully outfitted DIY.

I really like the idea of building it out...do I have the time? I'll find it! I guess I would consider used van that is already to go (if the price is right), but would rather set it up exactly how we want it. I haven't considered the resale value..that's good to know. One thing that does sway me from buying used is that I'd likely have to travel to check it out, or buy it unseen. Being that I'm not all that knowledgeable about vehicles, that worries me.


Also, for those of you who went the diy route, roughly how many hours did you spend. I'm guessing that the wiring, plumbing, and insulation would be the biggest time sink?


New member
How about a Ford Falcon style class B. They are pretty cheap and low mile ones are available if you look around. Then have U-joint do a mild lift and 4x4 conversion. There is a member here that has one.
Good Luck on your search

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