WTB - Canon Lenses for College Photography Student


Expedition Leader
My son is looking to buy a used Canon 5D MIII, and needs lenses for it. We aren't in the new retail price market. If you've been thinking about selling a seldom used lens, we might be interested. He is definitely looking for a 50mm, preferably the F/1.2, but would accept a good deal on F/1.4. He also needs something with more range, perhaps the 24-105 F/4 L. Anything is better than what he has now, which is nothing, so let me know what you have and we'll give it due consideration.

We are in SoCal/Orange County


Nathan Woods


Good lenses are one of those things that hold their value well, so it can be tough finding a great deal. I'd recommend trying Adorama's used lens section on their website, I've gotten some lightly used lenses that way.

Also, he should consider the nifty fifty 1.8 50mm Canon lens. From what I've heard, the 1.4 is really soft at 1.4, making it borderline unusable to many people until it's stopped down at or beyond 1.8.

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I wouldn't trust the autofocus' longevity on the 1.4, and the 1.2 is slowww to focus.

FWIW, if it's just a general walkaround prime, I've really, really liked the 35/f2 IS. 35 is a little better as a street lens, I've found, and the IS is scary good at indoor stuff. No weather sealing, but just as well built as the Ls I own.



The cheaper Canon FF, the 6D.

Previously, I had the non-IS version of the 35mm on a crop sensor 60D, and it wasn't in the same league.


Expedition Leader
Scored a few deals after diligently looking. Got a nice F1.4 50mm and a cheap 35mm (used off Adorama), and got a nearly new 5D MkIII off POTN. He's stoked and putting it to good use already.


Expedition Leader
My one foray into non Canon lenses was with a Tamaron. The IQ was great, but the focus ring rotated the wrong way from all other Canon lenses and I often missed a shot because I twisted it out of focus due to that wrong-handed operation. Do Sigma's match Canon on focus ring direction?


Autism Family Travellers!
When I used cameras with interchangeable lenses, 90% of my lenses were sigmas. Just something about the images that I liked compared to the others. The only "brand" lens that I liked was Olympus Zukios. They were amazing lenses and built like tanks....Even their kit lenses had metal mounts, dust sealing etc. I shoot Fuji prosumer cameras now for portability and image "quality". I love the images from Fuji processing engines. I have an X-S1 and an X10. both have the same image processor engine and the same sensor, so images from both cameras are almost identical. Plus they are easier to fit into the tank bag on our motorcycle.


I have a canon 100mm-400mm and a 600mm is usm II available if you want to get into a larger prime lens. I know there expensive but thought I would throw it out there.

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Expedition Leader
Well, my son hasn't expressed much interest in longer lens yet. On a side note, he went to Joshua Tree the other day and decided to smash his new 35mm lens into a rock. Wasn't wearing the sling properly. Doh!
For hiking, especially with rock scrambling, I use a Cotton Carrier. Keeps the camera tight to your chest. Much better for rough environments than a sling

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