Accused of Treading "Heavily"... An Overlander's Tale.


El Gringo Spectacular!
Yesterday I took the wife and two year old daughter out to an area outside of Flagstaff to test out a new OZTent, and to get the little one used to taking a nap in a tent. There is an area to the West of the Kachina Peaks known as Hart Prairie, with expansive views in the tall Ponderosa pine forest. It's always been a favorite of mine, since I was in college in the early 90s.

The area is a mix of privately held parcels and national forest, and several of the forest service roads run through private in-holdings. We found a spot on the national forest and set up the tent for the afternoon and relaxed.


At about 5 pm, we packed up and headed out on a marked forest service road, 9009T, which again crosses privately held land by a water tank, and meets back up with FS794, making a large loop.

The water tank, from FS794 looking South. FS9009T is about 75 yards past the southern edge of the tank.


9009T from the South, heading NE, and passing through the private land...



(Yes...I was on the bike this morning, but in the Cruiser yesterday.)

The same tank, from the South, looking North on FS9009T.


Now, this is where it gets interesting. Upon meeting up again with FS794, a pickup truck, parked overlooking the tank to the East, begins honking its horn wildly. Obviously, someone is trying to signal me, so I turn east down FS794.

Rolling up on the pickup, the elderly driver jumps out, pointing a video camera at the Troopy. I stop and ask if he needs help, and he proceeds to launch into a profanity laced tirade about how dare I travel cross country and destroy this area; how we "out of towners" should go home and that the locals are tired of us, waiving his hands in the air while holding the camera.

This guy is way amped up, as the volume and general over the top antics have scared my daughter in the back seat of the Troopy, who starts crying, and my wife (who is on the left hand side, closest to this guy, BTW...downside at this moment to having an OZ rig...), is visibly nervous.

I calmly tell him that we were on the marked FS road 9009T; to which he replies that we should all go fornicate ourselves, and to get out. I'm not about to stay and argue with a fanatic, so we drive off; he gets in his truck and follows us for a while, then turns off on another road.

I've spent the last 15 years trying to be an example of good overlanding practices; have a BS in Environmental Management, and a J.D. specializing in public land I'm very taken aback by this guy's accusations. Adding insult to injury, I'm running Overland Journal logos on the Troopy...and I definitely wouldn't do anything to put these folks, whom I consider close friends and colleagues, in a bad light.

My OCD kicks in...and I'm not going to sleep anyways, so I pour over my topos, bring up the satellite imagery of the area, verify land ownership with the County Assessor, and go back out this morning to verify that the road was there, and legally marked.

Turns out that the owners of the land are mostly locals....and a local judge who I practice before is one of them....

I give her a call this morning, and we have a long conversation about the usage of the parcels these roads run through. She has no idea who this guy could have been, and he definitely didn't have permission to be off the road and parked on the private land.

We're trying to find more info on this guy.

But...long story short...I'm welcome on their land at any time!

So, I hope that this situation may help us to think about how we'll all react when confronted by someone who may be very misinformed, but fanatical in their beliefs that we're all anti-environmental idiots, ruining land at will. With a little research, and some good communication with land owners, we can turn these bad situations into good ones which only help to show that, as overlanders, we can be true stewards and conservationists.




Expedition Leader

We have been out there many times. Even had some of our wedding photos taken there.

Did you get a license plate number? Or was that too hard?
You clearly were in the right and you did right by not getting into a fight with such a fanatic.

That said while you might take tread lightly too heart, some people don't and unfortunately they tend to be very visible. Three days before we left Oregon we came across a "club" out on a trail with large stickers on there trucks that said Tread Heavily which they were clearly doing. A lot of people don't notice off-roaders like us, but they do notice people who don't care. That man might have had an unfortunate run in with people like this.


El Gringo Spectacular!
James86004 said:

We have been out there many times. Even had some of our wedding photos taken there.

Did you get a license plate number? Or was that too hard?

Amanda was on the left, so we didn't catch it...wish I would have; I'd already know who this guy was....I wasn't interested in hanging around and having a drawn out conversation with my family in the truck....



El Gringo Spectacular!
Elderly male, at least early seventies, grey/white hair, medium build, Silver/gray GMC or Chevrolet late model p/u.

I'd love for him to send the "video" to the owners....

I spoke with Ken (whom you know from ski patrol), and he didn't know anyone who owns property out there fitting the description.



I have had much less severe encounters of this kind before. People assume that because I am only 20 and drive a lifted vehicle that I must be up to no good. I even had a crazy lady driving a suburban with what sounded like a 454 in it tell me that I was killing the earth with my jeep when we were filling up next to each other. That one pretty much blew my mind. But, it sounds like you handled it well and I hope you can catch this guys plate number some time.


Oh, I suppose a photo of the man would have been a better identifier :eek: thanks. The reason I wonder if it was him is because a portion of our peaks loop single track runs through the area you are describing, and if there was any sabotage/booby traps found in that area within the coming days, they could be connected with him.
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I get less and less comfortable with the concept of traveling in the US. While prepping for Expo Trophy and SnT I've been losing sleep lately thinking about how I'm going to dial my fuel back so there is no black smoke on the mountain passes. I was inventorying hydraulic fluid drips under the rig yesterday knowing that even though I spend the big bucks for biodegradable, veggie based fluid, somebody will have a fit if I drip some in the dessert. My Non Carb approved Nato cans will cause an uproar in Cali, no doubt. I scrubbed a fair amount of foothills muskeg off the bottom (might be Alaskan actually) but there's no way I'm leaving all the seeds at home. It simply isn't possible.

Honestly I much prefer being the good example among the bad guys. I'm not looking forward to the shoe being on the other foot.


El Gringo Spectacular!
Nope, not him...this guy was clean cut, in a polo shirt and jeans. Kinda hit me as the ex-military type.

We'll find him.



Expedition Leader
At least he was wearing more than just a copper head band...

...that's all the last crazy man I met had on :smilies27

truck mechanic

Theres all types out there. Last summer I had stoped at one of my venders to drop a check for the months bills. Very hot day so I left my service truck outside running.( I was inside for all of 90 seconds). As I am walking to the front door some lady stops me an starts yelling about how I am screwing up her world with my stinky service truck. I try to explane to her about cool down time with a turbo and the feds say I can Idle for up to 5 min. She shoots me a dirty look and goes up to the counter. What got me is there is her minivan running with three kids bouncing around inside. I guess its ok if its a gas motor. Cant please everyone.

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