Bushcraft knife knives


ahh the bushman, i have had one since just about the time they came out and love it.

i would add that while they are great camp knives, they are too big for a light pack. the bushman and mora are similar enough that they both handle about the same tasks equally, except for one thing. the bushman has power when you need it, the mora is the lighter finesse knife.

i think they are different enough that i have them both, but they are similar enough that they dont need to be carried together, the bushman stays at camp and in the rig while the mora lives in the pack and goes about everywhere.

Yay! Bushman knives rock!

I have a Mini Bushman and I love it. It isn't too big at all, the one you are referring to, is a little on the big side though. (the regular bushman)

I have come to find out that most people don't know that cold steel makes a mini version of the bushman. I had the choice of getting either one for free and I chose the mini because it was just the perfect size. I can do everything with it, I use it all the time to split logs. I just love how simple and versatile they are.


x2 on the Fallkniven and R.A.T. Cutlery recommendations. My main "pack" knife is an original Fallkniven A1:


While my "carry" knife is a R.A.T. Cutlery RC-3MIL (non-serrated):


You'll notice that both have full tangs that go all the way through the pommel of the knife, the better the be able to bash and hammer on things. The RC-3MIL has a machined tip on the end of the tang so that it can be used to effectively break glass (e.g. escaping from a burning vehicle, etc.).


I know this is an old thread but I can serve as a bad example...

A few weeks ago I found an old hatchet buried in the pine needles on our place here. I doubt that it had become lost too long before we bought the place, so within I would say 4 or 5 years. I procured an "Hickory" handle and today I set about putting it back in service.
After knocking off the old handle I sanded the new one smooth and removed all the varnish or whatever that stuff was. I then took the head and removed the rust and any dings dents but more importantly sharp edges off with a flap wheel.
I found that the head was stamped "TruTemper", not great but not generally not terrible. I reshaped the cutting edge for use as a Kindling Splitter (thicker contour) but did not come close to a final sharp, it is only "blunt-sharp" taped off the edge and gave the head a quick coat of blue spray-paint. Dried that by the wood stove and then mounted the head and handle, drove in the wedge and stake touched up the paint and was going to stick it in a log over by the stove...

So, here I am!
I have stopped the bleeding; probably could use a couple stitches but I'll pass.
That hatchet with no force at all cleanly split that chunk of wood right on down to where it stopped at the bone in my thumb!:Wow1: guess I got it a bit sharper then I thought, because "I know" I had my hand out of harms way! LOL Well, I thought I was safe!

So take it from me... I should know better:eek:

Typing with one hand sucks!


I have purchased quite a few things from Ben's Backwoods. He is a good guy and takes care of his customers. The Enzo has a good following, but I have not purchased one yet. My kit has a Mora Clipper. You just cannot beat the quality for the price. I have bigger knives, and more expensive knives, but I always come back to the Mora.

Cackalak Han

I almost ordered the kit from Ben's, but decided to order some O2 sheets like Desolation suggested (from Flat Ground - excellent service). I haven't done much work on them, but I am looking forward to this winter project.

Desolation- Glad it wasn't too serious! Sometimes, we all get reminded the hard way the simple lessons in life. :D


Expedition Leader
I'm partial to the DH Russel #1 Canadian belt knife. I was skeptical when I first got it but it works really well and holds an edge well. I've got smaller and larger knives as well as cheaper and much more expensive, but the #1 works usually finds it's way into my pack that rides in the truck and my backpack.

The only example I could find through this damn webfilter:

Cackalak Han

Ok, so 2 years later....

I ordered those blanks and haven't touched them. Until today. I got out my angle grinder and cut out the basic shape. Then started filing. My back is killing right now. But it's starting to take shape. This may end up being my test knife, as I still don't know what I'm doing, so I'm not too worried if I mess up. First part was easy, but it's going to take LOTS of filing to get that edge on there. Then I've got to harden it (blow torch and motor oil) and sharpen. Still unsure how I'm going to do the handle part. But a fun winter project.



Thornton Melon's Kid
I got a couple of CRKT's multi-tools. The knifeblades on them are like razors! I may look into something else for my ventures out. Otherwise for everyday carry I got a little Sog or my slightly larger Leatherman I got from my sis for Christmas a few years ago. The Leatherman's edge doesn't last that long but it will take a great edge surprisingly for a cheapo.


Expedition Leader
I prefer a fixed blade myself. I also like the middle of the road to higher end knives because I have always been disappointed which cheaper knives. I am also a fan of a big knife since I like to use it for some bigger tasks like cutting firewood or clearing brush.

It is hard to go wrong with a Gerber for the price. The LMF as suggested earlier in the thread is a great all around mid sized camp knife. I have a Gerber BMF and it is one of my favorite camping knives.

I would suggest taking a look at the Tops knives. They are a middle of the road knife along the lines of the Gerbers, maybe a touch more expensive. if you want the best you can buy, Busse pretty much is where it is at. I have not been all that happy with my last SOG or Cold Steel knives. I used to be a big fan of Kershaw and Al Mar but have not bought one in about 20yrs.

I don't have any experience with the Bushcraft knives so can not comment on them. I take it they come in blanks and you finish them off? Just and FYI but there always a lot of blanks available on ebay in a large variety of grades.

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