Why do you have a trailer?


We have a family and there is three of us and soon to be four. I love exploring in my jeep and being able to set up camp quick, have everything organized and being able to leave everything behind in camp as well. I can go for a long time or a quick get away without much preperation.

Another thing is I am a believer in food storage or an emergency prepardness kit, what better thing to have then a place to sleep, eat and having extra water, gas, propane, clothes ready to go with you anywhere in a mobile unit. Extra water storage around the house is great, but in an emergency that you have to leave where you are those 10 gallon drums wont do you much good.


Expedition Leader
I've had the 1997 TJ since about mid college and its been my DD ever since. I bought a townhouse soon after and found the TJ a little small for the trips to the home improvement stores and whatnot.

That was right around the time there was a good supply of unused M101s on the market. I drove from MD down to NC one morning to pick one up.

Its been used mostly as a pickup truck replacement up to this point. I started taking it on 4 wheeling trips when I realized I could just drop the trailer and have camp setup pretty quick instead of unloading the Jeep.

Now, with the dog I can't fit enough stuff in the Jeep so the trailer always comes along. It even moved me across the country last year.



Expedition Leader
the honest answer, i built mine when trailers where growing in popularity and it was a cool thing to build and drag around.

the learned answer, its been indispensable when the whole family is going out including the dogs and the choice is sensible trailer or overloaded top heavy roof rack.

the practical answer, i go solo often and dont even come close to needing a trailer, but its a great tool for setting up a comfy base camp if camping in the same spot for a few days and keeping the rig light on its feet for day trips.


Expedition Leader
To downsize my daily driver/tow vehicle. Expanding my available space only when needed, has saved me a lot in gas.

To have everything packed, organized and ready to go. Just add food, hook up and go.

And if you really want to live on the edge...maybe splurge and throw in a set of clean clothes...:sunny:


Rendezvous Conspiracy
Having a trailer right now, for me is indispensable. I suffer from a bad sciatic nerve pinch which I call the psycotic nerve. Sleeping and setting up a tent on the ground for me is painful. The RTT is simple easy to set up and causes me no pain. I just add water and food and good to go. It also is my emergency earth quake kit. Stores sleeping bags,some linen,caned food,pillows,10gal of gas and a emergenry fire starter and alot more than that. I could live out of it for about 5 days. Beats the heck out of my old kit which was two foot lockers,one with clothes and personal items the other food and water and cooking supplies.


And if you really want to live on the edge...maybe splurge and throw in a set of clean clothes...:sunny:

Yes, even trying to keep the weight down, I do bring some extra clothes :D

Another reason for a trailer is to make room for the dogs on some of our camping adventures.


The last time I went to Moab, my truck was completely packed to the gills. We had trail spares, tools, recovery gear, camping gear, cooler, extra water, extra fuel, our clothes and toiletries, the dog, etc. I don't think we could have fit ANYTHING else in the truck!

The longest we went out (without returning to town) was 3 days / 2 nights, and since there's no fires in Canyonlands NP - we weren't even carrying fire wood!

One of the guys I was with was talking about doing a trip through Baja - for like a week straight - all off road. No gas stations, no grocery stores. That's when I realized that I DID want to start taking longer duration trips - farther into the back country, and with my current setup, there's NO WAY I could do anything longer than a 3-day trip (in relative comfort) without needing gas, ice, water, etc. It was shortly there after that I found ExPo, and saw a Chaser for the 1st time. ...I feel/felt that a trailer is definitely the best solution for my limitations, and the key to really being able to start doing self-sufficient vehicle-dependent backcountry camping / exploring.


Very well said... How else can we take 3 days worth of steaks, seafood, supplies, beds w/ mattresses, toys for the kids, dog, etc. 30 miles into the woods. Well, I guess you go camping without all this stuff and the trailer, but this way the wife will come with me, and she actually enjoys it.




I did mine up to carry all of the camping gear and a place for the EeziAwn. It is nice when you want to go camping to just hitch up and go not having to load the rig up and then take everything back out when your trip is over. I was going to put the tent on the top of the rig but only need it a few times a year and it is way to heavy to lug up there when we want to head out.


We do two to three week or more trips into Mexico and other remote areas. My wife was ready to quit camping because if we were traveling daily we'd have to set up the tent, take it down, etc. only to do it over again the next night.

With the trailer and a RTT mounted on it, we can get set up or take down in minutes with no problem. :victory:

As has been said previously, being able to stow the gear in the trailer and be ready to go at a moments notice is a plus!



Box Rocket

Well-known member
Simple answer for me. My wife and kids (and dog) go camping with me. We were fine for a while when it was just my wife and our two boys. I had my 80 series Land Cruiser and there was still an empty seat in the middle row and I could fit all the necessary gear in the rear cargo area and on the roof if necessary. Now since we had twins last November, the middle row is full with the twins and one of my boys. I'm using one of the third row jumpseats for my other boy and the dog is in the empty space next to him. I'm plain out of room in the truck.

This pic is from a two day camping trip. There is still some gear inside the truck, but most of it in the trailer and it's full.



Because it's EZ... just 'Hook-Lock & Roll' baby! ;)
But don't forget that child seat or coffee mug that you just temporarily placed on the roof of the pull vehicle... like i did! oops :smilies27

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