Project Tundra Truck Bed Storage/Drawers


Ok, I have done a ton of research and started threads to find more info before I started my project. I think I have enough to start, however I am still open to ideas/suggestions if you have any.

I already have an Expedition Vehicle. This truck has a different duty to perform. However as you will most likely agree, most of the mods I do over the next year or so will work very well for Expedition Vehicles as well.

First, the purpose/goal of the build.

1. Needed storage for automotive tools, supplies and parts for personal business I am starting. "J.P.'s Mobile Auto Care & Repair"
2. Room for Porthos, my puppy. He tends to take up a tad bit of space.
3. Ability to sleep in the back if needed. Where I live you can find yourself not able to get home, or stuck on the free way for hours. I like to be prepared by keeping stove, water, food and such in the rig during the winter.
4. Finally, I like the K.I.S.S. attitude. (Keep it simple, stupid). It should not be complicated or heavy.

With that done I started my planning. Actually, not much to plan. I will say this. I am NOT that good at wood working. I am probably the only man alive that can cut a circle with a tablesaw (read I can't cut straight to save my life) Over the last year I have been purchasing shop tools. Table saw, radial arm saw, and such. I have been practicing a bit, but not a lot. I have to say, the right tools make all the difference in the world. Since I stopped using the table saw and skill saw my dad gave me, that used to belong to my grandpa and are almost twice as old as I am, I have been able to make things I am actually proud of. Now, on to the build.


First was the main supports. I chose to run three of them the length of the bed. I decided to make the overall hieght 8 1/4 tall. This leaves lots of room for Porthos, yet gives me ample room in the drawers.



Side note/helpful hint. If you are like me and can't cut straight, try this. First, measure, very carefully and accurately the distance between the blade on your skill saw and the end of the guard. Next, once you have marked your cut line, make another line to the outside of your cut line. The distance between the lines should be exactly the same as your measurement you took from the saw. Now get a straight edge (like your long level) and some clamps and clamp the straight edge to your second line.




Now just run your saw carefully down the straight edge, and vala, perfect cut.

Ok, back on track. Next was the end piece. It is "datoed" to except the three main supports. After that I decided I did not want "full length" drawers. I believe they would be too long. So I put a support 45 inches back from the tailgate. This support is "interlocked" to the three main supports. Not sure what the technical term is, but I cut half way into one board, then halfway into the other board and "slid" the two together. Nice and strong.


Next I "datoed" 3 pieces of 1x2. These are stuck to the tops of the main supports and across the center support. I did this to add some strength, and give me a slightly larger screw area for the top sheet. Once this was done I started on the rear section of the deck. Not much to tell here. Just took my time and notched little by little until they fit perfectly.



The rear section will get some doors to access the area below, but I am not quite sure how I am going to do that. More reading needs to be done. If ya'll have any suggestions I am open.

I think this is where I am mounting the inverter. I will need it to charge tool batteries, and run a few small power tools.


Well, thats it. One days progress and I am happy with it. Next will be the top for the front section. After that I will add the doors to the rear section and maybe some doors for the "wheel well" areas so I can access them easier. Once that is done, but before I build the drawers I will take it all apart and coat it in something. Not sure what at this point. I am leaning towards the home done "rino lining" but have not made up my mind yet.

So, comments are welcome. I hope to get more done this week.



Wow Josh, great job! Looks good and I am sure Porthos will like riding back there. If you do the rhino Lining will you lay carpet on top for Porthos? Smart idea with your new business! I hope you do really well!


Thoughtful work, and you seem to be doing much better than you give yourself credit for. I am a little disappointed that you haven't included a picture of the puppy.


Thoughtful work, and you seem to be doing much better than you give yourself credit for. I am a little disappointed that you haven't included a picture of the puppy.

Thanks man. I can do ok if I take my time. If a carpeter had done this it would have taken all of 2 hours. It took me the better part of 10+

Oh, and ask and ye shall recieve.






Wow Josh, great job! Looks good and I am sure Porthos will like riding back there. If you do the rhino Lining will you lay carpet on top for Porthos? Smart idea with your new business! I hope you do really well!

Whatever I do, Porthos won't have to worry. He has a 4' x 3' bed that is 4 inches think. He will be comfortable.



So, I got the rear two peices of the deck done last night, sorry I don't have photos of that yet.

Now it's time to think about the front section, and how to do the doors. I am kinda stumped here. Once I cut them out, I know how to install the hinges, and a latch setup isn't hard. The hard part is how do I "support" the doors when closed????? Any suggestions would be great. I though of a a sort of "ring" of steel around the inside edge to hold it, but I just don't know. It needs to be able to support Porthos. Any help with this one is greatly appriciated. I will buy you a beer or two. :victory:



couple suggestions:

might want to cut some windows in the uprights to lighten the load (lighter box = more junk you can carry. nothing crazy, but a few holes here and there will substantially make a difference in weight and not loose any strength

you could also mount your inverter directly to the side of the box (near where you have it now. If it were laid on it's side and mounted, it'd take up less space in that area and you could put other things there without as much chance of them laying on the inverter.

I was thinking of building my box bottomless like yours, but decided to go the full floor route to make it easily removable.

For the rear surface, you might just make the center two pull out drawers on wheels, then make the side panels hinged on the ends of the uprights at the top, or the bottom, or even hinged on the side to open like a regular cabinet door.

thats a great looking dog btw


FlatlinesUp, thanks for the advise. I have thought of the holes for lightening. Not sure if I will do that, but we shall see. As for the inverter, it won't mount sideways. It's about an inch and a half to wide. If that ends up being the final spot for it I will most likely build a small shelf over it to keep stuff off of it and keep it cool.

Ok, no more progress, but I took a few more photos of last nights progress.






I am still trying to figure out the forward doors. We shall see. I will start on the drawers this weekend I think. I still need to figure out if I am putting them on slides or wheels. It will most likely come down to most, but we shall see. I am also leaning hard towards the home done rino lining for the final product. I really like the look of natural wood, but I think the bed liner will hold up much better.



Ok, sorry for the delay. I switched jobs last week, and have not had a chance to work on this until today.

So, a few notes for those who sre like me and are not good with wood working.
First, clamps. They are your friend. The more you have, the better things are. Big bar clamp, small "C" clamps and everything in between. You can not have to many clamps.
Second, the inch monster. He does exist. Most of the time he is mean, but once in a great while he is not. When he's not thank him and take it as a clue to MEASURE, RE-MEASURE and then MEASURE again.

Ok, on to the progress.
I took everything out and gave it a coat of Duplicolor spray on bedliner.




I then got it re-installed in the back of the truck. It is a very tight fit, so I chose not to secure it to the bed.



I have not cut the holes in the rear deck yet. I am waiting on the hinges to arrive, and wanted to get everything else finished for now.

Next was the drawers. I chose not to do slides, since they would be very expensive. Instead the drawers just slide on the bed floor. Oh, and this is where the inch monster stuck. Thankfully I made the second drawer to long, so I just had to take it apart and shorten it.



One of many "test fits"



And both installed. I loaded one to see how it would feel.




A few more shots of the drawers and install.







The drawers will get coated in the same bedliner. They will also get handles installed on the front, as well as a front face plate of aluminum. That, however will have to wait until next weekend.



Looks good man.

I'm not as far with mine, but a couple thougths I've had looking at others/yours and thinking on mine:

Even tho it's heavy and will hold itself down, I'm going ot bind mine to the bed. In an off camber or roll over, it may save a lot of greif if the box stays with the truck instead of free floating in space and emptying all the contents

The drawers can be made to slide easier if you make some runners/feet out of HDPE (plastic used in most cutting boards). It will support a lot of weight in compression and offer much less resistance than the wood sliding on the bed and won't be affected by water/humidity. They don't have to go the full length of the drawer, just a 1" foot every 6" or so will do it right.


I thought about anchoring it down, but as this truck does not see any real offroad use I didn't see the point. As for the drawer slides, I had though of that (great minds think alike). I was going to order some of the cutting board material, but my mom found some actual cutting boards on sale for $.50 each. She called to let me know and I had here buy every one they had. I now have 27 cutting boards, just got to get to the folks house to pick them up.

Hopefully I will get to finishing the drawer fronts, as well as bedlining them this weekend. I have to say, so far I really like how it has turned out.


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