Oh ... just humor the idiot - please

Ruffin' It

So I have a truely bad *** FZJ80 straight from my dreams; 4" lift sitting on 35's, Winch, ARB bar, sliders, lockers, longfields, etc... The thing is that I don't drive it, hardly ever. It gets 15 MPG and the conservationist in me has real trouble choosing it over my girlfriend's 40 MPG hybrid for 99% of our driving. Moreover, I bought it with grand intentions of amazing trips to far off places ... which just don't seem to be materializing. Lack of money and time seems to be the biggest issues and look like they will be for the next few years. This leads me to wonder what I am doing with this great rig that I drive maybe 200 miles a month and have only had off-road twice in the 6 months I've owned it. Even worse, it's limits are so high, that I can't find them. It just walks up and over anything I can find. There is no challenge whatsoever. So why don't I sell it and buy something that makes more sense for the reality of my life rather than the fantasy and buy my dream 70 series in a few years when I can, hopefully, actually take big trips? Mind you, I doubt I will. I love just having the thing around, but I probably should. I was thinking either a Honda Element or a Subaru Outback would allow the sort of trips I actually seem to take and are frugal enough on gas that I would be able to take more of them. Throw a 2" lift under either with some AT's and a small roof top tent on top and go. I'd love something that gets at least mid 20's on MPG, could fit her and I and the two 80 lbs dogs comfortably with enough AWD cred to actually get down some decent trails. Sure, the Rubicon is out of the picture, but I never really had any desire for that stuff anyway. If I could get through trails rated 5-6 (I was doing 8's in my stock Disco), I would be happy.

So, hit me with your thoughts, teasing, outright name calling...

Root Moose

Expedition Leader
You're a 'tard!

Don't sell it - you'll regret it the rest of your life.

Wrist slashing scale regret.

Does that help?



Expedition Leader
lay off the medical mary jane.

keep it, you'll be kicking yourself in the *** for the rest of your life.

buy yourself a daily driver and keep the TOY:smiley_drive:


Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
Sounds like a plan.

I know many people who love their Subaru’s, we had one for 12 years. 25mpg, full time computer controlled 4x4, excellent on snow and dirt roads.

Many Subaru owners hate them, mainly because of the unsolved problem of the blown head gaskets right after they go out of warranty. Someone will pipe in and say they have fixed this issue, but there are enough people in my neighborhood who would disagree. My 1996 finally nickel and dimed me to death, so I sold it to a friend for $1.00.

Honda Elements have a strong following, I talked to a potential customer the other day, he had downsized from a Sportsmobile and loved his Element. The Element has a very low tow capacity so I steered him toward the ECamper from Ursa Minor Vehicles http://www.ursaminorvehicles.com/.


Expedition Leader
you should sell it.

what a stupid thing to have it sitting in your driveway. It causes you worry, endless hours thinking of what you "could" be doing, if you could just afford the gas.

These rigs are simply overbuilt for how you'll use it. (how most people will use it)

You bought into the sales pitch of what an expo rig "should be" and didn't ask enough personal questions of what you and your girl would actually enjoy.

sell it. get on with your life. You sound like a smart guy, so I'm thinking you'll make the right decision for you and yours...

Spoken with respect, buddy.

I wouldn't post it if I didn't mean it.
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This Space For Rent
Sounds to me like you just need to keep upgrading it....what kind of MPG does one of those get with a 4BT cummins? Don't sell, as sooner rather then later that girlfriend will turn magically into a fiance', and then into a wife. Once she is a wife, your days of frivelous vehicular spending will be limited, and then once you have the eventually baby, well...forget any new toys. Keep what you have now, or forever keep your silent self-loathing.

For the record, I was in your same shoes last year with my rig. Finally decided that since it doesn't cost me anything monthly to own it, than there really is no harm in keeping it. Plus, the fact that I have both a wife and a kid add to the fact that this is one toy I'd never be able to get again, and if I were to sell it, the money would magically disappear in a myriad of house projects and other such regrettable things.

4BT is your next project. Get on it.


Mr. Leary

Glamping Excursionaire
Finally decided that since it doesn't cost me anything monthly to own it, than there really is no harm in keeping it... if I were to sell it, the money would magically disappear in a myriad of house projects and other such regrettable things.

4BT is your next project. Get on it.




Expedition Leader
Sounds to me like you just need to keep upgrading it....what kind of MPG does one of those get with a 4BT cummins? Don't sell, as sooner rather then later that girlfriend will turn magically into a fiance', and then into a wife. Once she is a wife, your days of frivelous vehicular spending will be limited, and then once you have the eventually baby, well...forget any new toys. Keep what you have now, or forever keep your silent self-loathing.

For the record, I was in your same shoes last year with my rig. Finally decided that since it doesn't cost me anything monthly to own it, than there really is no harm in keeping it. Plus, the fact that I have both a wife and a kid add to the fact that this is one toy I'd never be able to get again, and if I were to sell it, the money would magically disappear in a myriad of house projects and other such regrettable things.

4BT is your next project. Get on it.


Spence, dude.

I have three kids and am methodically building an XJ right now. I have three carseats in the back and a Logans metal winch bumper on the way.

My dad and I are taking our Basic HAM soon and my wife is thrilled, cuz she wants me to be as safe as possible. This also explains her enthusiasm about installing a cage as soon as we can afford it (planned for March 2010).

I understand the tongue and cheek nature of your posts, but nonetheless I'm rather offended at your assertion that a family robs a man of his ability to be a man and have fun with his "toys"

Then again, I haven't met your wife and kids, so, that might add a lot of perspective.

Take back your man card brother.


This Space For Rent
I understand the tongue and cheek nature of your posts, but nonetheless I'm rather offended at your assertion that a family robs a man of his ability to be a man and have fun with his "toys"

You get offended alot around this place...must be difficult to be so sensitive :sombrero:

The point I was making is that life priorities change, as does the demand for the allocation of funds. If you had $x.xx alotted to vehicles prior to getting married, than you will inevitably have $x.xx - $y.yy available after marriage. Have a kid, and you've got $x.xx - $y.yy - $z.zz^nth power (nth = kinder folk). This is basic math dude. To be a responsible husband and father, you can't maintain the same level of toys and play money output post-commitment as you did pre-commitment. I make plenty of money, as does my wife. When I got married, we bought a house, started saving for retirement, etc etc. These take away from money available to buy toys. We just had a daughter, and the amount of money that has taken from what we had become accustomed to is rather astonishing. Again, another hit to the toy fund. You also can't just disappear out in the woods all the time either....it just doesn't work with the other priorities that present themselves when considering the needs of others in the family. This is my point, and I think it is clear.

Of course at the end of the day, the OP wasn't asking about financial planning advice...he was looking for opinions on why he should or should not keep his truck.

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I Leak Oil

Expedition Leader
If you don't owe anything on it I'd keep it. We own a subaru Forester and I used to own a couple GLs when I was in high school. I'm not confident in their longevity if used in rough terrain.
But.....For the love of God man, you live in LA...buy a couple of motos and have at it!:roost:

Ruffin' It

Luckily, the girlfriend - will be wife, loves it and furrows her brow when I bring up selling it. One of the many reasons I'm keeping her around :wings:

Sounds to me like you just need to keep upgrading it....what kind of MPG does one of those get with a 4BT cummins? Don't sell, as sooner rather then later that girlfriend will turn magically into a fiance', and then into a wife. Once she is a wife, your days of frivelous vehicular spending will be limited, and then once you have the eventually baby, well...forget any new toys. Keep what you have now, or forever keep your silent self-loathing.

For the record, I was in your same shoes last year with my rig. Finally decided that since it doesn't cost me anything monthly to own it, than there really is no harm in keeping it. Plus, the fact that I have both a wife and a kid add to the fact that this is one toy I'd never be able to get again, and if I were to sell it, the money would magically disappear in a myriad of house projects and other such regrettable things.

4BT is your next project. Get on it.



Supporting Sponsor: Cruiser Outfitters
I hear this all the time. Seriously, all the time. I have a simple solution. Plan a super neat trip, doens't have to bee a month or even a week. Plan a neat 3-4 day trip into Death Valley or down to Baja. No matter how frusterated I am with vehicles, wanting to change them up, sell them off or simplify, I come home absolutely in love with them. If you come home not appreciating the rig or feeling like it was a waste tro drive it, your decision is made.

I know this doesn't work out in every situation, but seriously if you can't find the time to plan a nice trip tp use it as intended in the next few months, then your right, what is the point of owning it? But don't replace it with a vehicle based on fuel economy alone, becuase that is not the reason your not getting out to use the rig solely I assume. I mean consider that a 15mpg 1FZ Cruiser versus say a 25mpg 4BT Cruiser dollar wise is nothing on weekend trip.

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