Apple Tablet: iPad

Scott Brady

No, it is not released yet, but it will kill nearly all single purpose devices.


Wait for the destruction to stock prices of Garmin (GPS units) and Amazon (Kindle). . . I am ready :D

We can use this thread to monitor development and speculation, and for fun, this article is the best way to kick it off, and is absolutely hilarious.

Apple Tablet Rumors Persist: How Steve Jobs Immaculately Conceived A New Mac

According to prophecy, and also CNN, a Mac tablet will completely obliterate the need for other gadgets. Combining the features of a MacBook, an iPhone, a Kindle and God, it will herald the end of days. Personally, I love thinking about the Armageddon, so I’ve got my head on straight here. And I’m just not sure the Apple tablet’s mesmerizing, impossibly beautiful screen will be the super glossy face of my maker.


Expedition Leader
I like tablets (aka slate computers), but there are barriers to their success.

The inclusion of a keyboard in the photo above highlights the biggest problem for a slate device: Text entry. A slate works well if you're using it to browse the web, or read e-books (even Overland Journal, someday), or view Youtube videos, or even to run some custom application like recording a patient visit to a medical office. But a slate fails for general computing. It's just not as fast or accurate for text entry.

There's hope for slates. Some slates talk about having a handwriting recognition application, or even voice recognition. And on-screen keyboards are getting better. The iPhone, for example, analyzes the word (maybe the preceding several words) you're typing to help minimize mistakes with the next letters. But at the moment there's no substitute for a real keyboard for computing that includes content creation.

Then there's the problem of using a slate while standing up. If you have to set the slate down on a table, or even sit and balance it on your knee, then you might as well be using a laptop with a real keyboard. To get maximum value from a slate, it has to be small and light enough to comfortably use it while standing.

What advantage does a slate have over a "convertible" laptop ( a conventional laptop with a screen that rotates 180* and lays down to cover the keyboard) ? The convertible laptop looks to be able to do everything a slate can do, with the advantage of having a keyboard available when you need it.

Laptops routinely weigh less than 3.5 lbs today, even ones with convertible screens. Check out the Gigabyte T1028X, for example.

Another challenge for a slate computer is readability of the screen. A portable computer will be used in bright direct light and sunlight, areas where conventional LCD screens are hard to read. The new e-Ink and PixelQi screens look good and use less power, but they are grayscale, not color. Some day we'll have the answer, but not today.

Then there's the matter of boot-up speed. Would you want to carry a slate that takes 60 seconds to boot up? That's the current speed of devices running Mac OS/X or Windows 7. There are stripped-down unix solutions, most notably Google Chrome, that boot in a couple of seconds. But they don't run the software that people use for general computing (text editing, spreadsheet, photo manipulation, etc). Some current computers can run for a day in sleep mode, so maybe the answer is a design that you never turn completely off.

Would you buy a slate if it cost 50% more than a laptop with similar performance? The high volume of production for laptops keeps their price low, while a slate will certainly be a low volume item, at least at first.

Chip Haven

Scott Brady

It will be easy to bluetooth and connect to small keyboards, even ones that snap to the back of the tablet. I expect it will replace nearly everything I need, as long as the processor is up to image and video processing.

I can see walking into the office, setting the tablet on a charging pad and everything connecting via wireless. My desktop will have a 24" screen and full-size mouse and keyboard. It will easily dock in the vehicle too.

We can dream ;)


As long as it has a gps, I'm cool. I'm still rather annoyed the archos 7 and 9 inch devices as well as the ipod touch don't have built in gps...

But I fear I just set myself up for disappointment.


As long as it has a gps, I'm cool. I'm still rather annoyed the archos 7 and 9 inch devices as well as the ipod touch don't have built in gps...

But I fear I just set myself up for disappointment.

I'm hoping it will accept standard GPS software currently available and allow use of a handheld GPS as it's input. This could be the perfect keyboard-less in car navigation computer if it will allow me to use my own map data as a background and simply read my Garmin as an antenna. It's something I'v been waiting for but like you am prepared for disappointment (or at least sticker shock).

Root Moose

Expedition Leader
I'm a recent convert to a iPod Touch. Around my property the wifi connection works fine and gives most of the functionality I've wanted. I will likely go with a iPhone soon to have the same functionality all the time.

I find notebooks and netbooks pointless now for the way I use portable devices. The iPod/iPhone type device is no panacea, but it is completely workable in a pinch out of necessity.

My quibble with the iP is purely size based. Integrate a ~10" screen and it'd be ideal for the way I use portable devices. When mobile the touch screen works fine, when "docked" I can use normal input devices.

I was given a Blackberry Bold 9000 last week for work purposes (linked to our alerting system; couldn't get a more recent device due to the interesting way we are funded).

After using an iP the BB seems old-fashioned with a poorly implemented user interface (pretty but I think it needs even more modes... that's sarcasm btw). Using it as a web browser is painful. The track ball thingy is retarded. Engineers kludge to a problem, no elegance.

I can't wait for the tablet to come out. I'm hoping it isn't some kind of an elaborate hoax.


Expedition Leader
BB outdated?


You think a BB is outdated, I need Windows Mobile on my phone for one work related software, so I just got a new HTC Touch... man it is bad, outdated by a lot after using an iTouch : (

ps is anyone tethering a digital camera to their iPhone or using something like an EyeFi SD card to work with the iPhone?

sorry off-topic ; ) but the Tablet is too far away!


Revolutionary? Perhaps I'm missing something. Everyone makes it sound like Tablets haven't been around for the past 9 years, and they have yet to catch on (mostly due to performance). So what exactly makes people think that this is going to be any different (aside from the fact that every Apple fanboy out there will HAVE to have it, and pay a 3x apple premium for design)?

As for killing and replacing the market for dedicated devices, I doubt it. Will most people be willing to replace their cell phone full time with something of this size? Not likely. If you go out for a jog, or to the gym for a workout, are you going to lug this thing around for your music player? Again, doubtful. How about in-car GPS units? There is no doubt a tablet PC will other many features not usually found on most GPS units. But lets face it, GPS units are as successful because they are cheap, small, and people can hook them up and leave them in their car. A tablet doesn't meet any of this criteria. All of this holds true, especially when one considers the likely retail prices these are going to be going for. It wasn't that long ago the AIR came out and was supposed to "revolutionize" the laptop market. Well high price, and limited features dashed that hope rather quickly.

Perhaps it may replace laptops for some folks (after all, thats all this is anyway), but thats about it. It'll be interesting to see too, what kind of enterprise support Apples builds into these units, as that could determine the future of these devices (Perhaps Apple learned this lesson with the iPhones).

IMO, initial short term sales for these might be good (see fanboy above), but long term success will be tough (although it will almost have to be better then AppleTV). I'm guessing they'll be a lot of window shoppers, but not nearly as many buyers.
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Expedition Leader
"GPS units are as successful because they are cheap, small, and people can hook them up and leave them in their car."

I think that smart phones running Google Android are about to swallow the
market for one-function GPS devices used for navigation while driving. Why pay upwards of $100 for a navi device when your Android phone will do it for free, and arguably do a better job? Why leave a device in the car when you can have it in your pocket as part of your phone?


Expedition Leader
Will a tablet/slate computer replace your smart phone?
My guess is, No. The phone is too portable and offers Internet access in many, many places where WiFi is not available. Your phone is always on, always available.

But audio is becoming a smaller and smaller percentage of people's communications. Texting, tweeting and blogging are increasingly important. I see a market for a smart device with some sort of larger screen than most phones have today, but still small enough to carry in your pocket. This device will use the 3G (and soon 4G) data services offered by the cell phone companies. This is where mobile internet device (MID) development is heading.

Will a tablet/slate replace your laptop (or desktop)?
Possibly, it depends on how much you create content using the laptop.

Will Apple's idea for a tablet create a new class of computing device?
This is more likely, in my opinion. I'd guess a device that excels at presenting image, audio and video for your consumption. A device like the Archos 5 Personal Media Player, maybe a little larger. Couple the new device with iTunes for HD movies, where you can rent movie and TV content for very little money per view.

If Apple has a new device, I expect they will announce it at the Consumer Electronics Show in January. Apple used to use MacWorld Expo for this sort of announcement, but the company decided to officially withdraw from the Expo, in favor of CES.

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