Scott's M416 trailer build begins


As I wait for the steel prices for my project, the work continues.

What I have done today:

Removed axle and springs
Removed the drums and had them turned. Also removed bearings and seals. New ones are already sitting here ready to install.
Removed the backing plates, they have to be switch side to side, to hook park brake back up. Brake shoes look new, but then they should, it's just a parking brake.
Separated leaf springs and sanding all the rust off. I will paint those while I have them apart.

Plans for next week:

Sand blast frame and axle
Paint leaf springs and reassemble.
Wheel adapters should be in, they started production today on them.
And hopefully, I will have the metal to do the tongue.

Things I am still needing:

Find a tongue box the size I want.
Decide on the Multi axis hitch that I want
Decide on water storage, tank or water cans.
Decide on the fuel storage, Military style or Roto pax style fuel packs.
Decide if I am going to build a cargo rack or try to buy something that will fit the size I want.

Oh and my buddy that works at Napa is going to bring their paint rep in with some samples of the different bed-liner sprays that they carry.


I have received my estimate for my lid, from the 2nd company that contacted. 825 dollars! And my other estimate, for the materials only, for the tongue assembly is 320 dollars.

These are more than I had expected, by almost 1/2. I have done a fair amount of fab work in years past, so I had a little bit of an idea what to expect, but dang!

I am still waiting for the first company to get back to me on the lid. And I have emailed them the diagrams for the tongue materials too.

Hopefully I will get a quote in my price range, or I may have to wait a couple of months for funds, or change my design.


Ouch. That does seem expensive particularly compared to what others seem to have paid. Will be interesting to see what the first, but slower to respond company quotes.


This weeks has been a little disappointing, my work on the trailer is progressing, but slower than I had hoped for. My delays have been, getting someone to quote me prices for the tongue material.

One as stated was way to high, one has never returned calls back ( maybe they don't need more work, I don't know ). Another one said they really don't have the equipment to supply the pieces ( parts are pretty simple, don't know how they make anything if they can't cut metal ).

Now I am on my 4th company that I have requested a quote from. And to my amazement, 1 1/2 hours after faxing them my drawings for the tongue material, they called with a price! They can do the materials need, for the tongue, at a price of $ 210 dollars. This is much more in line to what I thought it would cost me. I needed some good news today.

After the call, I sent them the drawings of my lid to price out. Can't wait!

So, this weekend, I am going to remeasure to confirm the dimensions, so that I can call them back on Monday to order. 2 day turn around, yahoo!

What I have done this week is:

Put new bearings in the axle and put back together, and painted.
Painted and put back together the leaf springs.
Used paint stripper on the frame to get rid of all the undercoating ( hate that stuff ). I still plan to sandblast the frame, but not until I have the metal I need to weld the tongue on.
Oh, and I received my wheel spacers from A-dapt-it. They fit great!

Well that is about it for this week, hopefully, I will have more next week!
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SE Expedition Society
I might have missed something as I didnt pick apart everyone of your posts, but what are talking about when you say you are getting quotes for the "tongue material'? Are you just needing prices for tubing? If so, why would you go to a Fab shop? Are they actually doing any work to this material, or just supplying it?

By tongue, I assume you mean the triangular front portion of the frame right?
You arent talking about the coupler?

You mentioned you were just looking for material pricing, and that you would be doing the welding... If thats the case, go to a steel supply place, not a fab shop where they would be the middlemen.

Same with the lid, if you can weld, why not just get the steel and build it yourself.

Like said, I may have missed something here, I apologize if so... :elkgrin:


Sorry for the confusion. in my post #10 I did a mock up design for my tongue assembly. And then I figured up the materials I needed to make it. I maybe should have said "A frame assembly".

In my area, unless you want a lot of steel, the only places to get steel is from one of the Steel fab companies. The nearest steel supply company is about 50 miles away, and I don't have the ability to get away from work to go there to pick up steel. And since I don't have enough material to meet their minimum for free delivery, I would have to pay delivery fees. So that is why unless something changes, I will need to go to one of the steel fab companies to get my materials.

As for the lid, my design would require 8 different breaks (bends) to form it, and I don't have a press break to do this type of work. If I decide that I need to change my design to a simpler flat lid, then I will do all the fab for that myself.

Hope that clarifies it a little bit.


Things are getting ready to move quick now. I will have all the metal to build my "A" frame tongue assemble tomorrow. That should mean that I can start welding that together this weekend.

They also gave me a price on the lid at 650 dollars, bent, and ends welded.

So when they deliver my materials, they are going to double check my measurements for my lid, and get started making it.

This was the best price I was able to get from anyone, and the only one that was willing to do all the bends with 1 sheet of material plus each end piece. Everyone else wanted to do it with multiple pieces, one company said it would take at least 7 pieces, stitch welded and caulked, to make the top.

My buddy was here yesterday with his paint rep, and they figured up all the needed primers and paints to do everything. And he is going to sell me the paint materials at body shop pricing, that will be a good savings!

That's all for now, I hope to be able to post some progress pictures soon.


Starting to get some things done now. I have spent the last few days building the A frame tongue assembly.



Not done with it all yet, I had some problems with my weld. It went from working great, to barely able to make a weld. Never did figure it out, just started working again for some reason.

Metal fab company said that I could have the lid by tomorrow afternoon if all goes well.

I finally played around with the Google sketchup program. This is the design that I have made up. Not done messing around with it, but getting close.


That's all for the moment, expect pictures tomorrow if the top gets done.


Thought I would add a few pictures of the trailer put together. I put it together to start taking measurements of the steps and fenders. The straps that are in the pictures are just to hold the bed down tight and square for measuring purposes.

My lid did not make here on Friday afternoon, but I am hoping it arrives today. Just in case, I am going to leave it put together so that I can set it on and check the fit.





Another week has gone by, and work is progressing nicely. I took delivery of my lid today:wings:. Wow it is heavy. Two of us carried it, but lifting it high enough to set it on the tub was very difficult.



The fit is perfect. They followed my drawing and did a great job on the welding. Shouldn't take to much grinding and sanding to clean up the welds.

Now I have to decide on which way I will have it tip. Forward or to the side, any suggestions? And I will have to decide on how I am going to use gas cylinders to lift it. I have a few different leverage designs instead of the normal cylinders only, but still working at it.

This week I also made my supports for in front of and behind the fenders. Since the tub has a side lip that covers 1 inch of the frame, I chose to use 1 x 2 and 1 x 1 tubing to make them.



I still have one more on each side at the front to finish, but my solar tinting welding lens started to mess up. By the time I went and purchased a new helmet, time was running out for today. Maybe tomorrow, if my eyes don't bother me any more.

I have lots to do, and its been a lot of fun so far. Hope you all like my build so far.
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:victory:..Great looking lid. That's the design I ultimately want for mine, going with a temporary flatty for now just cause I'm running out of time before my Colorado trip.


nice lid .. i think i have seen that one somewhere before

Ya, I would say that they look a little alike. I didn't come up with the design on my own, I did a lot of looking, yours being one of them.

So, if copying is a form of compliment, I will be complimenting you and several others many times before I am done!

And to all, I say "thank you"


ya it looks real good ..and its good that you got it one piece not that strength would be an issue but all that grinding and work to smooth it out would be a real pain .. i kinda copied mine from a couple o trailers i liked too .. thats what these forums are for aint it?? to show off and help out.. keep up the good work im waitin to see how it all turns out...

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