How big of a knife?


I believe in Calif, a concealed knife's blade can't be bigger than 3"? i.e. folding EDC. I am curious on the size of a knife one can carry exposed; sheathed on a belt, webbing or lashed to a pack, in the field (Nat, State Parks, BLM etc). Can one lash a machete to the outside of a backpack? Can you wear a "Rambo" survival type knife on your belt? What if one has a "Rambo" in their backpack (B.O.B.), is it considered a concealed weapon? What if the B.O.B. is on the passenger seat of your rig? I'm assuming/hoping there is discretion on behalf of law enforcement, especially in the field, but would like info on what is the "proper protocol" for carrying a large knife or machete.


Lots of questions. Try HERE for lots of answers.

I've known more than a few wilder types who open carry large fixed blade knives in public in California. A few with blades around 8+ inches.


Automotive ADHD is fun!
Lots of questions. Try HERE for lots of answers.

I've known more than a few wilder types who open carry large fixed blade knives in public in California. A few with blades around 8+ inches.

I've walked through malls and schools with a 5" blade quite visible on my belt - never had a problem.


I haven't had time to read the links but from my past reading there is no specific language dictating a max length for a folding knife but there is specific language to what a folding knife is and isn't. As far a fixed blades again no length and can be worn at the waist non concealed and be within the law. Have a little 2" boot knife though and you'll be in trouble.. I guess the old story was some people got busted dressed in their renosance wear and a few had boot knives. I figure I have no reason to pull a questionable knife nor be searched (I play nice) so what I have is ok (at least in CA).


New member
I used to help the Calgary Police with school safety presentations...and one thing I learnt is that the size of a knife doesn't matter (at least here in Alberta). However, you have to have a legitimate need for what you have on you. You can carry a large machete through downtown Calgary if you're making your way to the mountains where you will need it, just don't pull it out.

If you use it in any way, in a threatening manner, or reference it in a threat, it's then a weapon and most likely you'll wind up on the losing end of a taser or at least you're going to jail.

I've carried a CKRT folding M16 for the last 4 years, and have never been given a hassle about it, except for once on an accident scene where the cop asked why I had a knife (you can see the butt end and clip sticking out of my pocket), and all I said was for work and utility. Had a buddy who told a cop his was for protection, and the cop took it away....LOL


i carry a 3" folder on me at all times, 365. just a gerber quick draw pocket knife. I have a woodsman's pall machete, gerber saw and gerber hatchet in my cargo boxes at all times. as for when i'm out in the woods, i add a leatherman to my belt and a Kabar, which is quite a large knife in plain view.


i'm pretty sure 3" is the max you can carry concealed, not sure if plain sight makes a difference. but to be honest, i don't care. if you're out in a national forest or similar wilderness area hiking, camping, etc most wildlife/police officers won't care and don't care under normal conditions, regardless of the laws. I've dealt with Florida Fish and Game (FWC) many times wearing large knives on my belts when out in areas like that and they could care less as long as i'm not causing problems or acting irresponsible.


Thanks for the Info. I will just stick with my 3" EDC and use the big knives in the kitchen. Never realized how uptight the laws are over knives.

What about a pointed stick? j/k


National Forests are Federal land and Federal laws override state laws. For example, in the NF's in the People's Republic of California, it is perfectly legal to carry a handgun on your hip. I know this because I am a campground host in the Sierra NF and I asked the Federal LEO and he confirmed it.

I assume the same would be true of knives. Most of my campers wore longer knives on their hips, as did I. Bob

Mr. Leary

Glamping Excursionaire
It just depends... what you would call three inches, or what she would call three inches? :coffeedrink:


National Forests are Federal land and Federal laws override state laws. For example, in the NF's in the People's Republic of California, it is perfectly legal to carry a handgun on your hip. I know this because I am a campground host in the Sierra NF and I asked the Federal LEO and he confirmed it.

I assume the same would be true of knives. Most of my campers wore longer knives on their hips, as did I. Bob

The LEO that you spoke to was wrong. State law is applicable on Federal land.
However you are able to carry an unconcealed firearm in California, in most places, as well as being able to carry a loaded firearm in certain other areas.
The LEO may have been refering to the fact that state law allows for the carry of a loaded firearm at temporary campsites, as it is considered your home.
There are other situations that the firearm may be carried loaded; hunting, target shooting, private property, employees of businesses, certain unincorporated areas, etc....
Always best to check the laws of the jurisdiction that you are in.

HB 4X4

I have multiple knives in my vehicle at all times, one of which is a 11" long fixed blade. The blade itself is about 6-7" I believe... If they asked me if I had any weapons, I would explain where each one was, and that they are welcome to confiscate the fixed blade if it's an issue.

I also believe that we could get away with a blade easier than some thug rolling around with a knife in his pocket. If they saw all of my gear, it would make total sense to have knives. I keep a pack with enough food/water/supplies for two people to survive comfortably for a solid week, as well as tools and recovery gear. I have a hatchet and saw for clearing trails as well. All of which are in my truck 24/7.
personally i have 3 dedicated knives and a wetterlings axe. First knife is my daily carry Spyderco delica 4, Next for fixed blade small use either goes to my Bark river knives Mini-canadian or my Rat Cutlery(ESEE) Izula, and for my larger fixed blade work i carry my Rat Cutlery(ESEE) RC-4. I keep all of these things razor sharp at all times and always have a field kit with them. For any info on knife laws for the area you are in might i suggest As far as staying legal the spyderco delica should do it in almost any state except for ********** New York because they classify it as a "gravity knife" meaning you can hold the blade and sling the handle open.... somehow more "deadly" which is the dumbest thing ever. One thing I can confirm regardless of knife laws... most employees regardless of state or federal land would never stop and ask "are you carrying a knife concealed?" Once again it boils down to common sense though and also not making yourself a target. Use it when you need it and put it away when you don't is my general practice. But for most backwoods and bushcraft uses my mini-canadian will get the job done and then some. Basically it is in educating yourself in knife skills and practicing. I Skinned an entire whitetail last year with it, baton with it, start fires and fuzz sticks as well.
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