Which model is better for overland in Africa


New member

I am looking into purchasing a car for a 6 month African overland trip. I have narrowed it down to the following vehicles (I think) but would like your opinions. Most important criteria is reliability, followed by availablity of spares and mechanics along the way.

1. Land cruiser 80 series (I think HZJ80R)
2. Troopie HZJ75RV
3. Troppie HZJ78R
4. Hilux Surf SSR

The Troopies are a lot cheaper and seem to have the same engine as the 80 series from what I can gather.

Which one would you chose?

Scott Brady

If the primary goal is reliability, than use the newest 70 series you can afford. However, I would not underrate the 80 series with the HZJ by much, as it will provide a much better ride and drive.

All of those trucks will be a fantastic choice. Use the one that turns you on the most IMO ;)


What Scott said.

For me it is the newest 70 series 1HZ-powered troopy I could find in my budget. I just dig the dash and the dimensions. I guess on the reliability side a manual transmission is the simpler system for mechanics, but over there you have 80s with manuals. My guess is the manual:auto ratio is very high?

Given Toyota design, the HD-T powered trucks are excellent as well, but technically it is a more complicated system.


I drive my 80 everyday and have done many small mileage trips around the countryside but nothing major but any model I am sure is fine you see about everything here and mechanics are plentiful. It depends on comfort features you would like and the such the 80's have a little bit more comfort then a 70 series in my opinion. As far as the hilux surf goes I think it's too small.


New member
Thanks for all the replies.

The more I read the more I think the 75 is probably the one to go for in a manual diesel. It is quite a lot cheaper than an 80 series but with the same engine. How much more comfortable is the 80 series?

Does anyone have an opinion on what is too many km on the clock for a mid to late 90's 75 model? When do things normally need to be replaced?



I've just deleted my first reply, I was just repeating what's already on the HUBB .... if you're not "into cars" buy a car which has done the trip. There are plenty of cars going south / north .. fully prepared, fully equipped... just keep a little cash back for a big service.

Condition, condition, condition is the most important, don't worry too much about the mileage. Keep an eye on the for sale & wanted section.

Are you looking to buy in Europe ?


Expedition Leader
Hilux with a good solid steel canopy/camper shell.

Twin cab hilux diesel can be fixed anywhere over there. Cheap to run and the major advantage is that you can have all your stuff securily locked in the back. We sat in a coffee shop and watched about a dozen people peering in the windows of our vehicle to see what could be had. This even happened when we were stopped at traffic lights.

Also having 2 rows of seats even if there is only 2 people travelling is an advantage when you are going through the game parks etc. Reather than have your view restricted to one side or the other the passanger can hop in the back and go from side to side.

Here is a photo a similar rig to the one we had in over there a few years ago. (rental). You could also check with the rental companies to see it they are selling off their old fleet vehicles. ( www.maui-rentals.com , http://sa.keacampers.com )


Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member

If you can get one, a Land Cruiser TroopCarrier HZJ78 is your best option.

A late HZJ75 would also be good but there are becoming hard to find in decent condition. The 80 is an excellent choice but they are also pretty old by now, the most recent being 1996. They will need some repairs.

Also, a few additional details would help, such as your budget, where you live and where you are planning to buy the vehicle.

TroopCarrier are really hard to find at a good price all through Africa.


I've ridden in both 75 and 80 series and find there to be more space in the front seats and more comfortable seats as well just more leg room.

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