Me and my Cruiser


New member
G'day lads and ladies.

I've been lurking about unregistered for a while checking out how you lot over there do it so I thought I'd say hi..

My ride is a 99 LC105 turbo diesel Landcruiser with some extras. We, my wife and two kids, have been on the road here in Oz basically since January last year. We are from Sydney on the east coast but have made our way to Perth on the west coast where we have been for a few months doing a bit of work.

We should be heading back into the Outback at the end of June to head east again. We tow an offroad camper trailer where ever we go which takes care of the sleeping time beween exploring.

Bit on the Cruiser, it's a 105 which I don't think you guys got over there. Basically an 80 series with a 100 series body. She was a petrol cruiser originally but I swapped out the 1FZ for 1HD-FTE turbo diesel out of a ute. it has most of the things you would expect in an expedition truck (we call em Outback tourers) like long range tanks, draw systems, heavy suspension, bar work, lockers etc..

some pics







I'll go back to lurking about now :victory:



Welcome to EXPO, great rig. I love your photos especially the one of you crossing the water and the guys kicking back in lawn chairs.


Expedition Leader
I WISH we had 105's here! That would make my life soooooo much better...and my mod list soooooo much shorter :)

Nice pics...thanks for posting!


New member
Thanks guys, the old girl suits me.

no mate, I don't have a web site. I only just know enough about computers to post this stuff up. Trip has taken us across the top of Oz and through some of the middle. So far we have done about 45,000km. It's a pretty big place this. I have a bunch of pics that I posted on an Aussie forum that would probably tell a reasonable story if you want to see em. I don't know the rules on pic sizes and quantities so i better check before I go posting them all up.

The big white one shown in one of the pics is actually just a piece of PVC pipe over my regular UHF aerial with a bright red flag on top. Dunno if you guys run sand flags but here when you are driving the desert dunes we use them to warn oncoming vehicles. The big one on the back is HF. Its range, well depending on atmospherics, can be clear across Australia. Easily 2 or 3000km car to car or car to network base. There are a few bases located around Australia where people monitor frequencies so travellers can ‘log in' when in very remote places. Obviously there are much more high tech ways of doing this nowadays but HF still has a following.



I'll continue the praise, Joff. Great pics! You down-under-folk have got your heads on right, that's for sure. Thanks for sharing, and may the remainder of your journey be safe and filled with good times.


that dam crossing looked like alot of fun, awesome 105 thanks for sharing and I hope to see more pics of your adventures :victory:


New member
Thanks again guys,

Expo80, beleive it or not, the little lump in the water just above and to the left of the bullbar in that shot is Croc. It's only a freshy but you still wouldn't want to have to stop and get out :sombrero:

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