Lifting: what is your current program?


now I know its an infomercial but P90X is hard core. I only wanted to work out an hour a day and this thing hit it on the button


I'm on week 11 of P90X. It's pretty intense and working wonders for me. After i'm finished i'm going to do it again but the Doubles version. Should be gloriously awful! :victory:


I'm on week 11 of P90X. It's pretty intense and working wonders for me. After i'm finished i'm going to do it again but the Doubles version. Should be gloriously awful! :victory:

instead of doubles they have a new one out called Insanity Workout. You will die...:)


When I'm traveling, I really love p90x. I have it ripped to hard drive on my netbook. Gives me no excuse for not working out.

At home I lift 5 days a week and do different types of cardio - cycling, running, rowing, and hiking.

My lifting routine changes every so often, but I'm a big believer in progression. I do two week "cycles" of 10 rep and 5 rep sets. I set a goal for the end of the two weeks and then work backwards, so every workout adds a little more weight.

My focus is on the big compound exercises with auxiliary exercises added in where appropriate

Day 1 - squat
Day 2 - bench
Day 3 - deadlift
Day 4 - standing overhead press
Day 5 - power clean

My physiology makes me well suited to deadlift and terrible at bench. Long arms and short legs. I like to set short term and long term goals. Right now, my main goal is to deadlift 500 lbs for my 33rd birthday which is 9 months away. I'm chipping away at it and I'm on track to meet my goal.

I wouldn't be able to do what I do without good instruction. I feel really lucky to have found an excellent trainer who is a competitive powerlifter with tons of knowledge. Form and technique is so important. I often cringe at what I see people doing in the gym.

I love lifting. It keeps me sane. I'm a grouchy SOB if I miss more than a few days. I only wish I had started sooner. I didn't get serious about until my late 20s.

Scott Brady

Well, traveling through the middle east and Asia was good for the waistline... Mostly because rich meals were scarce, so lots of little ones.

Lost 20 lbs!


i bounce back and forth between traditional 5x5 workouts trisetted and chad waterbury's principles of huge in a hurry.

a traditional 5x5 week is

day 1:

overhead press

day 2:


day 3:

overhead press

I rest 30-45 secs between each set, and do them all supersetted together so a traditional 5x5 takes about 20 mins and get an intense cardio effect as well.

other than that i play ultimate frisbee, run, and bike whenever i can.

of course the combo of full time job, full time school, and newlywed obligations have curtailed my fitness goals over the past two yrs.

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