OME Dakar HD Springs Ride Quality


How do the HD Dakars ride when not loaded down to the 800lb. I am just asking because these will be on my daily driver that gets unloaded for most normal driving. Just not sure If I need the HDs If I am loaded down to 600lb or so only on trips and not the 75% of normal Hwy driving with out the load. The springs will be on a 05 Frontier but input from any vehicles would be great.


Supporting Sponsor - Sierra Expeditions
Out of all the ones we have sold, I have never heard of any complaints from the Frontier guys running the Dakar's.


Expedition Leader
Just not sure If I need the HDs If I am loaded down to 600lb or so only on trips and not the 75% of normal Hwy driving with out the load.
Ah! The ultimate quest of a pickup truck owner!

HD leaf springs present a compromise when it comes to part time duty. I suspect you won't like the ride and handling you get for that 75% unloaded driving you do. However, you will appreciate how well the HD Dakars support and manage your loaded down Frontier. If you get a medium duty spring, you might not be pleased with either loaded/unloaded scenario. :)

Luckily we have a heavy aftermarket bumper and a camper shell on our 05 Frontier all the time, which makes driving around with the HD Dakar springs a reasonable prospect. I'm pretty satisfied with it, but I'm more satisfied with how they work when loaded. That was my priority when I bought them.

Your priority sounds different.

You'll be hard pressed to find a replacement leaf spring pack or AAL (frankly, forget the AAL) that can both be comfy on the road while totally unloaded Monday through Friday, and then come weekend support a heavy load while off highway. It's just two different demands.

The HD Dakar springs are pretty cool, but I caution you if your highest priority is keeping a comfy ride with a virtually unburdened back end.
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Thanks for the impute, that was what I was looking for. Priority would still be the loaded down trips but I was just seeing if the springs would be unbearable without the extra weight. The next question is if the new nitrocharger sport shocks are worth the extra bit all around? Thanks again.


American Adventurist
Short answer - no.

Long answer - Blah, blah, blah. No. That is unless you possess hyper-acute butt-durometric properties.
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Supporting Sponsor - Sierra Expeditions
OME is replacing most all of their shocks on over to the sport shocks. I would give them a year or so and that is all they will have available.


I haven't heard the best things about the OME shocks, what about mixing the springs with another brand of shocks, Bilsteins mabey?


My HD Dakars have been flawless.


x2 on mine as well. I ran the full OME suspension (886/Dakar HD combo incl 4 NitroChargers) on my '08 Tacoma DC for over a year, then swapped the whole set up over to my current '10 Tacoma DC. NO PROBLEMS. :wings:

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