Blue Sea Fuse Blocks


Same one I have. I snipped the bus so I could have 6 switched and 6 non-switched circuits. Works out really well.


Expedition Leader
Fuse block (and some cable ends I also ordered) arrived yesterday in good shape.
Turns out they only shipped one of the fuse blocks which, as it turns out, wasn't a big deal as I don't really need the second one soon and I hadn't paid any extra for shipping in ordering two.
Sent them an email asking them to just credit the $34.51 back to my CC, which they did, with an apology.

Even though they made a mistake in the order by not shipping one, I'd rate them high since they didn't give me any grief about it and gave me an immediate credit back to my cc.


Bringing back an old topic because I now have a need for a fuse terminal. If I set this up (and rewire my accessories) can I make the block switched or unswithced (some of each)? Not critical, but worth investigatnig.

The wire mess under my hood stinks right now, I want to get it cleaned up and off the battery terminals (except a few things like winch and electric fan.


island Explorer
I think you can clip the strip that joins the sides together to get seperate sides. Then you could do one side switched and one side not. I would install two 6 fuse panels though. Just finished installing my 6 panel last night.

Relay, 24-12v converter, fuse panel. Fun with wiring in a tight space!

Mike S

Sponsor - AutoHomeUSA
Blue Sea makes these in two types - with and without ground. This allows flexibility in designing your system. On a grounded box, you could switch either the Plus or Ground side.

Steve Curren

OK, please let this most ignorant one know what a negative or positive bus is. I am also wanting to get my wires a lot neater and safer.


Expedition Leader
A "bus" is basically a conductive strip that has places to make multiple electrical connections.
Positive would be a place to draw power for multiple things, in the case of the blue sea fuse block multiple fused circuits.
On the negative it would be mulitple screws to attach ground points.

Steve Curren

Thanks for the education.. Now another maybe stupid question but which would be best for my application of small things like power port, GPS and C.B in my JK?


Expedition Leader
Really depends on how many circuits you want to allow for and availability of grounds.
If you want to run the grounds directly to the battery, then I'd definitely go with the one that has a ground bus. The downside is that you have to run two wires to the fuse block for every circuit.

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