show your cb radio and antenna install


In 40 years of using all types of CBs and accessories I have never encountered, seen, heard of or been afraid of the CB police. If you're not a blatant **********, no one cares what radio you run, IMO.


Autism Family Travellers!
Ok, better question. What can you modify your cb to put out? and where would one go to get the instructions to do so? We do lots of backcountry trips where the cb police would never go. ha ha. It would be nice to have the extra range. Without having to go HAM.

Black Dog

Makin' Beer.
Those CB amplifiers are highly illegal, the FCC limits the 11m band to only 4 watts to avoid interference to other people. Since you're in Europe though your laws may be different, but in the USA they are a big no-no.


I was shut down by the FCC. Grandfather modified radios so we could talk to each other. Kauai to San Diego.

I'm getting my HAM soon. Do I really need both CB and HAM? I really can't afford a SAT phone.

Although there is a product I have heard about for cell phones. Cell to "box" that sends your cell through satellites then back down.. I need some education.
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Do I really need both CB and HAM?

This is a question I used to answer a lot. It's this simple: If you're only talking to other HAM's, then you certainly don't need a CB. If you're only talking to CB users, then you don't need a HAM radio...

I have friends with both, and I use the CB for entertainment and traffic when traveling. The (2M) HAM radio that I'm running has a wonderful support network of repeaters in the US, and so you can easily exceed 100 miles of range if you can get a good signal to the repeater. Standard 4 Watt CB radios are good for about 5 miles tops in normal conditions. Get back in the woods and you're lucky to get 2 miles out of it. Add to that a stubby little antenna, and some hills and you're talking to people you can see... You can bump the power and get out a little better, but you still can't hear people who haven't also bumped their power.

Interestingly enough, CB is very much related to the HAM bands that they do worldwide broadcasting on.... CB is 11 meter, and the global HAM frequency is 10 meter. Once you have a HAM license, you can push hundreds of watts on 10 meter and if the conditions are right, you can talk to just about anywhere in the world... But if you bump the same rig to 11M (CB bands) and push more than 4W, you're in violation of FCC regulations whether you have a license or not.

Generally speaking they're not going to come after you for pushing more power in a mobile setup, where you're still probably under 20W or so. It's the base stations pushing hundreds of watts that the FCC seems to occasionally get to.
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The other way to go is getting your swr on your roof down by tuning your antenna and coax. Use a good amp mice, good cables, 14.4 volt in on the radio, and a good quality antenna. Put the antenna dead center on the roof (metal) and use the surrounding area to amplify your signal. This is the legal way, he did not specified that it had to be legal....


We go places
Cobra 29 LX. Relocated the sunroof switch on order to roof mount. Duel Firesticks at the moment. Have a backup CB and scanners to install next (one scanner was mounted in front of the light in the pic, had to send back to manufacturer for repair). Soon to switch main CB to a longer Firestick mounted on rear spare tire carrier, second CB to one Firestick in place of one of the duel's and one of my scanners to a matching scanner Firestick in place of one of the duel's. After istalling all of that I should be tired and wired ;)




That is a bad ***** looking H3T!


Wow, everyone's vehicles are so clean inside...
Here's my TJ, with a CB on top of the dash and a 2M underneath.

And my truck. The CB is screwed to the dash right over the ashtray, and the 2M is stuck to the top of the dash with HD Velcro. The aux speaker is because the 2M has a bottom speaker that's right against the dash.

Antennas for both truck radios are on the corners of the ARB Bumper. Jeep has them both at the back, inside the soft top.
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