The Sausage Thread - Favorite Type, Favorite Vendor


Tail-End Charlie
I did a search and found a few mentions of sausage here and there, and a couple of mentions of vendors, but no real sausage thread, so I'll start one. I could imagine taking an entire trip just driving from one sausage vendor to the next. :D

My favorite TYPE of sausage:
Spicy Italian or Hot Links (can't decide which I like more)

My favorite PLACE to buy sausage:
Valley Hungarian Sausage & Meat Company
Littlerock, California

If you order a sausage sandwich, be prepared to hang out a little while. Depending on the type of sausage, they'll likely strip the meat out of the casing and make it into a patty so it will cook within a reasonable time.

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Expedition Leader
I really like the Trader Joe's chicken sausage's. There some that are smoked, some with maple syrup, some with bits of apple, some with gouda, some with both. So tasty!




I like lean patty sausage. I also like to know that it contains high quality ingredients and not the cast offs of other cuts. So I grind my own.

Fresh pork, onions, apples with a little smoked Hungarian paprika and sage mixed in. No strange preservatives colouring or other questionable ingredients.

Takes a little longer but, like my pancakes & waffles I think the flavour, freshness and more natural ingredients is worth the effort. I grind my own flour before use. My pancake flour is usually a mixture of red wheat, buckwheat, oats and additional oat bran. All with the intense freshly ground flavour.

If somethings worth doing, its worth doing fresh with known good ingredients. :chef:


Landjaegers are the only sausage I buy in the store anymore and that is from my local(ish) butcher. The rest I make on my own for the same reasons as TeriAnn. I like breakfast sausage as a regular one, though I did devise a chanterelle sausage with some dried shrooms that I had. Pork picks up chanterelle flavor really well. A tsp of mushroom powder per pound of meat then as much salt, pepper, garlic and/or onion as you want with just a little bit of coriander... Yummmm!


I've been grinding my own breakfast sausage. I use pork loin trimmed of most of the fat and season it up with the usual suspects. You have to sear it off fast to keep it moist but it has almost zero fat. I have high cholesterol so this lets me eat sausage more often than I could otherwise.

Health concerns aside, I'd still make my own but I'd use pork butt, untrimmed. Maybe even add some belly. :elkgrin:

I even had the crazy idea of adding apple smoked bacon to pork butt along with some real maple syrup.

For store bought I like the stuff from Carson City Sausage Factory.


I do like the landjaeger from Owens Meats....Along with their beef jerky!:drool:
Are you referring to the "You can't beat our meat" Owen's Meats in Cle Elum? I totally found them by accident, I forgot a lunch when I was getting a bunch of fruit and saw them and stopped. Their landjaegers are great, never tried their jerky though. And now I have to take back my comment on sausage, I buy summer sausage too. Owen's has a weird moist appearance and is really slimy, but dang it is pretty good.

I usually go to Stewart's Meats in McKenna (waaaaayyyyyy closer and no I-5/I-90 idiots), their landjaegers are great too, and they have buffalo and venison summer sausage that is to die for, and if I were paid, in their maple bacon, to kill someone, I'd be hard pressed to say no.

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