Pajero Mk1 Tourer build-up


Got half cut removed, so was able to roll it out into the sun properly to have a good view of it. impressed with the looks so far.



There have been some big changes happening on this end. not only has the pajero been fully closed up on the back. but in order to save money and get more time on the project i made a few drastic life changes. basically I gave up renting, bought a 40' sea container and modified it to be a workshop. pimp, now I have a place to work. got it shipped out to a mates farm where I am every weekend anyways. then moved my *** into a share house with another mate. sold off most of my belongings, which was jsut house hold items anyways. I kept my tools and my vehicles. keep it so I can leave at a moments notice, feels good to lighten the load to be honest.

anyways here are some photos of the setup to tie you over till the project updates come around again.

all packed up:

away we go:

workshop end of the container, jsut finished that bit yesterday, putting in shelves and a tyre rack tomorrow:


good weekend, got electrical put in and everything has a home, well most of it.

wooo lights

All righty gentlemen, that is it, setup. now I have to get involved in a wedding for the next week or 2 then back into it. but dont worry its not me getting married. haahaha


Started sanding the corners down. a few bits will need a thin layer of filler, but warpage is really hard to avoid welding 0.9mm steel. I am quite happy with the look so far.

its also hot as hell out here, pushing 40's so due to fire bans and what not there will be a bit of a lack of updates. as you can see the can is not overly shaded. haha



went through this whole build thread and WOW! i've never seen someone mod a monty like this before! i've had a 96 SR model that im starting to get serious about now. im a student so it will definitely be slow progress but hey, ill see what i can do!


Bought a parts pajero today. diesel 5 speed. shes a donor for both my pajeros. its a shame to take her off the road, but she will keep two girls rolling for years.



went through this whole build thread and WOW! i've never seen someone mod a monty like this before! i've had a 96 SR model that im starting to get serious about now. im a student so it will definitely be slow progress but hey, ill see what i can do!

Slow and steady and you will get there. a word of advise. save up and get quality the first round. it avoids a heap of issues.

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