Adding oil to the T case, any tricks?


Expedition Leader
The red A/T -T Case temp light popped up on my 94 DI and so I checked the fluid in the A/T-up to the second hole on the stick and nice clean reddish color then I went to check the T Case. I thought my driveway was level but when I pulled the bolt from the filler hole it came weeping out so fluid level seemed to be fine. Since I lost some fluid (and detroyed a T shirt and shorts) I attemted to put some Lucas oil back in. I pulled the back wheels up onto ramps about half way to give it a forward tilt but when I squeezed some oil in, a portion came right back out and down my arm. Obviously this is a job for a lift but my house didn't come with one so any other tricks for this job? As for the light, I can only assume it's a bad connection and/or sensor as the fluid is good and I wasn't towing anything nor was it that hot out.


It is tricky. If the ground isn't level, not sure how to do it properly. Assuming you get it level... I just overfill it, let it run out until just a thin ribbon is dribbling out, jam the plug in and call it good enough.


Expedition Leader
That's pretty much what I did, I'm guessing that even with a lift it ain't an easy or clean task.


Not clean for sure.... rub in the 90 wt. and call it lotion. I cannot even put gas in mine without getting dirty :smiley_drive:


Expedition Leader
No, it's not fun, and that damn fill plug is hard to get out with the parking brake in the way.

You got that right! I've still got the stock springs so my nose was about an inch from the P brake case while (or should it be whilst) I was wrenching off the bolt with my 1/2 drive socket wrench. 2" lift is in the plans and will help out a lot in getting under her.


Expedition Leader
I've got something similar but it's more a siphon pump where you put one tube into the source and the other into the item getting the fluid. I had so little to add that it was easier to just squeeze it in from the bottle. When I was filling the trans on my IIa the pump was very handy, as was the well placed access hole on the side on the trans tunnel so I could fill it from inside the truck.


Expedition Leader
Yep, that's the one and I share your opinion. The one thing it's good at is siphoning gas out of my IIa's tank before I dropped it and had it cleaned-everything else has been too much trouble.


Mine is really good at tipping the quart bottles over, spilling them all over the floor. The cheap hose also has an amazing ability to curl up inside the bottle so you can't get the bottom half of the bottle out. I have a trick for that, fold a TIG filler rod (coat hanger would work too) and stuff it in the hose. Keeps it straight. But the extra weight exaccerbates the bottlknockingover problem.

I picked up one of those metal bodied plunger pump things, have yet to try it.


I use AMSOil's pump, but I am not a dealer/promoter. I just like good synthetic oil.

Anyway I use their pump which is way better than the crappy red one.

Here's a pic:

It runs about $12. It works really well, unfortunately, it is only meant to work with their proprietary bottle. Not sure if it will work with normal/standard oil bottles.


Expedition Leader
I think I spied a good old oil can/pump at a local agri-supply. I need to go back and get it.

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