Radio repair recommendation in Phoenix area?



I'm curious if anyone has a recommendation for a 2M repair facility in the Phoenix area? I did a quick google search without any good results. I have a Vertex VX-150 that needs some troubleshooting/diagnosis.

Thanks in advance.

Todd Z.

gary in ohio

As someone who like to fix radio's I hate to say it, but many issues with HT make them throw away radios. With the little radio's about you only option if factory rep-repairs unless its a very simple and common problem. The issue becomes is it cost effective. If its not under warranty figure $20 shipping ($10 each way), figure $30-50 just to open up and diagnose plus parts ( and in most cases shipping from japan) so your radio is $50-$70 plus parts. Considering you can get a new ft-250 around $120 is it worth investing any money in the old radio.? IF you do want it to repair check the yaesu site, they should have some factory reps you can send it to.


As someone who like to fix radio's I hate to say it, but many issues with HT make them throw away radios. With the little radio's about you only option if factory rep-repairs unless its a very simple and common problem. The issue becomes is it cost effective. If its not under warranty figure $20 shipping ($10 each way), figure $30-50 just to open up and diagnose plus parts ( and in most cases shipping from japan) so your radio is $50-$70 plus parts. Considering you can get a new ft-250 around $120 is it worth investing any money in the old radio.? IF you do want it to repair check the yaesu site, they should have some factory reps you can send it to.

Thanks Gary - I was afraid that would probably be the case.



The Yaesu/Vertex service center near here in Cypress will charge a $25.00 bench (IIRC) and call you once the diagnostic work is done and before repairs take place. It might be worth shipping it the short distance from AZ to here. I'd give them a call.


Thanks Randy - I'll look into that. I also called HRO (done some business with them in the past) and they said they'd send it to the factory for repairs.

Todd Z.


what issue are you having?

Not being an electronics guru, I'll say the radio is "dead". Last year on a trip back from Baja, the radio quit working and it seemed like I couldn't get it to charge. So I made a trip to Batteries Plus and bought a new battery. I thought that solved the problem but shortly after that, I noticed the radio would still go dead in a short period of time. So I took the charger to Batteries Plus, who said it wasn't working properly and did an inexpensive repair on it. I again thought that solved the problem but recently when I went to get the radio ready for a trip, it was dead again and this time wouldn't turn on at all, despite repeated attempts to charge it.

Mark (Crawler#976 on this board) is very generous in allowing me to use his HT and loaning me batteries, but I'd really like to have mine fixed for good or buy a new one so I don't have to depend on his generosity on our AZ day trips.

Todd Z.


It sounds like the problem is associated with the charger.

If you have a CD-34 charger, this may help.

I have encountered numerous malfunctions with the Vertex CD-34 chargers. Often the insulator on the power supply wire breaks off in the charger. This prevents the plug on the wire from fitting into the charging base. If you have a CD-34 charger, look at the wire, if the yellow insulator is broken off the end of the connector, look in the base and you will probably see the insulator stuck in the base. If you can get the insulator out of the base, you will need to get a replacement power supply.


I have a sick Kenwood D700 here in Phoenix. Ham Radio does not service any product.

Any repair service recommendations in Phoenix that can work on a dual band radio?

Oscar Mike Gulf Yankee

Well-known member
I suggest you send any HT (including the charger) back to the factory for repairs, but call or contact them because they may not even do repairs out of warranty.

Just to say, a "tech" license doesn't really mean the licensee is a "radio technician" for repairs, to the contrary, especially considering the fines from the F.C.C. for being out of band or causing interference. As small as the printed circuits are in an HT I wouldn't even begin poking around inside, nothing will be adjustable in those circuits past the controls.

Besides having a homebrew rig, the days of HAMS making repairs to any rig is probably long past. I use to play with an HF Swan rig, even tore in to my Hallicrafters S 38 B receiver, these are old superheterodyne radios (tube radios) with real wires (LOL). Building your own rig use to be a big part of the HAM experience, today it's all plug and play.

I'm in Springfield, Mo. and we use to have two HAM radio "shops" and three TV repair shops I can remember, today they don't exist. Even Radio Shack stop carrying an inventory of electronic parts that they use to.

Even if you found some "repair shop" I'd want to have more than a receipt for any repair to a HAM rig, license, bonded and insured because ultimately it is the user's responsibility to be compliant.

Check the charger, look up the output and you might find another charger that will work, you might need to tweak the connections. Most likely that's your problem so long as your rig didn't take a bath while it was turned on.

Sorry to say, but if that doesn't work you have a boat anchor for a kayak. As mentioned, HT's are disposable, many are cheap and work just fine.

I feel like I'm rag chewing, I'll stop, I'm clear! 73's
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As a follow-up to my thread from 11 years ago, I'll echo what Oscar Mike Gulf Yankee says - send it back to the factory instead of looking for a local repair facility. My problem ended up being the battery, as I recall, and I've replaced at least one since. I think I bought my HT about 20+ years ago and I'm happy that it's still working great today!

Todd Z.

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