Camp Desserts -- An Odd Question


I am looking for some help finding a campfire utensil that I read about somewhere, but cannot seem to find again. The utensil is a metal or ceramic cone on the end of a metal stick or skewer. As I understand it, one wraps dough (pastry or otherwise) around the cone and then uses the campfire to cook/bake the dough. Once finished, one takes the dough off the cone and fills the dough with his /her favorite dessert filling (chocolate, duh). Do any of you ExPo'ers know what this utensil is called, or better yet where to find one?

Also, I would be interested in your favorite camp desserts other than s'mores and dutch oven desserts (only becuase we sometimes don't have time in camp to use the DO). I know there is another dessert thread, but would appreciate new thoughts/recipes.

Thanks in advance.



Expedition Poseur
Also, I would be interested in your favorite camp desserts other than s'mores and dutch oven desserts

Mexican S'mores.

Thanks to the incredibly talented camp chef Roseann Hanson . . .

Combine marshmallow, dark chocolate, and a dash (or two) of cinnamon in a small flour tortilla. Roll like a burrito (be sure to close both ends) & fry in hot oil. When it is golden brown all around, remove from the oil and roll it in powder sugar. Wait for it to cool a bit before eating (trust me - this is an important step).

Black Dog

Makin' Beer.
I like coring an apple and stuffing it with brown sugar and butter and raisins, then wrapping it up in a couple layers of foil and baking it either on the coals or in a dutch oven. Its done when the apple starts getting kind of mushy.

Warn Industries

Supporting Vendor
My wife and I have friends that turned us on to what they call "doughies." The idea is the same as when you use the utensil above, but it's a homemade device.
Step 1: Buy a wooden dowel
Step 2: Wrap the end of the dowel in aluminium foil
Step 3: Wrap dough, often a biscuit such as Pilsbury Grands, around the end of the foil
Step 4: Cook over campfire
Step 5: Take doughy off end of dowel.
Larger dowel means more room for goodies. These also are great for breakfast: Eggs, meat, veggies, etc.
- Andy


Expedition Leader
Mexican S'mores.

Thanks to the incredibly talented camp chef Roseann Hanson . . .

Combine marshmallow, dark chocolate, and a dash (or two) of cinnamon in a small flour tortilla. Roll like a burrito (be sure to close both ends) & fry in hot oil. When it is golden brown all around, remove from the oil and roll it in powder sugar. Wait for it to cool a bit before eating (trust me - this is an important step).

Agreed. Awesome. My wife made some a while back for a Mojave Trail run


Another option to the cone thing is a iron pie cooker:


Those Mexican s'more do look awesome, and since we are running the Mojave Trail next week, I think we have found one of our desserts. Perhaps it will become a Mojave Trail tradition.

I will also pickup some dowels. Dough cooked over the fire sounds too good to pass up.

Thanks all,



We used one of the pie cookers to make a s'more type thing while camping in Colorado this year. We buttered a couple slices of bread, put a chocolate bar on one, put in a few marshmallows and stuck the thing in the fire. Once again, one would be well advised to allow some cooling before eating. It was freakin' awesome. Credit goes to my little nephew Scott for inventing this.


That is exactly what I had seen previously. Thanks, Gabe. Is that your website? I can't believe I didn't catch these at the Pomona Expo. On Andy's suggestion I bought a couple of large dowels and will try the foil routine, but will probably pickup some pie-hole makers for our next trip.


Orange Chocolate Cakes are good:

Cut the top off of a couple of oranges
Scoop out the flesh
Fill about 2/3rds with prepared chocolate (or whatever sounds good) cake batter
Replace tops
Wrap in foil
Toss in the coals until done
Eat with a spoon :)

Banana Boats:

Split bananas down the center, leaving peel on
Stuff with chocolate chips, peanut butter, marshmallows
Wrap in foil
Toss in the coals for about 5 minutes until warm and gooey :)

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