Another Trailer build


you mentioned that you have some binding in your track bar and its caused by the angle of your current trackbar. If you raise your axle mount and lower your frame side mount so that the trackbar is flat you will have much less side to side motion as the suspension compresses.
If you raise your axle mount and lower your frame side mount so that the trackbar is flat you will have much less side to side motion as the suspension compresses.

I thought about this, but the binding is mostly from the lack of flex in the links..which is ok. I also wanted to avoid interference between the track-bar axle mount and the floor.
The trailer is far from finished, missing its water and electrical system, but it is road worthy.

I finally took the trailer out for its maiden offroad voyage. Performance was far better than expected.

The tip included about 300 miles of highway and 26 miles of very technical trail.

Some of the trails were very tight and the trailer had to take the less than optimal line, but it did so with flying colors.


The hill I had to climb after this was absolutely STEEP with ledges. I did not plan on running this trail, but the trailer had done so well I figured why not.



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Looken good man. I did the same thing this weekend. Hoping the pictures came out. Glad everything is working out for you!!!!

I think I notice a little trail rash, hope it did not happen yesterday.

I love those type of trails, in the woods, the off cambers, not know or even having a guess of what is around the corner.
The trailer had its week long 3000 mile shake-down. I am happy to say everything held up. It got towed at pretty good speed on washboard trails and up some very steep rocky climbs. The water heater is AWESOME and a couple of additions will need to be made but overall it works very well.

Base camp, night 0. The saw horses and plywood is so the dog can jump up.
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Looks good and I am glad it is working for you. As with all builds it takes a trip or two to refine some of the additions/ changes they might need.

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