Picked up another 1st gen Cummins


Scored me a Kelderman single bag setup today. Traded a turbo I put together and I had to install it. I'm gonna have to tear it all apart and put new bushings in it and I'll probly sandblast it an give it a couple squirts of paint.[guitar]


I also forgot to mention I figure out how to wire the exhaust brake too. I just got to get a few switches and pull the brake valve out and get it freed up.


Well I was at U pull it today looking for a few things for my old 60 K 10 and decided to do a once over on the Dodge area. (I had just been there yesterday snagging some trim for the 93 and a couple other things) anywho I got to looking at a Durango that was in there and I noticed it had a factory CD/Tape deck, Hmmm I thought that just might have to go with me. So it got pulled, I am always a little leary about buying electronics from junk yards. I got home and installed it and it works perfect.:wings: Now I'll be listening to tunes in late 90's style:coffeedrink: I think they only charged me 15$ too. Total bill there was 29 and change and that was for a good set of hood hinges for my 60 an the radio.

BTW any radio from I think 88-02 is plug and play, just a little FYI for you guys


Rot Box

Great info on the radio. I would have never guessed, now I wish I would have known that sooner :coffeedrink:

What is that rectangle thing for that says Dolby on it?

J/K I wish I was that young :hehe:


I believe that is a cassette player. Been a while since I had any cassettes.

Anyone know where to get a decent cassette adapter for an Ipod?? You know the thing that looks like a cassette with a wire coming out of it.

Rot Box

PM me your address and I'll give you one. I don't know if it works or not... I don't have a cassette player to test it on ;0


I was puttin a battery in it and had some issues with connections, cleaned em thought it was in nuetral. hit the key and bam she lights like a VE pump truck should. It was in first and took off, so I reach in to try to pull it back into nuetral and bam I pulled it into 2nd. And whamo into my buddies trailer.

Needless to say I'm a smidge agitated

Damage = 1 fender, 1 Perfect bumper, Grille, Core support, Radiator, hood. On the bright side the rad is probably repairable, the grille inserts and headlight bezel is still good, and I might be able to save the bumper if I'm careful.






Renaissance Redneck
That sucks! Now I guess you'll have to pull that 12v and drop it off at my house before you take the body to the wreckers. Sad to total a truck that way...:sombrero:


Dibs on the clock spring!

Just kidding. Sucks to bang it up that way, but at least there was a trailer in the way to keep it from running too far on ya. Hope you can get it all put back into shape without too much trouble!


Well I got this truck cheap so we can afford to put a few dollars into it.

Found everything I need to get it back better than it was for about 500$ That includes clip with inner fenders, Hood Grille, and I found a bumper somwhere else that I'm still working on. Even after fixing the crash damage, I'll only have about 2200 or so into it.


Renaissance Redneck
It will be better in the end... You like having multi colored trucks anyways!:sombrero: Jokes aside, hope the repairs come out well. I'm sure you'll make it look like (almost) new!


Yeah this truck will be gettin paint hopefully within the year. The 90 on the other hand probly wont sere paint. I dig the multi color on it.

All the parts I picked up are super clean. The fenders got a couple dings but are real nice rustwise.

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