Manufacturer Recommendations for new truck camper


I have been shopping too. being decent in the cold is important for me as I live in Montana and hope to travel to AK and might live in it for some time.(NOT all winter though)
good info.
i just can't afford newer models. as I dont even have a truck yet. still working on that one. then I will shop more serious for campers. have liked the Lance ones, but a Bigfoot would be NICE. but my budget dont alow


I am in the same boat as you ASTN and it sounds like we are interested in a similar set-up.
I currently have a Corsair and would highly recommend this brand (or it's sister company Okanogan) but both shut their doors during the last economic down-turn. The quality, materials, lay-outs, and features were among the best I have seen. Now I am left looking for similar quality in a different wrapper.
I too am looking for a side entry, flat bed mounted unit that is of high quality, aluminum (no wood) framed, premium insulation, heated tanks, dry bath, large fridge/freezer, possible cassette toilet, and lots of storage (good sized wardrobe is a must).
Let us know what you find...


Remember with a truck camper, you want the smallest you can live out of, not the largest you can afford. If you get too large you lose the mobility and ease of travel that makes a TC great.


What's the latest news, any progress?

I abandoned the project. I wasn't comfortable with the price v. build quality of any of the manufacturers I spoke to. This thread seemed to have grown it's own legs, and I didn't have anything else to add. I'm currently just backpacking out of my truck when I'm out, and someday down the line I will consider just building own my camper.

It's funny how it seems everyone who has built their own seems to think it was the biggest mistake they made: In trying to avoid that mistake, I ended up even more frustrated. Grass is greener, I suppose.

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