Maggiolina or Columbus


Expedition Leader
We had a medium Maggiolina Grand Tour for a couple years atop our then AT Horizon. Very secure and very comfortable; big wind didn't faze it. But the timing chain did come off somewhere in Death Valley and fortunately it happened on our last I could deal with it in our home garage. It doesn't happen very often or probably to many but when it does you're effed. And yes it was a biotch to fix...even in our garage.

So with that experience my next one will be either a Columbus or an Airtop. YMMV.



Expedition Leader
Maggiolina's are raised and lowered via a hand crank. The hand crank is attached to a sprocket that drives a "timing chain" that connects to another sprocket. Each of these two sprockets is connected to a screw drive...that drives the scissor lifts, found at each end of a Maggiolina, up and down.

So if the chain derails, like it did on mine and at least one other I know of, you have to fix it to get it to close or open. If it derails when its in the open position its not too big of a deal to repair it. If it derails, as it did on my Maggiolina, in the closed position its a RPITA to remedy.

This chain doesn't have a tensioner. And the sprockets don't have a guide. Either of these would pretty much eliminate the potential for derailing...similar to a single speed drive system found on some bicycles.

There probably are hundreds if not thousands of users that never experienced a problem with the Maggiolina drive system. OTOH...
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New member
Hi; I am also considering a Maggiolina RTT for my FJ Cruiser.

I would really like to find out the differences between:
Grand Tour

We do mostly desert in California but interested also to go to the north, and visit more "Artic" places. We have a small baby and a RTT would be so much better for convenience and protection.


Well you can check on the diff from the website, but usually the only changes are shape / color / few features. The only model you listed that has a completely different design is the AIRTOP which uses airstrut instead of a hand crank, it will have additional room space in the tent as well.


New member
I wish they had a comparison table that made easier to choose. I'll have to print out and put the pages side by side.

Also: do you know if it's possible to actually see the tents before buy?


OverCamping Specialist
Manoweb, look on their site, they have a list of dealers who may be near you and have some in stock.
Also there are members with them who may opt to show you theirs.
I have shown mine to a few before who were interested in one.

My favorite model is the one I have, the Airlander.


Expedition Leader
Interesting. I think I'll stick with my Columbus ... or a Howling Moon. Howling Moon has a new tent that I am curious about. It is very similar to the Columbus, but with the Howling Moon canvas and mattress, which I think are much nicer than what Autohome uses, but it also results in a much heavier tent.


I wish they had a comparison table that made easier to choose. I'll have to print out and put the pages side by side.

Also: do you know if it's possible to actually see the tents before buy?

Best place to see most of the models they make in one place would be at the Overland Expo, which is being held at Flagstaff this May. Depending where you are located in Cali it may not be that far of a drive for you and well worth to make up your mind on which one would be right for you. I went to the first 2 and it was very helpful to see all the different brands and make comparisons, being able to crawl up inside of them and try them on for size was great. The Expo is the best place I know of to do this and you will meet a lot of people there who have real world experience using them, I'am signed up for this years Expo and it looks like there is going to be a FJ Cruiser camping section this year.

Autohome does have a catalog that I picked up at the last Expo that I went to and it has a lot more info than the website does and is easier to do comparison between the models also.

The differences between the models are not that much but can be important. The Extreme would not be a good choice for you IMO because you have a baby and it only comes in a small IIRC and has the lowest roof height of all their models, it is designed for hard use which most people probably do not need and weighs more than other models. Airlanders are the most common, proven design and they have an ex. long version available. Airtops are fairly new use air rams for lifting which makes for a little bit more inside space since they don't have the sissor lift mech. taking up space. Other models have racks but are generally not that much different inside. The Columbus has good inside height at one end at least and super fast setup/takedown not that the others are slow either.

On a FJ Cruiser, the small would be the best size in tight 4 wheeling situation but the medium works just fine, more likely to rub things though. The large is too wide and the ex. long will overhang the roof some. Hope this helps you.


Interesting. I think I'll stick with my Columbus ... or a Howling Moon. Howling Moon has a new tent that I am curious about. It is very similar to the Columbus, but with the Howling Moon canvas and mattress, which I think are much nicer than what Autohome uses, but it also results in a much heavier tent.

Where'd you hear about the Howling Moon? I'd like to hear more.

Anway, I went to bed last nice sure that I would be ordering a small black storm airtop this week, but woke up reconsidering. I started looking at the columbus again, especially given it's $600 cheaper. I'm way too indecisive when it comes to these big purchases, but I need to make a decision. The black airtop has been on my mind since last summer, but it's special order and can't get it until the end of April at the earliest. That's really not that big of a deal assuming I place the order this week. First world problems :tent:


I am guessing black will also increase humidity in the tent when traveling with the sun hitting it the whole time, I also wanted a black one but decided to go white to play safe


I wish they had a comparison table that made easier to choose. I'll have to print out and put the pages side by side.

The "How To Choose" section from the Autohome's Italian website includes a RTT comparison table.

The Italian site also has links to digital versions of Autohome's RTT catalog.

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