Official thread - Maya Rally Registration Registration Details and Latest Updates

I have not checked lately but I think we are at about 20 vehicles. To be honest, I am not sure if I want to be pushing too much on the promotion - initially I was thinking 40 vehicles but now I think 25 could be a better number. I really want people to have a great experience and I think a smaller number may be better for that.

I had another conference call with my partner in Guanajuato and we are going through different plans/activities around the area...there are a lot of great options, and a lot to do!

I can promise that it's going to be filled up...get ready to drive a lot and have all kind of adventures...



Monica and I are for sure in. I registered awhile back but the payment system is still down on ExPo? We are trying to coordinate with the Muskoka Foundation folks about a sponsored spot. Please let me know what info you need from me.

Route There: leaving Phoenix in late Nov and most likely spending Thanksgiving in Baja. Taking ferry to Mazatlan and over to Guanajuato for start of Rally
Route After: continuing south as we make our way to Tierra del Fuego in 2013. Probably spending the week after the rally diving in Belize or trekking to Tikal.


We are really excited to be part of something like this.

Jeff & Monica Yaeger

We love love to meet or caravan with anybody before or after the Rally.

i made the payment a while back but never got an email or usps confirming payment
btw I moved last week so do i need to update something?

Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member

i made the payment a while back but never got an email or usps confirming payment
btw I moved last week so do i need to update something?

let me check - I believe you should have received an email

no problem about the move, but did you send a short "bio" to we are waiting on the team's bios to put up the page


registration question

I have a question about registration. Is it possible for my wife to send in payment to register and then I could email you the team bio and info that is required. I want to lock us in for the event by making our payment but I am currently not in the USA and my internet is shotty at best.

Would it be possible to send the information at a later date once I arrive in the States?

Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member

yes no problem, can she go to the MayaRally website and register there?

thank you!

I have a question about registration. Is it possible for my wife to send in payment to register and then I could email you the team bio and info that is required. I want to lock us in for the event by making our payment but I am currently not in the USA and my internet is shotty at best.

Would it be possible to send the information at a later date once I arrive in the States?

Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
I'll register, are there other families with children attending?

Got it thank you! Not sure about other families - we got 3 more registrations this week, this is going to be epic. We now have people coming from both coasts, and perhaps as far as Alaska!! Just the trip to get to Guanajuato will be an adventure in itself...


aka rover

Got it thank you! Not sure about other families - we got 3 more registrations this week, this is going to be epic. We now have people coming from both coasts, and perhaps as far as Alaska!! Just the trip to get to Guanajuato will be an adventure in itself...


No perhaps!..... we are registered and paid for and driving down from Alaska!:smiley_drive:

The Rover Shop

Okay... been pondering this for a while and the choice between going into Europe during nasty cold weather with snow and **** or going into a lush tropical paradise to party with like minded individuals was almost a no brainer...snow it is,..LOL.. we are in, payment sent, will be leaving Florida to Alaska and travelling down the West coast into wherever after California...maybe down through Baja..and after the event (if there is still a world) may continue down through Sth America...

Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
With about 90 days to go before the rally, it's time to start kicking things up a notch!

Everyone who is registered - please expect another mass email soon with more details. If you have not paid yet for your registration, please do so asap.
It looks like we will limit the number of entries to 25 and we are getting close to that (about 20) so if you have changed you mind or can't come, it would be nice to leave the spot open.

We will put up the list of participants on the site shortly!

Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
A few notes:

There are still a few teams/registrants from whom I have not heard back. I sent you another email today. If I don't hear back I will cancel the registration.
If you are doing it, you should be on this list by now - if you're not then contact me.

We have our first motorcycle entry! I am working to get a couple others to join too.

Brian is working on getting us some nice prizes for all the participants. Can't wait to see what he comes up with!

I will need every team mailing address soon as we will start sending some stuff. If you are on the road don't worry we will just bring it with us down to Guanajuato.

Again, just to want to make sure everyone is on the same page as I have had a couple questions lately - this is not a 4x4 "a-la-baja-1000" race..
It's going to be a fabulous adventure tour of Mexico, with a lot of fun activities involved.

I don't think there is anything quite like this yet - a mix of scavenger hunt, charity rally and adventure touring. We are starting something new and never done before!!!


we have about 4 or 5 spots left...hurry up!
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