Home defense shotgun opinions: Rem 870 or 887?


I am looking to purchase a shotgun for home defense and have always been a Remington 870 guy. I like the feel and everything of the gun, but they have the 887 model out now. Does anyone own both of these and how do they compare? I don't want something that has a sloppy or cheap feel to it. I have used Mossbergs in the past and they are reliable but I just couldn't bring myself to like it. Thanks guys.


Heavy Duty Adventurer
Not familiar with 887, but you can't go wrong with the 870. It's very reliable. Parts are cheap. It's very easy to do you're own work on it. Many accessories available to make it to your liking. The 887 is too new to know how reliable it may be. Here's a pic of my 870 setup for a match. At home I run it with the shorter mag.


"Ex Umbris Venimus"

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Well the 887 is a new model with some bad mechanical reviews. It appears to be one shotgun that can do it all. I have 870 with a marine coating, 18.5" barrel, full stock, and long mag tube (no longer produced). For home defense IMO short barrel and full stock is best. I also have a mossberg 500a with 18" pistol grip I made many, many years ago, just sayin'. For defense reliability is key and none exceed the 870. I would buy the 887 for hunting not home defense. Guns are tools, tools have specific jobs.



New member
870 hands down, but you can also pick up a mossberg 500 cheaper and just as reliable, the 870 & 500 have been around for a long time and have a good track record and both are easily upgraded


Expedition Leader
I was not going to bring it up, but.........

Why a shotgun for home defense?

Personally, I would probably grab the shotgun last for a bump in the night thing that was INSIDE the house. It takes two hands to operate. It's long enough to be hard to turn around in your standard hallway. ammo is bulky. etc.

I don't know, while I agree the shotgun can be great for other uses....home defense in my option in not one of them. Yes, I know this goes up against a lot of conventional thinking on the matter.


Why a shotgun for home defense?

Because I already have a .45 pistol and a katana next to the bed, I wanted to make it a trifecta!

To be honest the audible cycling of a 12ga shotgun is enough to make most intruders soil themselves and high tail it to the nearest exit. That is a great non-violent solution that comes as a bonus. Also with a mixture of slugs/buckshot/bird loads you can have round for any occasion whether it be penetrating a wall on purpose or making sure you do not if there are loved ones on the other side of said walls. I also like the fact that it takes two hands, it would be harder for someone to knock it away from me if they happen to get the jump on me.


^^^ Well every tool has its pros and cons. For one thing in a situation it is lot easier to miss with a single projectile of a pistol. The shotgun can be loaded with various shells for differing effects. Going through several walls in an urban environment or even to the next room is less likely with a shotgun (loaded with shotshells) than a pistol round. The shotgun itself is a better non-firearm weapon than a pistol. The reason I like a short barrel with long tube for home defense is for the exact reasons you mention. You would be surprised how many of our troops are armed with shotguns when we enter today's urban combat zones, usually mossbergs by the way.


I know that the Mossbergs are great guns but they just feel sloppy to me. I will probably end up with the 870. Doesn't sound like most people are impressed with the 887.


Heavy Duty Adventurer
Mossbergs are good shotguns, but are nowhere as easy to modify or fix as the 870.

"Ex Umbris Venimus"

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My local gunsmith almost "lost" the remington line up because he refused to bring in the 887 after seeing/shooting it and fixing ones bought elsewhere. Needless to say he has an extremely good reputation.

I'd stick with the 870 or a Mossberg.


Slightly off topic (and probably more so for the non-Americans since their laws seem to protect them more) but what about less lethal rounds with shotgun? Any opinions on them?


Heavy Duty Adventurer
Since you brought up the non-American topic. In most European countries, you are not allowed to own a firearm for home defense. Only for sport and hunting. If you decide to use it as home defense, since it is illegal to do so, you will be treated as breaking the law. It doesn't matter what rounds you use in it. Just brandishing it, is an offense.

"Ex Umbris Venimus"

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In Canada there is a huge gray area on this subject. Personally I'd rather take the firearms charges (with less lethal ammo) than a murder charge. Either way, priority is protecting my family.


Slightly off topic (and probably more so for the non-Americans since their laws seem to protect them more) but what about less lethal rounds with shotgun? Any opinions on them?

I think your verbiage speaks volumes; less lethal vice the often inaccurately termed 'non-lethal'. At many home defense ranges a less lethal round may still very well be lethal. I personally look at it-from an individual perspective-as a mincing of the decision to use lethal force. If you're going to kill someone, be prepared to do it and do it well. Wounding, disabling, etc is not a good plan for an individual. From a police perspective, or from my perspective as part of the DoD, it's a different equation.

Then again we (Marine Corps) don't believe in warning shots either...the first warning shot is dropping someone.

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