What do you do with your expired backpacking food?


Expedition Leader
My wife and I have been good about making sure all our camp food is up to date, until lately everything has been stuck in a storage unit awaiting a home. We recently went on a camping trip and brought along our stash. The expired stuff from what I could gather online “may taste different” which is an understatement. The 2 year expired eggs, were different and more like paste with bacon bits, the green beans almandine well that was gross (I think the almonds were stale and the beans weren’t so bad). The deserts however seem to be just fine e S3 to find out go figure. I feel bad tossing the stuff but if you can’t eat it what else can you do. I also have a few meal kits from backpackers pantry that have no date on them and I’m emailing them to find out when they need to be tossed. More of a rambling post than a question……


I only eat the Reiter Travellunch meals and do so irrespective of the dates on the packs. I've never had one that wasn't lovely! character0076.gif

Not all of the freeze dried meals are created equally. The bags they are in has a lot to do with it too. Some can stay great well past an expiration date if they are stored properly, or if the packaging is real good. If they were in storage with large temp changes condensation could easily spoil them. If that's the case you can either take a chance and eat them or throw them out.


I only eat the Reiter Travellunch meals and do so irrespective of the dates on the packs. I've never had one that wasn't lovely! View attachment 101734

View attachment 101732

you clearly have not tried the fried potato and bacon one then.... BLURGH! (sick into my mouth). The others are ok. I generally only use these for intense activities or when I need to pack light. Im now using 'Expedition Foods' picking up their 800cal range where possible. good cal to weight ration.



Whats an expiration date?

In all honesty I never buy more of those meals than I know im going to use on a trip, so I don't have any that ever get to expire.

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