Engel Coolers, anyone using?


Expedition Leader
I'm in search of a good cooler and have been plenty happy with my Engle freezer fridge. Engel is local to me and I'm curious.....there are two offerings from Engel, the Dry box cooler and the Deep Blue cooler. I'm interested in the lighter Dry box style cooler in a 30Qt size that retails for $65. Has anyone used their coolers?



I was curious about about those too. Ive been researching and it seems they are comparable to the yeti coolers. The drybox is at a lower price point then the deep blue engel coolers but they seem to be pretty well insulated.


Expedition Leader
Keep in mind these are a bit lighter than the fishing/ hunting Deep Blue series. Possibly comparable to the Yeti Rodie series. A source inside Engel told me the Yeti coolers were a knock of of the Engel which was claimed to be the original.







Expedition Leader
I don't own one, but I've seen the Engel coolers in person and was extremely impressed. Same for the Yeti.


A source inside Engel told me the Yeti coolers were a knock of of the Engel which was claimed to be the original.

I find this statement hard to believe. The fittings and execution of the Yeti is quite different from the Engel. Functionally (insulated plastic box) they're the same as Coleman, Igloo, etc. for that matter. Hard to really define the term knock off on a device like this.

I don't have Engel experience but am impressed with their offerings and from the looks and feel, I'd put them on par with Yeti. This spring we spent five days trolling the Gulf for Marlin. A friend brought his 40liter Yeti. It sat on the deck for keeping beers at the ready. We were rotating in chilled beers but at the end of the trip there was still cubed ice in the Yeti after close to a hundred lid openings. I was very impressed. I've never seen a cooler outperform that Yeti. The seal is so tight it seldom can be opened without using both hands. Engel, Yeti; I really don't think you can go wrong with either.

I'm surprised the "soggy sandwich crew" on this forum hasn't chimed in a bunch of "save your money and buy a Fridge/Freezer" posts. A 12VDC fridge is nice but they're not for every application. Your activities with a Fridge are limited to a very tight radius around your vehicle.


Expedition Leader
I also have a Freezer fridge, and the cooler I'm looking at isn't the $200+ model that is like the Yeti but the one in the top photos that looks like a laser level, transit, or similar device. Thinner walls and no super ice claim. Either way Engel has always provided a quality product in my experience and the 30qt cooler/dry box retail for $65 compared to the Boat box style for $200+ just so no one is confused.

I cannot take the freezer fridge (FF) in the canoe, to the beach (non-drive on), event, and so one. My brother stole my last cooler and I just realized after a party I hosted I was w/o a darn cooler.


I also have a Freezer fridge, and the cooler I'm looking at isn't the $200+ model that is like the Yeti but the one in the top photos that looks like a laser level, transit, or similar device. Thinner walls and no super ice claim. Either way Engel has always provided a quality product in my experience and the 30qt cooler/dry box retail for $65 compared to the Boat box style for $200+ just so no one is confused.

Count me as one of those confused. I thought you were shopping for a Soopa Coola. Lots of options in the $65 cooler market. Good luck, keep us posted on choice and impressions.


Expedition Leader
I'm in search of a good cooler and have been plenty happy with my Engle freezer fridge. Engel is local to me and I'm curious.....there are two offerings from Engel, the Dry box cooler and the Deep Blue cooler. I'm interested in the lighter Dry box style cooler in a 30Qt size that retails for $65. Has anyone used their coolers?


I thought this spelled it out.....


I thought this spelled it out.....

Yes Aaron, that spelled it out perfectly. You have my sincerest apologies for not reading your thread closely enough. Please relax now and get back to researching cooler purchases. I'm sorry for soiling up your thread with a misimpression response. I will gladly delete if you wish.


Expedition Leader
I'm not that much of an *** hat, it was late when I posted so I was thinking oh no I did again (posted with no real question.....happens all the time). No need to delete, we'll keep it rolling.

I have a 19 quart dry box, a small Yeti and an Engel 65.

I was so dissatisfied with the dry box I purchased the Yeti to replace it.
The dry box may be airtight/watertight but it does not hold ice long.
The dry box just does not perform well as a cooler.
The dry box does not compare to the Yeti or the traditional Engel coolers for food storage.


Can't say anythig about the Cheaper Engels, but I own one of the DeepBlues in a 65 qt. Its suited my needs pretty well. I still use it quite a bite even though I have an Engel freezer now.


I have a 19 quart dry box, a small Yeti and an Engel 65.

I was so dissatisfied with the dry box I purchased the Yeti to replace it.
The dry box may be airtight/watertight but it does not hold ice long.
The dry box just does not perform well as a cooler.
The dry box does not compare to the Yeti or the traditional Engel coolers for food storage.

So which do you prefer and why the yeti or engel :)

Jay H

Grand canyon river runners use canyon coolers or engel almost exclusively. This use is about as demanding as it gets. I don't know about yeti but canyon coolers is one to consider. Also if possible the very best way to ice a cooler is to put a couple inches of water in the bottom and stick it in walk in deep freeze. This Is what all the grand canyon pros do to keep ice for over a week when it's nearly 100 degrees and resupply would involve a helicopter or mule train if even possible at all.

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