Clothes washing on the trail....


Hi, I've had a trawl through camping equipment section and can't find anything.
We are off soon on a tour around Scotland and I'll be taking my bike and will be using up some cycling kit. So I need see some ideas of washing on the trails.
I seem to remember people using big containers and putting them on the roof racks.
Can I see some ideas and some hints and tips please?

Thanks in advance.


We used a 5 gallon bucket on our longer trips. In the US you can find them at pool supply companies. They hold dry chlorine and the lids screw on water-tight. I think a 3.5 gallon or thereabouts would be a better size. The french seem to have found the perfect bucket for the job. I'm not sure where it is on their site but these guys posted about it in their trip photo diary:

This system works better on rough roads but our kids clothes always needed some hand scrubbing to get the dirt out and then you also have to rinse and wring dry. It's not bad but don't expect a bucket to work like a washing machine!

Hope that helps -jesse


I seem to remember people using big containers and putting them on the roof racks.
Can I see some ideas and some hints and tips please?

On the trail, I have never done any hard core laundering. I have rinsed sweaty shirts in a stream or lake. The results of that felt like luxury.

During the first months of Operation Northern watch we had teams on remote patrol for 3-5 days. The fellas pack pretty light on personal items but began to bring a mini-box of laundry detergent from laundramat vending machines. They would throw a little powder and water in an empty Pelican case and let the Turkish backroads agitate their T-shirts and drawers. The method works pretty well but rinsing is wasteful of water if you're packing all your water, it's best to have a hose.
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Greeni, Get down to the Army Surplus place near you and see if they have any 'flare' containers. These are water tight and usually dark colours so you can fill them half full with clothes and water then strap to your roof rack. After a few hours driving they are clean and the sun warms the water up. A good rinse out and they are done.

Unfortunately you wont be in Africa so the smooth roads of Scotland and lack of sun/heat will only hamper your efforts! why don't you get them washed at a campsite etc?

Alternatively if you needed a bigger container commercial medical containers (that hold thousands of pills) can be had for cheap and are also water tight. We will be using one next year.



Cheers for the google **** :coffeedrink:

Jessej I'll have a more in depth look at your blog later as it looks fab.
The other link is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks.

Thanks for all Tips folks.
Sirocco, I'll have a look. Sure I can use campsite washrooms, thing is, we are shooting from the hip, got no plans, no bookings etc, we are just 'doing Scotland' so we don't know where we will stay, but I'm aiming to ride nearly everyday and want to wash kit whilst we travel....and because it's in the spirit of things.

I've seen something like the pill holders, are they kind of big round buckets with a metal collar and an over centre clasp ?


Unfortunately you wont be in Africa so the smooth roads of Scotland and lack of sun/heat will only hamper your efforts! why don't you get them washed at a campsite etc?

Smooth roads....? Hmmm, not sure where you visited but it certainly wasn't the Highlands. :Wow1:

Most of the campsites up this way (Highlands) have washing machines. Assuming you'll be rough camping too, I'd be saving my dirty clothes and do a regular camp site once a week or so.


Nothing better than real world experience, I have been washing my 'drawers' and everything else in a 5 gallon bucket and an ordinary plunger for almost 2 years now. I have used conventional laundry washers when necessary but for the most part it's been the old 5 gallon bucket! Tips.... do not use too much detergent, let soak for a few hours in soap, use plunger for a few mins and then rinse in fresh water.... they come out as good as any machine!



I just happened upon this innovative solution to mobile laundry needs. I thought some of you would appreciate this clever idea.


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