In-dash nav on a budget?


Wiffleball Batter
Lately I've been getting interested in an in-dash nav system. Here's why: On longer trips I always have a GPS or two with me, but on shorter drives, I either don't have it or it's "put away" to keep it out of sight and away from theiving hands (not that I care much for the GPS unit - which I bought used for $50, it's that I don't want to incur a $1000+ damage bill for a break in, which happened to me a couple of years ago in my 3rd gen 4runner.)

Anyway, not having the GPS available at my fingertips, I often drive around in circles, miss turns, end up taking the long way, etc. It's made me appreciate the value of having a GPS available "RIGHT NOW" as opposed to having to stop, dig the GPS out, plug it in, wait for it to acquire satellites, etc.

There's also the advantage of not having wires snaking everywhere and a dashboard covered with crap.

I am not impressed with the factory stereo on my '07 SR5 and want to upgrade to something with a USB input, RDBS (Radio Data Broadcast System - the thing that lets your radio tell you the station, song and artist) and BlueTooth, and I figure if I'm upgrading my head unit anyway, why not go ahead and get one with nav while I'm at it?

The problem I'm running into is I can't seem to find any double-DIN sized units with nav for less than $500. It baffles me that I can buy a GPS unit for around $60 brand new, and I can even buy a touch-screen double DIN stereo for around $300, but to get the two together, $500 seems to be the floor, at least from what I've looked at (which I admit is limited to Crutchfield's web site and a few local Big Box retailers.)

Is there a budget GPS solution in the $300 - $400 range out there that I'm missing? And how many of the folks out there are running some kind of in-dash nav system? I know some stereo units have Nav as an "add-on" - are there problems with that? Any recommendations anyone can make? I'll spend $500 if I have to, it's just that I'd rather not if I don't have to.


Expedition Leader
No help, but DO NOT buy a Boss unit! The 80 I bought came with Boss double DIN touch screen but no nav... reading on line, tons of problems with the units. If you fall in love with Boss, buy local with a easy return policy! Not a hater, just what I have learned.....
You may be able to find a refurbished Kenwood, although more than likely it will be a few hundred more. The Kenwood's use Garmin mapping and I understand you can upload topo maps on them. The DNXxx80 units from last year are quirky and seem to have some problems with losing favorites, POIs. Supposedly that's been cleaned up with the DNXxx90 that are this year's model. No first knowledge on them although I've been researching as I'm looking into one for myself


Expedition Leader
i havent looked into it but if you can. see about fitting a OEM toyota NAV unit. they are so much more user friendly than any aftermarket nav unit i have used. the maps are so much better imo on the toyota unit. if the vehicle i have doesnt have a NAV/Radio combo. i rather spend $100 for a garmin with lifetime map. its great for me since it traces everywhere i been. so driving on unknown trails means i can find my way back. same when hiking, i can bring along with me if needed.

i havent looked much, but i too at one time wanted an indash nav but low $500 wont get you a quality unit.


Mall Crawler
Here's my thought on in dash navigation...they are crap and here's why.

-Most of the time they are difficult to use because of all the menus you must go through just to get your directions.

-They can be a pain to update the maps.

-They are almost always fairly expensive.

My wife has a new Prius with navigation and I absolutely hate that little thing. I will actually bring up the directions on my phone and lay it in landscape mode on the screen of the in dash navigation and use that instead. We previously had a 2010 4runner with navigation and that unit was not bad at all.

I use my phone for navigation. I like this because I have multiple programs to use for various situations. Most of the time I use the Tom-tom app because it integrates well with the Aroundme app. For off pavement use I use Topomaps and I also have a garmin GPS.

I can pre-plan trips in my house instead of having to sit in my vehicle to plot waypoints.

My phone is located on my dash in a location where I can easily see it and have constant power to. My phone can be taken from vehicle to vehicle.



Wiffleball Batter
Mr. Grimm: WOW! And I thought I had a busy dashboard! :D

You make a lot of good points. I'm probably going to have to bite the bullet and get a smart phone sooner or later so that may resolve the issue.

I see you're running an Ultragauge. I have one on my DD. I would like to have put one on my 4runner, but I run a Scangauge II because it gives me AT temperature, and that's a big concern of mine since I often pull a trailer.


Wiffleball Batter
No help, but DO NOT buy a Boss unit! The 80 I bought came with Boss double DIN touch screen but no nav... reading on line, tons of problems with the units. If you fall in love with Boss, buy local with a easy return policy! Not a hater, just what I have learned.....

Funny when I went to Amazon to look at in-dash nav, the Boss was the cheapest unit there - I guess now I know why, thanks for the heads up!

So what's a good way to do a semi-permanent mount of the GPS that doesn't look like crap? Any recommendations? I really, really hate the windshield suction cup and the weighted "platform" I got slides all over the dash if it's even moderately bumpy. I'd like something that will allow for my GPS to be mounted in the truck at all times and accessible, but that also looks good and is not in the way of other neccessary things. Any ideas?


Automotive Artist
It seems that hacking a cheapish android 7" tablet into factory nav bezels has become a sort of sport. I don't know if it's been done on your platform but you might want to google similar.

Nice thing about this approach is that it is flexible if a PITA.


do you already have a smartphone? a nice car dock with your own custom mounting would be my recommendation. easy to pop in and out, always up to date, always with you, traffic and weather info, etc. a tablet of course is even better, but then you're talking another wireless contract for a 3/4G tablet... or you can get a WIFI only one, but that severely diminished the fun and simplicity IMO.

something like this, easy to modify to screw into dash, a panavise bracket, modified ram mount, etc. the cable to power it can be run out of site to a hidden extra accessory outlet inside the dash:


maybe you could even get fancier without needing to start hacking together a complete computer system:
- a clean in-dash monitor like this:
- then use a smartphone with an hdmi output (many DROIDs), connected to a hdmi > vga converter cable ($20)
lay the smartphone in your cupholder or whatnot and still use your thumb on it to navigate, but you look at the much larger in-dash screen while doing so
(note, i have not done this, it's just an idea. there is a product coming out for iphone next year that will fully replicate the phone to an in-dash touchscreen:


I've used the Kenwood radios with the Garmin nav built in. In function, it's essentially a Garmin standalone unit on the radio touchscreen - at least on the DNX8120 (2008ish model) that we put in the wifes car. You essentially used a button to switch the screen between the radio and the Garmin, with both "running" all the time. Much easier to use and better looking maps than the OEM Land Rover, Mazda and Prius (all Denso based) units we have also had. The unit should take a standard Garmin map upgrade on SD card. I would *guess* that a used unit of simliar vintage w/a map upgrade could fit your budget. Having the DVD player and dual zone audio was a bonus for the kids on that particular unit - if that's a concern of yours.

That being said, I now prefer an Android smart phone. I always choose one that has an official factory car dock (usually Motorola phones for me). I do this 1/4 for the navigation and 2/3 to stream music over bluetooth and the rest to have a "safety/evidence" camera always running. If it was just navigation, I might still prefer the indash unit (but not at $1000+ like I originally paid for the Kenwood).

Keep in mind with a smartphone, you need service to use the maps - or you need to plan ahead and have proper maps (and apps) downloaded beforehand.


do you already have a smartphone? a nice car dock with your own custom mounting would be my recommendation. easy to pop in and out, always up to date, always with you, traffic and weather info, etc. a tablet of course is even better, but then you're talking another wireless contract for a 3/4G tablet... or you can get a WIFI only one, but that severely diminished the fun and simplicity IMO.

something like this, easy to modify to screw into dash, a panavise bracket, modified ram mount, etc. the cable to power it can be run out of site to a hidden extra accessory outlet inside the dash:


maybe you could even get fancier without needing to start hacking together a complete computer system:
- a clean in-dash monitor like this:
- then use a smartphone with an hdmi output (many DROIDs), connected to a hdmi > vga converter cable ($20)
lay the smartphone in your cupholder or whatnot and still use your thumb on it to navigate, but you look at the much larger in-dash screen while doing so
(note, i have not done this, it's just an idea. there is a product coming out for iphone next year that will fully replicate the phone to an in-dash touchscreen:

It's called an iPad Mini.

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