D2 traction control VS CDL being locked


Busy Fly Fishing
Like I said, I'm not sure how he came up with it. I trust his thought process more than my own in regards to Rover drivetrain.


Supporting Sponsor
I agree Bill is a very intelligent guy when it comes to Land Rover drivetrain. But to say that it is only good for 40 minutes must've been taken out of context or mistake. We did a local wheeling event today and I stopped counting the traction control clicking after 120 times. Let's just say every time it clicks it's a half a second. That would be one minute of my drivetrain life. Giving me only 39 minutes left. This is from one event and I stopped counting. When you're at the the Romp in two weeks count how many times your traction control kicks on.


Busy Fly Fishing
I thought it was oddly specific too, but I have no information otherwise. He said something like 400 times of it coming on for 6 seconds would be enough to destroy it. I'm not really surprised by that personally, 400 times of 6 seconds of TC wearing your diff does seem like enough to finally break a part of it. As for winter romp, there's a good chance I'll be there with a 95RRC with 37s, so no real TC that I know of.


goat farmer
I sure hope the 40 minutes is not true as I spent over 2 hours last night spinning with the TC whirring away as I tried to get out of this valley. That means my diffs are 3x over their life expectancy plus all the other spinning that has occurred in its last 123k miles. Thanks again rnphoto for the suggestion on getting unstuck.




Expedition Leader
I daresay that something other than "street tires" would have helped immeasurably in your snowy/muddy poor traction situation above. Whatever the TC only, TC and CDL, or Cdl and lockers situation one has, it is only as good as the tires one has for off road situations. I would not have been out wandering in those conditions W/O proper traction tires. A definite recipe for traction and "getting stuck" problems.


goat farmer
Their really not what I would call a dedicated street tire, more of a compromise, they are the nitto terra grappler AT. Really dont want a MT as their on road snow performance is not acceptable. MT would not have helped here as I attempted to pull the rover out with my toyota and it has firestone destination MT and I got it stuck before I even got as far as the rover did.
here are the tires unclogged


leaves a nice foot print

And the truck and tires that failed to help.
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Really dont want a MT as their on road snow performance is not acceptable.

Tell that to the Trxus MT's on my D2. The only thing better on snow and ice would be these with studs. Siping is what makes all the difference on ice. Maybe if you'd had a CDL you wouldn't have been taken so long? :)


New member
Lol well the traction control failed me pretty good yesterday!! And I didnt make it to the 40 min mark :/ Destroyed the rear diff,sheared the pin and tossed the spiders out and put a nice gash in the diff cover. All while snapping a right front shaft...... Left me dead in the water.... only got out because of the good ole 8274!


Busy Fly Fishing
Nooo haha that's rough Don! You rebuilding with a locker, or just another diff? And I gotta say maybe it had to have something to do with the 37s? haha

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