Tips for Stealth Overnight Parking and Building a Stealth Vehicle


Wow, seems like something is bringing out the mean. Why?

There is no one answer. Different strokes. Wanderer is simply relating what he has learned. Knowledge is power. Thank you, Wanderer, for giving us free lessons that you have learned over a period of years. That enriches us all regardless of whether anyone agrees with you or sees things differently.


Wanderer, a question. What about rest areas on interstates or other major highways? All types rest areas from simple pull-offs to those built up with gas stations and restaurants.


Almost everywhere in America is becoming, "private property", fenced, gated, posted and restricted. Fifty years ago, you could just pull of of the side of a road and sleep at night. Now you are sure to be hassled by the local red-neck cop. Make one little mistake and it then escalates.

All national, state and regional parks now charge to enter and camp. They used to be free to enter. National forest are now putting up posted, no camping signs everywhere. Most public parking lots are doing the same.

You call that freedom? You want people to buy from your companies and then you want them to pay to park their camper on down the road. If I had a choice, I'd run you out of business for your arrogant and greedy crap. But, I realize that this madness will continue to escalate until there are no free places let in America to sleep free at night.

Stealth Camping is NOT the answer! It is only a stop-gap solution. It is just my way of working around the madness caused by people like you. And this madness is only just beginning.

And people like you LOVE it...

You said earlier you were becoming a hermit. I believe you. You have my pity.


New member
Wanderer, a question. What about rest areas on interstates or other major highways? All types rest areas from simple pull-offs to those built up with gas stations and restaurants.

To be honest, it depends on the vehicle you have. A yellow rental truck has no problems at all. Just another truck. But, if you are sleeping in a car or even a pickup, the cops will sometimes tell you to move on. Especially those with 24 hr. security.

I know that it isn't right, but stealth parking is all about working around the madness of our world today. As I said in the previous post, it is getting to the point where there are NO free places left to park. And that is the way the government, cops and most of society want it.


New member
You said earlier you were becoming a hermit. I believe you. You have my pity.

You are probably one of those people that cry about "government" is destroying America. Well, let's be honest, government is just greedy, rich, arrogant people like you. So, who is destroying America? Not the poor just trying to get by.

You are your own worst enemy. Yes, I have become a hermit within society, because honestly, I find most people rather disgusting...


New member
Wow, seems like something is bringing out the mean. Why?

There is no one answer. Different strokes. Wanderer is simply relating what he has learned. Knowledge is power. Thank you, Wanderer, for giving us free lessons that you have learned over a period of years. That enriches us all regardless of whether anyone agrees with you or sees things differently.

People like me that refuse to follow the rules are society's worst enemy. People that refuse to "go along" scare most people to death. They want a world of mindless drones. And they have almost succeeded.

I have no desire to be part of such a world.


Expedition Leader
I'm curios as to what you did over these years of "strealth camping".

This is "Expedition" Portal.:coffeedrink:

You mentioned "traveling with the seasons" but maybe I missed what you were doing other than just living in a cheap truck?

Did you see all the national parks? All the museums? Hit all 50 states? Mexico? Canada? Italy? South America? Was there a mission to find the worlds best margarita or ?? What was your mission? Did you meet new cultures? What was the expedition? What floats your boat?

It's not a troll but a legitimate question as to why you chose to travel/live in a box truck?
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The Yak

Reading some of the reply's here it does make you wonder why you bother writing anything at all and I have often thought of scraping my blog and just doing what we do. My forum activity has certainly decreased in the last 5 years because it does often seem to be a useless drain of time, resources and energy.

Shame really as a lot of experience and good info walks right out of the door because of unintelligent, spurious, narrow minded and often envious comments/remarks which you feel you have to answer or justify. Each time adding to the weight of the argument of 'why do I bother posting' and eventually the inevitable.


(Quote Wanderer2) I had stopped posting due to my travels and a few immature idiot posts from fools... (Unquote).

Wonderer2, it is good to hear from you again. You stand head and shoulders above many others, and you bring along intelligent ideas and common sense. Please don't let them bring you down to their level. Do your own thing and if you do want to share your experience on here please be assured that there are some of us that do listen and learn and appreciate your input. Thank you.


Expedition Leader
I appreciate different view points and Wanderer does seem to be respectful of private property when asked to move along.

But the generalizations and wild ramblings are a bit out of control.

I'm thinking its been a long time since this poor fellow has had an in-person conversation with another human being.


New member
I'm curios as to what you did over these years of "strealth camping".

This is "Expedition" Portal.:coffeedrink:

You mentioned "traveling with the seasons" but maybe I missed what you were doing other than just living in a cheap truck?

Did you see all the national parks? All the museums? Hit all 50 states? Mexico? Canada? Italy? South America? Was there a mission to find the worlds best margarita or ?? What was your mission? Did you meet new cultures? What was the expedition? What floats your boat?

It's not a troll but a legitimate question as to why you chose to travel/live in a box truck?

Oh so, I have to do it YOUR way right? Actually I did all those things. If you look at my trip pics, I drive the Can-Am Highway through Canada up to Alaska. I stayed in the Everglades National Park in Florida. Had a great margarita in Key West, several actually. I stayed a week in a little Texas town, enjoyed the little downtown restaurants for breakfast, watched a movie in a little movie theater from the 1930s. I stayed in Chaco Canyon and hiked through the area. Stayed in Savannah, GA and had great crayfish and wine on Riverwalk Road. Paddled my kayak around Tybee Island.

But, let me ask, if I don't have much money and my truck/RV is cheap, is my Expedition less than yours? Do I have to have a 100K 4x4 to qualify to post here and to call myself an "Expedition Traveler"?

You really should take a look at yourself. I suspect that I have had more "expeditions" around the world than you have. Why must you judge who and what I am? Is this all about money and position?

I have parked right next to 200K RV Motorhomes. They always looked down at me like I was a threat to them, even though I was clean, well dressed, my truck ran great, was clean. I carried an AMEX Card, have money in the bank.

THIS is why I can't stand people. You are all arrogant, greedy hypocrites.


New member
I appreciate different view points and Wanderer does seem to be respectful of private property when asked to move along.

But the generalizations and wild ramblings are a bit out of control.

I'm thinking its been a long time since this poor fellow has had an in-person conversation with another human being.

"Poor fellow"? Ha,ha. I have never been so happy. I go where I want, love life, owe no one anything, love traveling alone.

No wonder I can't stand people. You people sadly disgust me.

I'm about done here anyway.

Good luck to all and I hope this thread makes you take a very hard look at what you think you are actually doing here.

I suspect it is as always about collecting status symbols and judging each other by them.



Expedition Leader
Oh so, I have to do it YOUR way right? But that is a wonderfully confrontational and ASSumptive way to address it!

Actually I did all those things. If you look at my trip pics, I drive the Can-Am Highway through Canada up to Alaska. I stayed in the Everglades National Park in Florida. Had a great margarita in Key West, several actually. I stayed a week in a little Texas town, enjoyed the little downtown restaurants for breakfast, watched a movie in a little movie theater from the 1930s. I stayed in Chaco Canyon and hiked through the area. Stayed in Savannah, GA and had great crayfish and wine on Riverwalk Road. Paddled my kayak around Tybee Island.

Didn't see any of that mentioned in your other posts.

t, let me ask, if I don't have much money and my truck/RV is cheap, is my Expedition less than yours? Do I have to have a 100K 4x4 to qualify to post here and to call myself an "Expedition Traveler"?

Nope. Nowhere did I say any of that! One of my most respected friends/travelers, spent two years traveling around world by motorbike. Slept on the ground everyday and spent less than $15k the entire time!

really should take a look at yourself. I suspect that I have had more "expeditions" around the world than you have. Why must you judge who and what I am? Is this all about money and position?

Wow! You sure let he ASSumpstions fly don't you! Someone askes what you did on your trip other than sleep in the truck and you become a real gem! I suspect that based on your replies that the move toward being a hermit was not self chosen!

THIS is why I can't stand people. You are all arrogant, greedy hypocrites.

Yup, I'm totally arrogant and FN greedy because I asked what you did other than sleep in your truck!!

I suspect you don't like people because your people skills are bad!
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New member
Well, time for me to leave this forum again. I honestly can't handle people for very long. I wanted to let people know what became of me so I came back to do so. But, I am NOT here to justify my lifestyle to anyone. You would be amazed how many people get rude, angry and even dangerous when they are confronted with Truth. Truth scares people to death. It makes them want to attack anyone that questions what they have spent a lifetime trying to justify. Imagine hating someone who has never done anything to you just because you are scared of them.

Want an example of what people are? Just look at the story of Jesus and the Jews...

Well, good luck to all. I wish you the best, no, I wish you HAPPINESS. In Truth, happiness and peace is all that matters in life. But, to those haters of the world, money, RVs, 4x4s, "stuff" won't bring you happiness or peace. The journey might, but I doubt it.

Good bye to all. See you on the road somewhere.



Well, time for me to leave this forum again. I honestly can't handle people for very long. I wanted to let people know what became of me so I came back to do so. But, I am NOT here to justify my lifestyle to anyone. You would be amazed how many people get rude, angry and even dangerous when they are confronted with Truth. Truth scares people to death. It makes them want to attack anyone that questions what they have spent a lifetime trying to justify. Imagine hating someone who has never done anything to you just because you are scared of them.

Want an example of what people are? Just look at the story of Jesus and the Jews...

Well, good luck to all. I wish you the best, no, I wish you HAPPINESS. In Truth, happiness and peace is all that matters in life. But, to those haters of the world, money, RVs, 4x4s, "stuff" won't bring you happiness or peace. The journey might, but I doubt it.

Good bye to all. See you on the road somewhere.


Sorry to see you leave. I am richer for the experiences and advice you provided in your various posts. I might never do anything the way you have. That is not the point. Thank you again, I have learned a lot and there is no such thing as useless knowledge.

Best travels and health for the new year! :) Peace.


I hope you didn't feel that I judged you in any way. I do things that some people feel are strange. Get off of work on a Friday afternoon. Throw gear in a vehicle and disappear for a few days. Drive to Alabama to ride the bike in the Trail of Tears event. Head out to Moab by myself for several days. Even just driving a few miles East of my house to camp in the Pawnee National grasslands for days. All I ask for is a beer and a book.
If you are ever in my area, feel free to park your truck in my yard, It wouldn't be the first time people have done this.

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