Winter Biking Above Arctic Circle - N Scandinavia


Time again for another adventure. It's a short one this time, but it won't be lacking in adventure I'm quite sure - a 3 week winter biking (the pedal sort that is) and camping tour from Kiruna to Tromso in northern Scandinavia. Setting off in 2 weeks.... very excited about it and just a little apprehensive. Pedalling in +30C I'm quite comfortable with, -30C could be quite another matter!!

Well, pre-trip blog post if you're interested is here:
Winter Bike Tour Countdown - FTO-Day Minus 15


FTO-Day Minus 1: Very Excited... this time tomorrow I'll be with my bike in Kiruna, northern Scandinavia.

All packed and ready to go:

And just for fun - my personal favorite style for wearing the buff is the ninja bandit one:


Hi Helen,

If you are going for 3 weeks we may well cross paths. Kiruna is exceptionally cold this year but it should warm up a little heading northwest.

Do you know what roads/route you will be traversing? E10/E6/E8?

We will be on the E6 for most of our leg to Nordkapp. In that particular area on the 7th/8th Feb.

Keep your eye out for 3x Land Rovers :D



Hi Helen,
Do you know what roads/route you will be traversing? E10/E6/E8?
We will be on the E6 for most of our leg to Nordkapp. In that particular area on the 7th/8th Feb.
Keep your eye out for 3x Land Rovers :D

Not sure the numbers, but the route is here: route
We'll be on the E6 though between Alta and Tromso. Fly from Tromso 13th Feb so you'll probably pass us!
Stop and say hi if you see two cold cyclists... I doubt there'll be many others biking so good chance it'll be us!


Not sure the numbers, but the route is here: route
We'll be on the E6 though between Alta and Tromso. Fly from Tromso 13th Feb so you'll probably pass us!
Stop and say hi if you see two cold cyclists... I doubt there'll be many others biking so good chance it'll be us!

ar, I see. Not direct then! In that case you will be cycling toward us. I think we overnight in Alta on the 8/9th.

PM me if you want to exchange numbers. Not sure what you have in the way of back-up but sometimes its good to have someone in the area :)



4 days in of biking and camping and now thawing out in an abandoned hut. Planning a night in hotel tomorrow to dry things out.... Good stuff but not enjoying the frozen toes and fingers!

G - I'll pm my no. Do stop if u see us! It's rather quiet on the bikes all day!


good luck on your continued bike ride; looking forward to the final summary once you're safely back and thawed


New member
Those are some awesome pictures. Looks like a hell of a time!

How'd the fingers and toes fare?

Must have been really peaceful and quiet in the winter by bike. I don't know about you, but when I'm pedaling I demand (and maintain) a silent bike... and I'm guessing you do too. No sound at all...

Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
Very impressive. And I am from Quebec, and used to ride my bike to work in the winter...and felt on ice/slush many times...



More photos from the trip - Photos from a Winter Bike Tour

I've also written up some tips and lessons learned about the clothing I used - Clothing Advice and Lessons Learned

How'd the fingers and toes fare?.
I still have them all :) toes got cold sometimes and cycling didn't help to warm them up but it's no problem as you just walk around a while or go for a little jog. Fingers were fine as I had plenty of gloves (tended to only need one pair but spares were handy when they got wet and froze).


are you planning anything similar this winter?

Only just saw this... yes!
SIBERIA. 3 months. Starting end Jan 2014. Up Lake Baikal, to Yakutsk, along Road of Bones part way, then up the Kolyma River on ice roads to the north coast at Cherskiy... well, something like that. The only thing I can truly guarantee is that it will be very cold!
Take On Asia - Winter

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