Roof top tent - DIY - Scratch build


New member
These DIY builds are so awesome. I am finally in the position to start my build. It's going to be a trailer roof top tent instead of a vehicle one, but going on a lot of the same principals as these.


New member
Quick Questions

Great looking build! I'm on my way to building a 2nd one because I think I over-built the first one (didn't fully trust the plywood). I made a 7x7 platform and just put a normal tent on top. Only thing was that it weighed closer to 150lbs. On this new build I'm planning, I'm going with a similar idea (platform and tent that's 5x8 open) but cutting weight and still making it safe.

Here are my questions:
I will be using 3/4" marine grade plywood as the base, how much weight can that stuff actually tolerate? Its going to be 2 people on it so around ~400-450lbs with gear.
Did you treat the wood with anything additional?
What did you use to attach the RTT to the roof rails?
How confident were you with the strength of the hinges?

Thank you!


New member
Bump. Looking forward to seeing how your build come out. Ive been considering building a RTT. But not really sure yet. From what I see so far on this thread I'm strongly considering it now. Thanks. Construction of the actual tent / fabric is my biggest concern though. Have thought about putting an already made tent on top of the platform. Folding of the tent could be a problem though. Anyone tried this ?


New member
Bump. Looking forward to seeing how your build come out. Ive been considering building a RTT. But not really sure yet. From what I see so far on this thread I'm strongly considering it now. Thanks. Construction of the actual tent / fabric is my biggest concern though. Have thought about putting an already made tent on top of the platform. Folding of the tent could be a problem though. Anyone tried this ?

Hey, I actually did one with a platform and a tent on top. Here's the thread:


New member
So I'm not sure if this is off-topic, but I looked and this thread and similar ones for inspiration, because I wanted to build a cheap alternative to a standard rtt, and I think I was pretty successful. I have had a few trips with it so far, and have improved it to where I am happy with the result. Here's a photo of it open:IMG_4941.JPG
And here's one of it closed and with the old cover on:
So anyway, I bought a double cot tent on amazon, pulled all the legs off, and welded 2 brackets to replace the middle legs, after ensuring it didn't need additional support on the sides. I can bolt these brackets to the topper-cage thing I built for my bed, and can take it on and off by myself in about 10 minutes. I then bought a ladder after deciding I had enough with climbing up my tailgate into the tent, especially after a few too many drinks. The ladder bolts on with the same U-bolts I use to attach the tent to the truck, and the ladder supports the side when you climb in. Another note on the sides, they are mostly self-supporting. They do droop a bit if you get all the way on the side (I weigh 175lbs), but the tension the tent has makes it want to fold back in, which is why the tent comes with these straps that you keep the sides down tight with, so you can get away with not building supports of some kind or using a ladder. I had been using the carrying bag that the tent came with as a cover, with one of the large sides cut out so I could slide it over. This worked OK for a while, but it clearly wasn't made to be weatherproof, and started getting holes faster than I could seal them. I am just now finishing up the new cover I made with PVC fabric, and I'll add some pics when I get that done. Another thing I discovered is that you do want a camp mattress in there if there are two people sleeping in the tent, because the cot bottom tightens on both sides of the center rail and isn't very comfortable. To sum up the project, I made a pretty solid roof tent for under $400, and it probably is the lightest roof tent I know of. Let me know if I forgot to mention anything or if you have any questions about how I made it.

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