Conqueror Conquest Battery Charger Issues


New member
Has anyone had any issues with their onboard charger. I had my trailer pluged in via the shoreline to charge the battery and for some reason the battery charge breaker was flipped off after some time, and now it will not stay on. Possibly the breaker is bad, or an issue with the charger itself. Any suggestions or thoughts, any solutions. Thanks, Jon

Dendy Jarrett

Expedition Portal Admin
Staff member
I too suffer from the onboard electronics syndrome with the Conquest.
Leaving the best battery on the market (in my opinion) hooked up to shore power has resulted in a battery that won't hold a charge when charged via the onboard charger for more than half a day.

I turned the onboard charger off when at home and use a battery tender (sears brand) to keep the battery topped off.

Not sure what I plan on doing. Possibly gut the electronics and go with a national luna system or the like.

Just haven't decided yet.


PS: There have been some threads on here as to the position of the wires being rubbed through to the bare wire where the wire passed through grommet locations. Perhaps you have something that has done this and shorting the breaker? Or your ground has come loose?
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New member
Thanks for the info, I will check my ground. I have pulled the panel out, I will look for some bad wires. Good luck with your electrical problem. I like the national luna system, which is what I might just go to. Thanks, Jon
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lost on the mainland
posted a bit ago that I had major issues like its burnt up and not working at all !!!!! the charger part I should say the switches still work

long stays we use a generator never had issues ? a bit ago though we were out hooked it up about half hour later smoke started pouring from the nose cone !!!!!

so yeah going to do my own setup from scratch decided and use some marine stuff :)

the guy who builds them did say replace the fans every few years so good to know ;)


New member
Hey Honu, Thanks for the info. It seems like my fans are good. I still need to investigate further to see what the real issue is, but it sounds like the on board charger is just shot? But while I have it apart, I think I will go ahead and replace the fans. I may just break down and take it to a local RV repair place and see what they can do. I wanted to do a few outings before it got real cold here; which will be before I know it. Thanks.


New member
Just went through this a few weeks charger went bad, and ruined an Odyssey 1750 for me. Circuit breaker was fine, the charger they put in there is an old design, creates a lot of heat, and (as we know) impossible to get factory parts for... I took the panel out, replaced the on board charger and associated electronics with a marine grade smart charger (10A). It takes some fishing around in there to figure out the wiring... result is panel looks stock, same lights, charge indicator...but I have a solid state waterproof reliable charger behind there.

As a side-note. Anyone who wants to wire a 110V outlet into their trailer, connected to the AC breaker behind the panel is a spare pig-tail that is wired directly into the 40A breaker and is hot when the shore power and breaker is connected. It has the Conqueror plug, so you have to change that, but an easy way to gain 110V service without an inverter..if you have some power where you happen to be...


New member
Hello, Thanks for the information, it will really help out. I have not had much time to look at the panel. Where exactally is the charger at within the panel?


New member
The charger really consists of two pieces inside, there is a big step-down transformer on the right side (as you look at it from behind), and a fan cooled charge controller circuit board on the left lower section. These two sections can be removed, and you can wire your new charger in-place of these. The wiring is pretty simple, there is a 110 input side, and a 12V output side, pretty easy to replace if you just take your time. If I get a chance, I can diagram the wiring for you and get some photos.


New Charger

I would love to see a quick schematic with a few pictures, I am not a sparky and mine has the same problem
What make of charger did you select


New member
DueNorth, a wiring diagram and photos would be great. That would relly help out and more than likely save me some $$$. Thanks.

Dendy Jarrett

Expedition Portal Admin
Staff member
Due: Where have you been all our Conqueror life!!!!!
Seems we are all having the same issues.
Would love a DYI with list of supplies and sources!

Did you ever sell your G4?



SE Expedition Society
My wires rubbed through and shorted the transformer somewhere before New Mexico on my trip out to Overland Expo. Luckily I had also brought the Sears smart charger with me.

I finally gutted the old system Saturday and bought a marine charger. I figured out the circuitry like Duenorth but decided to pull everything out instead. It won't look as spiffy but all that crap is heavy and I feel like simplifying and lightening the load.
I'll wire it back up next weekend.
When I was going through the wiring on my Compact, I pulled the power unit out, changed quite a few things around on in, re-soldered a few things, insulated a few others. I replaced one of the fans.

These units generate a tremendous amount of heat in proportion to the amount of power they produce.

I rewired the entire trailer and changed around a some of the circuitry. Added a digital meter to the front panel so I could tell what the battery voltage was at at glance.

I figured I would just run it until it died and then replace the guts with a 10 amp marine grade unit.

The modern solid state units are a lot more efficient and generate a little less heat.

I also added an auxiliary fuse panel for 3 additional circuits for lighting, water pump, and so forth.

One of these days I'll get around to posting a few pictures up.

It turned out pretty nice and so far I'm happy with it.


New member
D: Sorry for the delayed response, I'll get you a list of what I used; wired up the GFCI this past weekend, nice to plug in the trailer, have 120V, and not have have to use an inverter or generator...

I did sell my G4, worked out pretty well, but I have to admit I do miss it. Finding my next favorite Rover now...:elkgrin: Know anyone with a Diesel 109?


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