RR/LR3/4 EAS Front and Rear Valve Block Rebuild with Pictures!


Have 2 kits coming across the pond for the centre and rear blocks.

Struggled to find anything here for the blocks and the £72 cost is way cheaper than the £127 for rear and £160 for centre blocks.

Shall get rebuilding them when they arrive.
Why not do the center transfer block also? Looks like the O-ring kit should work for that one also.

That's the plan.......I knew my front block was the issue so it was a critical fix at the time because both front bags were sagging equally over night. The rear and center blocks are next as well as the compressor kit. Parts are on the shelf!


New member
This is an excellent resource with excellent instructions for a rebuild that might seem intimidating the first time. I’d like to add a couple notes to help everyone out:

1) don’t use vaseline. It is petroleum based, which may weaken the rubber o-rings and plastic body. Silicone or Teflon based lubricant would be preferable.

2) rebuild your compressor at the same time. If your block is leaking, it’s probably because the old silica in the dryer has broken down into a white sand-like powder and made its way down the lines into your valve block. If you only rebuild the block, it will happen again. I just rebuilt a front block that the previous owner of my LR3 put on my truck THREE MONTHS AGO for this reason. That’s a pretty quick failure for a new block! If you do the compressor at the same time, you can blow air through the lines to clear out any broken down silica, and address the cause by replacing the silicone the compressor, preventing another failure soon down the road.

3) do the middle block at the same time, too. For the same reason.


I’d add one more thing—there are two compressor rebuild kits. One with just some o-rings and another with additional seals, new desiccant, and new mechanical bits. I rebuilt my three valve blocks and did a small-kit compressor rebuild and gallery seems to be not holding well so going to rebuild with the big compressor kit.

I don’t recall the sources for the compressor rebuild kits but can dig them up if there’s interest.
Great comments from all; on the West Coast, I get all my parts from BP of Utah because they are awesome, cheap, and ship crazy fast. Everything you need is a website or phone call away for these guys to source (if its not on the site, just call them and tell them what you need).


Well-known member
Great right up, found this and ordered three kits from BP Utah. My rig is at 232K miles with the original blocks, so I'd say it's time to overhaul them, just in case. No sagging though...

Anyone familiar with an AMK compressor rebuild kit? Seems there are plenty of Hitachi options. I have replaced the desiccant...


New member
Hello, new member here. Thanks for the write up! Just completed this project this morning on my 2011 LR4, front end had been sagging. The pictures and descriptions were super helpful!


Anyone familiar with an AMK compressor rebuild

I was told by Lucky8 that the AMK compressors are not rebuildable. Which sucks. I just bought a new rear valve block due to even rear sag (75k miles). It had a ton of dirt in it. I was really have a tough time trying to put the two parts together that rotate with new orings. The o-ring kit I got also seemed sub-par and I was just nervous it wouldn't hold air.. so i just bought the replacement. I hope it was just dirt and the compressor drier is ok... since I can't rebuild it.

I haven't seen much out there for failed AMK compressors, so I am hoping this will be enough for now. I do want to figure out if its possible to keep dirt out of the rear block though... it was filthy.

@mbwesner if you want to send me your old one and allow me to use the kit from BP Utah, I'll rebuild it for you on parts cost and shipping and send it back to you.

Up to you, PM if interested.


Well-known member
I was told by Lucky8 that the AMK compressors are not rebuildable. Which sucks. I just bought a new rear valve block due to even rear sag (75k miles). It had a ton of dirt in it. I was really have a tough time trying to put the two parts together that rotate with new orings. The o-ring kit I got also seemed sub-par and I was just nervous it wouldn't hold air.. so i just bought the replacement. I hope it was just dirt and the compressor drier is ok... since I can't rebuild it.

I haven't seen much out there for failed AMK compressors, so I am hoping this will be enough for now. I do want to figure out if its possible to keep dirt out of the rear block though... it was filthy.

Yea, the AMk's are not rebuildable. You can only replace the desiccant and a couple o-rings. In the end I replaced the AMK compressor with one from Arnott since they have a lifetime warranty and I had just replaced all four airbags with new Arnott's. 3 of the 4 airbags were original with 232K miles haha.

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