Scott Brady
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  • Hello Scott, I really enjoy the site!!Back in 2006 you made a post with pics in the sierra madre, your notes spoke of two raramuri girls a stream and a cabin, I was wondering if you had waypoints for this location? As my Wife and I are planning a 120 day journey of the Copper Canyon area. Any info you will provide would be much aprreciated. Tnank you in advance and kindest regards, Steve and Achara Meurer
    Hi scott,

    I know you tested the PIAA LP 570 for the magazine, Could you pm me or whatever I want to ask you about them.

    Scott can you please tell me what a fsw image is so that I can keep y post wthin forum guide lines?
    Can you please tell me what a fsw image is so that cankeep my posts within guidelines? Thanks, Chilli..
    Hi Scott - I'm interested in you G-wagen. Is it still available? Do you have any interior photos? Are there any issues with it? I'm at I'd love to know more about it!
    Jonathan Brown
    I've pushed two informational threads back to the top of the Alaska forum. Any chance you can make them stickies? I'd also be willing to serve as a moderator on that board if you need someone who is active in Alaska.
    Hi Scott - I'm looking for a definitive, trustworthy source for discussing a defender project. Someone with experience and a realistic perspective regarding imports, restorations, etc. Any names stand above the rest in your mind? I've posted a thread on the forum and while helpful at a certain level, ultimately you get what you pay for. Thanks for considering and kind regards.
    Hey Scott, I'm trying to get in contact with someone in your office about the journal. What's the best email address to use? Thx!
    Hey Scott.

    I am 44 and sitting and waiting to go into my MBA class and I keep coming back to the expedition portal and possible employment opportunities in this field. Sales, business development, operations. Something to connect work and passion.

    What is the best email for you? I have a question about overland employment opportunities and where to look? Advice, etc.

    Thank you,

    Scott, I'd like to get your take on the best way to present an upcoming trip report on a rather adventuresome journey just completed in the Northeast with a number of ExPo members. If interested, please PM me.

    Hey Scott - Shoot me a PM when you get a minute. Have a TV opportunity that I would very much like to discuss with you. Have a great night!
    Scott, can you expand on your understanding of the disparity between spring rates/capacities between the NAS trooper and foreign versions of the trooper/Jackaroo?

    Is there an OME spring available that mimics that uprated capacity?

    Also, would you recommend the footwell tank that you mention in the Brute thread for my trooper? I think that would be a very good option for me to keep water low and centered, but I'm reluctant to drop the coin if it won't fit, or is cumbersome, or has seal/leakage issues.
    I am in the process of buying a g320, can you tell me the pros and cons of this vehicle? I know about , brabus motor/rebuild, just wondering how you feel with it at less hp. Do the ac work for you out in the az desert? I live in florida, so I need to know if the g320 ac is up to snuff?
    I am going to copy your g color scheme, except in white plastidip!
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