2014 Mitsubishi Fuso FG 4x4 Overland Camper - Auction Live $125K No Reserve

I hope either the auction skyrockets or you can hold onto it a bit longer. Expo East is only 4 months away and the rig might garner a higher price after so many people see it in person.


Active member
No Reserve????
I tried to place a bid.
I've bought a few cars off Ebay with no reserve.
That means highest bid wins?
If starting bid is 145,000.00 it not a NO RESERVE?
I wish you well for your health and good luck with the attempts to sell. However out of sheer curiosity and for the benefit of any would be buyers... Your earlier auction had a bid at 120,000 but the reserve was not met. Any reason why you choose not to accept that offer and restart the auction
I wish you well for your health and good luck with the attempts to sell. However out of sheer curiosity and for the benefit of any would be buyers... Your earlier auction had a bid at 120,000 but the reserve was not met. Any reason why you choose not to accept that offer and restart the auction
Hi LibertyRenegade,

The answer is purely economics... I am looking for at least $145K, now.

If I can get at least that number now, I have other opportunities I can act on now.

Like all things in life, there's a trade off.

I see that as a win, win... for the buyer and myself.

IMHO, this rig is worth much more than what I am asking. I don't believe this rig could be built for anywhere near what I am asking for it... even if you did all the work yourself.

So, I don't get the amount I feel is extremely fair now... then why sell it? That would be "win/lose" and who wants that?

My previous auction generated a lot of interest, and I had many people reaching out asking what the reserve was...

This no reserve auction is just about as transparent as you can get. This is the bottomline number I am looking for, today.

I hope this adds some clarity! :)


I think people are saying a "no reserve auction" usually means the starting price is $0 or quite low. By staring the auction at $145k, you're setting a reserve.
I think people are saying a "no reserve auction" usually means the starting price is $0 or quite low. By staring the auction at $145k, you're setting a reserve.

Well, I am not sure what to say here... it sounds like some folks have some "hard and fast" rules about what they consider a "no reserve" auction.

Personally, I was raised attending wholesale auto auctions as a kid... I have witnessed hundreds of auctions... most of my personal vehicles have been purchased at auction.

All auctions have an opening bid... and most have reserves... these are independent attributes of an auction.

Regardless of the reserve, there is always an opening bid.

To state that a "no reserve" auction would require a zero dollar opening bid, just simply doesn't translate in reality. Especially, when you are dealing with large ticket items... cars, real estate, etc...

The benefit of a "no reserve" auction to a buyer, is significant and very simple: If you bid, and your bid prevails, you will with 100% certainty purchase the item at your bid price.

My opening bid is $145K, which if you ask me... is "quite low"... I've shaved $40K off the price I was looking for.

Like I stated before: this is as transparent as you can get. :)
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“I have recently been offered a career opportunity that take us to the east coast for the next 2-5 years, and we cannot bear the idea of this rig sitting in storage for such an extended period of time,”

“Prior to hitting the road full-time... my wife and I lost our oldest child and I had to undergo two brain surgeries (to remove parts of a tumor that is still there).”

“I have recently been offered a career opportunity that take us to the east coast for the next 2-5 years”...

“If I can get at least that number now, I have other opportunities I can act on now.”

I don’t know you or your situation. I am very sorry to hear of the loss of your child. Nothing worse in life IMO.

If the issue is one of your own health, I am sorry to read that it causes you to sell a dream vehicle.

If, on the other hand, it’s career opportunity, we all know that in life it’s better not to let them pass by or regret often follows.

If it is something else, like you have decided it doesn’t fit your lifestyle, who are we, the internet minions, to argue such a point.

My point in sharing all this in the true hopes of you having a successful sale is that most of us minions in computer land look for consistency when looking to purchase a product on the north side of one hundred large.

For reasons we don’t need to have justified, the first EBay listing didn’t meet your criteria. It’s up and available again and I wish you the best of luck in selling it. Having been looking at Fuso’s for some time this caught my eye. However when I read what appears to be discrepancies in the advertising, my NY background kicks in and the cynical eye pops out of my forehead. If the stories don’t jive, am I missing something else? It’s an ugly eye to be sure and not one I like to acknowledge publicly.

That shared, as it was you who first started to explain the reason(s) for the sale, it may help your cause to clarify which reason (or maybe all of them) are/is the one.

Again, this is not to suggest you are not being anything but upfront with us, perhaps it is just my third eye and error is my own that misreads the thread.

In all candor, GLWS.


Brandon, what have you done/changed since owning it to justify the $185k, now $145k? I know you said you made it more useable for our-season.

Where did you get your MSRP figure of $189k? You put in $40k more? So $229k?


New member
I'm sorry about your problems of past and future and will say a special "PRAYER" for you - both! God bless and may the best doctors in the world help you get well.

I assume the FG is sold?


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