Avoid Steve Christy Jeep Tucson Arizona.


New member
They are not MOD friendly on Warranty issues!

The front U-joints walloed out the ears on the short shafts on my Jeep..2006 Jeep with 18,000 on it purchased by me from Steve Christy Jeep Tucson Arizona.

Second new car purchased by me from that dealer.

My Jeep is modified and I would never bring it in for warranty work on something my lift or larger tires caused.

Jeep makes the outer shafts weak on there vehicles, and most dealer do not have an issue covering it for replacement on modified vehicles since this issue happens on non modified Jeeps as well.
Here is the 2007 JK with the same issue as mine, He is fixing it on the trail by welding the caps on the ujoints:


The *****hat owner at Steve Christy Jeep voided my warranty and refused to fix my Jeep. (found out this is just a scare tactic)

The issue is the gap in this picture....Its wallowed out the hole the ujoint cap goes in.
Here is a movie of the slop...right click and save:

I covered the Jeep in flyers at the dealer in front of the owner and proceeded to drive around the dealership for an hour, the owner finally came out and flipped me off.

I made a larger sign and protested out front this eve for a couple of hours....its amazing how many people will stop on a busy road to chat with a crazed white guy with a sign.





It makes me feel better to do this....I no longer expect anything from the sh!tstain of a dealer.

Its amazing how many people stop to talk with a crazy man with a sign.

Yeah I was amazed people stopped cars in the street to chat with me.

A cop slowed to read the sign and just waved.

Lots of honks and waves.

One guy used my camera to snap the pic for me.

I was offered coffee and Cigs.

Two high school kids hung out and chatted for about a half hour.



And yes my ***** Hurts.

UPDATE Morning after the protest.

Steve Christy called and ask me to stop protesting in front of the Dealership.

Offered me the warranty work.

I told him that I did not want his dealership working on my Jeep but will accept the parts so I can fix it myself.

After that I will never do business with him again.

It should not have taken me protesting in front of the dealership to get him to do the right thing!

They had to order the parts for the front axle....along with the relay for my intermittent wiper.

Just got off the phone with parts.....Steve Christy does not want me on the property so they are going to deliver them.
Hey Chris man I feel your pain I really do. My first Land Rover did not warranty the Valves on a 100k warranty when they blew apart at 60K miles because they did not consider the VALVES and shafts a lubricated part lol

But you must learn to live with the things you can't rise above my friend :cool:


Expedition Poseur
Unfortunately, larger tires on a vehicle is a very valid reason to not honor a warranty on axle shafts. The amount of torque required to turn the tire has been increased beyond what the factory designed. Is this a very common problem on the TJ? Absolutely. Should they fix it under warranty on a modified vehicle? Gray area, yes, this is a known problem, but it is a modified vehicle. Should they try the "your warranty is now void" line of BS? No, they should stop feeding people this line of crap, as you and I both know it is illegal.

But if you think Steve Christy is bad, go over the Jim Click sometime. They tried to tell me my sticking theromstat wasn't covered because I drove my jeep across the desert (I-10) during the summertime, and it put too much load on the cooling system.


That my friend is priceless. Good for you for pushing back and excersing your rights as a consumer and citizen!! Fcking bastard $tealerships.

your response to their b/s is one of the funniest and most effective i've ever seen. good on ya :beer:, and hope the new parts work out.


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