Baja California (Norte), January 2016...just us and our amigo, "El Niño!"


We had a wonderful night at Jardine's. The hot showers felt incredible. Kristal and I kept our drinks to a minimum (like 12 each). It rained most of the night and the roads showed it. I didn't care, I like the mud!

Our next night would be in Ensenada at the San Nicolas Hotel. So we headed north and tried to stay off the guardrails.

The farther north we went, the more we were reminded of how good we have it.

The San Nicolas is another great hotel with a hot tub, pool, restaurant, and some bizarre paintings on the walls.

And boy did it ever rain that night! We decided to stay another night.


Final leg of the trip.

I expect this will be getting an upgrade soon!

We saw these guys down in Bay Of LA earlier in the trip...It was funny to see them in line at the border!

Border patrol agents must have to pass a jerk test before getting hired. They are usually the most power tripping government officials you'll ever meet. Always watch your P's and Q's around them...and don't ever make jokes. Only they are allowed to make jokes. Luckily for us these guys were cool and asked to use our van to help train a new dog.

One of the officers placed something under one of the fenders and another officer had the dog sniff it out. It was a cute dog. We like dogs.

A good dog deserves a treat! (works with girlfriends too...just sayin)

Then another dog found it...

Another treat. About now, I'm REALLY hoping they took the bait off our van!

The first question the border patrol agent asks after he takes our passports is, "Do you have anything to declare, any drugs or weapons on you or in your vehicle?"
I reply, "No sir!"
He says, "What about that bag of drugs I saw somebody plant on your van?"

I wanted to slap him but I "LOL'd".

Thank you very much for reading my trip report! I'll try to get caught up on my last 2 Utah trips, but we are going to Baja again in January! Lots to do!


My van couldn't hang with your van in a lot of those places. But I have driven it to a lot of those same places. The trip out to San Borja is fun. Where's that natural arch? PM me to keep it on the down low. Let me know if you get up to Central Oregon sometime. Cold beer waiting.


My van couldn't hang with your van in a lot of those places. But I have driven it to a lot of those same places. The trip out to San Borja is fun. Where's that natural arch? PM me to keep it on the down low. Let me know if you get up to Central Oregon sometime. Cold beer waiting.

Have you ever aired down to 10 (or 12) psi in your van? I've always been really amazed at what that does not only for bumps and rocks, but sand and mud. It looks like the tires will come off the rim but I haven't had that happen yet.

When you went to San Borja, did you continue west until you hit the pavement? That was a fun trip!


how was the temperature in january in baja california

The weather in Baja can change pretty quickly as storms come and go that time of year. I've been in snow storms up at Laguna Hanson and wearing shorts a day later down on the desert floor. It all depends on where you want to go!

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