Cut off shorts


Expedition Leader
What is better than turning your favorite broken in jeans into cut off shorts?
The wife just caught me stitching up a pocket that blew out yesterday on my favorite cut offs and it got me to think.
Who still wears them and if not why? Are they out of style and looked down apon? My go too shorts are the cut offs. If you want the best quick dying belt for swimming then paracord or better yet an old shoe lace. I love them.



Middle Income Semi-Redneck
Cutoffs for chores around the house. No sense buying something when I can extend the life of otherwise worn out pants. But in public, are you crazy?


SE Expedition Society
I'm not into metal. Up until today I thought a motorhead was somebody who could tear down and rebuild an engine...
The guy looked like BillyBob Thornton after a bad weekend to me.


I'm not into metal. Up until today I thought a motorhead was somebody who could tear down and rebuild an engine...
The guy looked like BillyBob Thornton after a bad weekend to me.

Me and Hilldweller may not agree on having to wrap your toes around a clutch pedal to drive off road, but I'm with him on this. The dude looked like a parody of a nightmare in a B biker flick


Active member
I wore a pair of linen/cotton pants that I'd cut into shorts for years until they gave up the ghost this summer. I bought the pants at Goodwill with the intent to cut them off. I liked the leg width on pants vs the more voluminous shorts of the time.

I did so the cut edge though so you couldn't really tell they were cutoffs unless you looked at what a half ass job it was.


With so many 'real' shorts available why would you do it? Even the thrift stores sell shorts, so even if you are frugal like me you can get them. If you are going to cut pants, hem them. It ain't that hard.

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