Expedition One Rear Bumper


I checked on the buckstop rear Dual swing out bumper with a built in winch mount... $4000.000 plus shipping with a 6 week lead time.

$2250 for the base bumper with single swing out. $1750 for a second swing and winch mount seems excessive.


I could be wrong though. Lets think about it.... lololol
10' x 3' of mild steal 3/16 plate
30 minutes of table time (laser or water jet)
30 minutes of metal finish ( pre assembly)
2 sets of bearings, caps, grease, sleeves.
2 spindles
12' or 3"x5" box tubing
2 latch mechanisms
2' x 2' or 1/2" mild steel plate for reinforcement brackets
20 minutes of table time (laser or water jet)
10 minutes of metal finish ( pre assembly )
2 hours of table / assembly/welding time
1 hour of metal finish
$60. to ship to local for powder coat
$200. for powder coating
$60 to ship back to shop

I suppose $4000. seems reasonable is we are functioning of off a 60% margin, that assumes employees are unionized with full benefits and a decent 401K. It is Oregon, and Medical has increased by something stupid there.

Actually, its probably more like Dynatrac, you sign a Government contract and all of a sudden you are doing so much business at a higher rate that it just does not make sense to be competitive, well, until someone else comes along and says they will sell a name brand axle set for, say, 25-30% less. Walla, now you have to sell an entry level package that is competitive if you don't want them to take all your business that you thought you had cornered. ;)

I don't blame people for wanting to make money, I just don't like it when they are sanctimonious and espouse a tight profit margin when clearly, that is a bunch of fecal matter... Can you imagine the ADD (Here at ................ we charge the absolute most we can until customers complain and sales slump, then we offer a 10% discount and gladly tell you to hurry, we can't sustain this sale for long!!! ) or ( Here at ............ we haven't bothered to proof our concept, why would we, theres a limited window of profitability and we aim to compensate for that by charging so much that our products become a limited run, that way you think your getting a great deal ). lolol OK, I'll stop now.


I got the email below today from Exped1,they seem to be responding faster.(y)
"They made a lot of progress on it this week. I really think we can beat the 6 weeks.
I should have a better idea by mid next week. Production knows its a priority bumper. I will keep you updated."
Exped1 did not get back to me last week.


Expd1 got back to me on 9/5/18.
"Good news it is coming along really good we are trying to finish it and get it off to powder coat this week then we should see it back the end of next week. Powder coat is taking 7 or 8 days to get it back to us.
It should not be a problem to change your order to aftermarket tire mount. I will make that change for you."


Active member
I have a 2009 f250 and was in the market for front and rear bumpers. I quickly realized that swing out rear bumpers for full sized trucks are very hard to find. I ended finding a company called Vice Designs out of Canada. They were awesome to work with and wanted my input on every aspect of the design. The bumpers turned out awesome. Just another option for you guys with full size trucks.


Maybe I can get this before Oct.
9/11/18 Email from Expd1
"Things are going well we are in the final stages it's getting powder coated so we should be getting it back soon. We will do our best to ship it next week. When it gets boxed up and we know its close to be shipped I will give you a call.
Thank you for your patience"


Maybe I will get it when shipping gets some foam.:rolleyes:
"Once it goes I will send you the Tracking number. It should go out any day."

"I spoke to shipping about your order and found that it didn't get shipped yet because they ran out of our spray foam last week but it should get here at any time. I just wanted to verify the tires and rims you are running. Are your rims a positive offset or negative? What size of tire are you running?
We want to make sure you will get the correct tire mount."

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